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Rubber Cheque Man

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  • #16
    Checks aren't always denied because of a lack of funds........the last time I tried writing one to Target, it wasn't accepted because I hadn't written checks for awhile, it was over $100 (asthma meds) and apparently whatever system they use flagged it as a "safety alert".


    • #17
      Quoth rerant View Post
      I don't understand why people use cheques. If the money is just being withdrawn from your account why not just pay with debit?
      I see no justifiable reason whatsoever for using a cheque in a retail environment.
      Because some places don't take Debit or Credit cards yet. STILL. Aggravating that.

      I pay my storage unit with a cheque. Need to do that today, actually. They won't deposit until the tenth, so I'll have money in there by then (Current balance at around 3.56$ ).
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #18
        the worst is when you work at a small family owned business
        and your paychecks bounce
        and you call to let them know
        so they tell you oops they put money in the business account but took it out before you had time to cash your check because they are juggling money between accounts to avoid overdraw fees
        so they'll take some cash from their personal account to pay you

        that's when you find a new job with a bigger company
        sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. - Kusanagi


        • #19
          I haven't written checks in forever. My rent and my one mailed in bill are done in money orders (free at my bank). Everything else is paid by debit. Checks are pointless to me.
          My dollhouse blog.

          Blog about life


          • #20
            Quoth KellyHabersham View Post
            I wish the company which owns my apartment complex was that lenient - I bounched a rent check (wasn't on purpose) back in late 2006, and I've not been allowed to pay my rent by check since.
            Do what my fiance and i do. Instead of writing a personal check for the rent, go to the bank and get a cashier's check made out to your landlord. When you do that they pull the money out of your account immediately, so you don't have to worry about the check bouncing.
            Last edited by katie kaboom; 07-02-2008, 08:29 PM.
            Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


            • #21
              Quoth loveisuneven View Post
              the worst is when you work at a small family owned business
              and your paychecks bounce
              and you call to let them know
              so they tell you oops they put money in the business account but took it out before you had time to cash your check because they are juggling money between accounts to avoid overdraw fees
              so they'll take some cash from their personal account to pay you

              that's when you find a new job with a bigger company

              That happened to me once at my last job. But the cause of it was, because it was not cleared in the account yet. That is the reason that they gave me and the owner
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #22
                Quoth Kali View Post
                That won't work. With visa debit, if you do not have the funds in the account, the transaction will be denied, even though the funds wouldn't come out straight away.

                I strongly suspect that this guy knew he didnt have the funds in his account but hoped to get them there before the cheque cleared, but it didn't happen for him.
                Actually I know that's not true, mainly cause I accidentally overdrew my account with my Visa debt card the other day.
                It also depends (at least in Oz) where you shop etc. Cause I've bought things before with money that doesn't exist in my account a tthe store (such as woolies), I however did transfer money in as soon as i realised this so it would be there.

                So maybe I cheated the system...i dunno....just talking from experience. But then again....I'm not saying he did have funds in his system, he probably didn't!! But I was offering a different opinion...
                every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people


                • #23
                  Quoth Kiarna View Post
                  I'm not saying he did have funds in his system, he probably didn't!!
                  If he did have the funds, the cheques wouldn't have bounced.


                  • #24
                    I meant that he didn't know he had funds in his account.
                    It is a possibility he thought he did.....but then again probably not!!
                    every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people

