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The Spawn of Satan likes to dine under the Golden Arches....

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  • #31
    The 'mother' needs a good smack to the head. She is going to be on Maury one day with a bratty, been to juvie, teen and cry "BUT I HAVE NO IDEA HOW HE GOT LIKE THIS!!11!!"

    My DD is five and sure as heck knows better than to behave like that.


    • #32
      I had a McDonald's birthday party when I was 5. Best party EVAR.

      Don't care for it too much these days, though. I'd rather have Burger King.
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #33
        Stories about SOS kids make me want to get my tubes tied--thankfully, there seem to be enough of your-type kids to amke me put that off. For now.
        "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.


        • #34
          Well, I guess I am making myself seem old, but when I was a kid if I acted that way, I'd have been pulverized and anyone acting like that would have been tossed out of any place.

          Of course, back in those days, McDonalds was still thought of like a restaurant you know? As in, "let's go out to eat", just like a sit down restaurant, and the menu was pretty basic too!
          For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:

          Emphasis on Michigan area broadcasting, but ANYONE is welcome!


          • #35
            Fungus at my restraunt the women who work in the Play Place would have told his mother to make him behave or they would have banned him from playing.

