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Customer Got Angry with Me for Checking a Price

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  • Customer Got Angry with Me for Checking a Price

    Yesterday, a customer came up with an item and wasn't happy with the price. I told her that I needed to check the price and when she asked why I told her that I'm supposed to. I couldn't find the price and went to inform the customer and she was angry with me for going to check the price. It turned out that she wanted to return the item which she should've said in the first place. She even told me that it doesn't make sense to check the price. The customer even told me that she was going to report me to my supervisor for that.
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  • #2
    If she's buying the item, you need to check the price so you can charge her the correct amount.

    If she's returning the item, you need to check the price so you can refund her/credit her/whatever her the correct amount.

    This woman was simply S-T-O-O-P-I-D !!! I say don't worry about it, let her report you to your manager (yeah, like an SC is going to carry through on a threat)...what is your manager going to do? Bust you for doing your job?

    [deep breath]

    "I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind....I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind....I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind....I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind....I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind....I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind....I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind....I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind...."

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      Why the sad cry-face? I say.....don't worry. Unles you have a Hitler of a Supervisor, they will take no notice of this customers complaining about something so trivial.

      I am a supervisor (I hate it, but it is 30p more than min. wage ...yippie me...yeah right!)and I get people coming up to me everyday with trivial BS like this about different staff members. If I see that by telling the customer that the employee in question will get "a talkin' to" they will be satisfied and not spit in my face, then I tell them that to humor them. Then I go to the employee and we have a laugh about what a dumbass said customer is. If it is a complaint that is totally wrong, then I will argue with them to show them that they employee in question was "just doing their job". If it is a valid complaint (which this is not) then I either tell the employee (in a nice way) how to avoid it the next time or get the manager to deal with it.

      Don't for me!
      "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


      • #4
        Quoth Jester View Post
        I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind...."
        Agreed. It's much more satisfying if they can see you coming.
        Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette


        • #5
          Quoth WHShit View Post
          Don't for me!
          I go for more of an apathtic jaded feel

          but WHS is right purple, dont let nickpicky pathetic whiners ruin your day

          she sounds like a scammer who was going to "tell you" the price

          and your completely right, she should have told you she was returning in the first place. If your supervisor is any kind of decent human being he will totally ignore the complaints.
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            I've had people knowingly bring an item without a price to the register and then get all huffy when I called for someone in that dept for a price check.
            "How long is this gonna take?! I don't have time to stand here and wait!"

            I mean, I didn't have a list of prices conveniently shoved up my rear nor did I have all the prices of every single piece of merchandise memorized.
            How the heck else am I gonna get a price?

            (Calm down...retail days behind you...calm down...)

            "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


            • #7
              Quoth Jester View Post

              "I will not run down SC's in my truck from behind..."
              What are the SC's doing in your truck in the first place??
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #8
                I love when people come up to my register with a doll fully dressed. Baer, clothes, t-shirt, underwear, socks, boots, purse, eyeglasses, wig and a hat. ALL of the price tags are not on the doll.

                Luna: Do you have the price tags?
                SC: *gives me the DUH look* I threw them out.
                Luna: Well, I kinda need those to ring you up.
                SC: *sighs loudly* Well, this was $5, and this was $10...
                Luna: Ma'am...we don't just punch in prices, there are inventory barcodes on everything that must be scanned into the computer. (thinks to self - WTF do you think this is, Grandpa Joe's Goods store from 1920?) *sigh*

                Yes, we have almost 30 bears and probably 40 different shoes and maybe about 200 outfit and accessory combinations - and I'm suppossed to know the skus and prices for all of them?

                The thing that makes me mad - is every employee tells the customer how the whole making your toy works, and tells every customer if you dress it here - leave the tags on so we can ring it up. So they throw the tags out, and then get pissed when you have to run around the store gathering all the items with tags to bring up to the register to scan them all.

                As for the original poster, don't sweat it. *hugs*
                If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


                • #9
                  I had a guy come up once with a brown bag from the bakery. Now, the bakery sells all kind of sweet goodness. Doughnuts, pastries, muffins, bagels, cookies (yummmmy!). So, not being able to see through brown paper bags I ask a pretty standard question,
                  Me: (cheerfully) How many of what sir?
                  SC: I got one at .59 and two at .69.
                  Me: Ok, is the .59 a muffin, or a doughnut-
                  SC: I just told you! One at .59 and two at .69!
                  Me: Sir, I need to know what they are so I can ring it up under the right code. I can't just enter .59.
                  SC: (throws the bag on the counter) Fine, I guess you don't want my business!
                  Then he storms out of the store.
                  It was a bagel and two pastries. He was honest about the prices, but sheeesh. We have different codes for different bakery items. I have never had anyone get pissy about being asked what they have!

                  Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                  • #10
                    Quoth batmoody View Post
                    Me: Sir, I need to know what they are so I can ring it up under the right code. I can't just enter .59.
                    We didn't have scanners at the store where I worked, so we actually would have just entered .59.

                    We did, however, have a completely different problem -- produce that needed weighed but wasn't. We didn't have scales at the registers like a lot of other places do. The only scale was back in the Produce department, and people were supposed to get their stuff weighed there, and a label put on it. As you can probably guess, this did not always happen.

                    When someone brought up something without a label, we had to call someone up front to take it back, weigh it, and then bring it back with a label. Some customers would try to be helpful, I suppose, by telling me, "Oh, it's $x.xx a pound."

                    OK, without a scale, how does that help me at all?

                    The assistant manager told me that when someone does that, we should be able to hold it up, balance it in our hand, and say, "OK, that feels like about 20 pounds."
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

