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  • #16
    I hate, hate HATE last-minute customers!!

    I've become so acutely tuned-in to their hideously inevitable habit of arriving 5 minutes before closing that I now LOCK THE DOORS five minutes before closing! This goes against corporate rules but too bad --- let "corporate" experience these frustrating last-minute browz-o-matic time-wasting buy-nothings once or twice, and I'm sure the policy would change, PRONTO.



    • #17
      You know, I do feel sorry for retail workers when it's closing time and someone stays 5-10 minutes, even 15, after closing time.

      But, try being a waitress and have people come in at 2 minutes before closing time and then stay AN HOUR, OR EVEN TWO HOURS PAST CLOSING TIME.

      It is extremely frustrating because there is not much in the way of clean-up duties that we can do with customers still in the restaurant. We do what we can but then we sit and wait, and wait, and wait.

      Customers that linger over coffee, or want dessert, or even just sit and chat amongst themselves long after they have finished eating are just plain rude.

      Not only are they keeping the servers from cleaning up and going home, but also the cooks and the dishwasher.

      They just seem oblivious that they are overstaying their welcome. One of these days I would love to point it out to them....once I've given my two-week's notice when I'm ready to retire!!


      • #18
        Quoth Chattyaholic View Post
        You know, I do feel sorry for retail workers when it's closing time and someone stays 5-10 minutes, even 15, after closing time.

        But, try being a waitress and have people come in at 2 minutes before closing time and then stay AN HOUR, OR EVEN TWO HOURS PAST CLOSING TIME.

        My theory is that they know, but don't care. Have you ever noticed that the last-minute assholes are the worst tippers?
        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #19
          I kinda have to tell on myself here.

          A couple of years ago, two friends and I seriously overstayed at a restaurant. Like, an hour after they closed. No, we didn't do it intentionally; we were simply *that* engrossed in our conversation. I've never done that before or since, and as soon as we realized it, we were like " oh, shit! grab the purses and jackets, I'm so sorry, where's the check, I'm so sorry, scramble out of the booth, I'm *so* sorry . . ."

          And we left a 150% tip.

          So sometimes it's not intentional douchebaggery; sometimes it's a brainfart by someone who's normally a good customer. Sometimes.

          Mostly it's SC's, though.


          • #20
            Ahhh. Opening on Sundays. I know thee well.

            We have a huge blinky sign outside that states that we open at 6 am on Sundays. If people miss that, we have one on the drive thru menu board, but EVERY week, as I'm trying to assemble the shake machine or carrying a heavy bucket of tea to pour into the tea thing, someone knocks on the drive thru window, asking if we are open.

            I understand if you are color blind and can't see the red of our blinky sign (we should have it in orange or some BRIGHT color), but do have a sign ON THE MENU Board. And we have no food made up yet and they think they are so special and can get food. No. I'll get you a cup of coffee,tea, pop or parafait if you have exact change,though.
            "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

            I belly dance with tall Goblins!

