Ohmygawd just went through AGONY. And I feel bad, but I think I took it out a bit on the people in the way.
So a bit of backstory. We canceled Comcast's service back in Feb when we moved to our new place. The lady at our store location said we were due a refund from overpayment or something, she wasn't sure. We were told to expect a check 6-8 weeks from then. Last month, I remembered this, noticed we didn't have said check, and called about it. A week later of phone tag with them, we're told to drive 45 minutes to the nearest location to get our check. No luck. Its a diff state's account, they say they can't do ANYTHING with it, even get a payment. More phone tag....and it turns out we apparently now have a balance OWED.
Of....drumroll please... $0.96
Tbh, the guy who told me this info finally sounded like he was quaking. I felt bad. I said a couple of jokes to try and calm him down. Now for what happened today.
Its bill paying day....I go to comcast's website to pay. Hm. They won't let me pay due to the fact my account is canceled. Okay...well the store here won't accept payments....lemme call up Comcast. <more phone tag for an hour ensues only to be told "use the phone payment system"> Phone payment system also denies me since my account is canceled.
And now, I'm cranky.
Me: I'm frustrated, tired, and nursing a colicky 3 week old while my toddler is in timeout for throwing stuff at the cat. Oh and I've been playing phone tag for hours.
CSDude: Poor poor guy....
Me: <explains story> Okay, now I'm so effing sick and tired of this. What the HECK do you guys expect me to do? I'm trying to pay you guys off, for crying out loud!
CSDude: Sorry to hear that, lemme have your account number and I'll look it up.
Me: <reels it off> Please, just do whatever. I don't want to pay an exorbitant fee to pay over the phone, and I don't want to ignore this and ruin my credit history.
CSDude: Okay, I see the balance. Ninety six cents. Holy cow...
Me: My thoughts EXACTLY. Now what?
CSDude: Two seconds. Okay...it's taken care of.
Like...um...wha...how...how do I pay? (this is taking a bit to settle in!)
CSDude: I nulled the charge. You don't owe anything.
So...that was it.
CSDude: Yep.
Me: All those hours. You fixed it. Just like that. That's it? (Did I mention a bit?)
CSDude: Yeeeep. Anything else?
Nope. Thanks. /click
I feel bad because a) I was fairly angsty toned when I first talked. And then I went all "DUUUURRRR" on him. I am just STILL so mad...all that time...we even DROVE...and all for ninety six cents that someone went <click!> and took care of?!
...Am I an SC?...
So a bit of backstory. We canceled Comcast's service back in Feb when we moved to our new place. The lady at our store location said we were due a refund from overpayment or something, she wasn't sure. We were told to expect a check 6-8 weeks from then. Last month, I remembered this, noticed we didn't have said check, and called about it. A week later of phone tag with them, we're told to drive 45 minutes to the nearest location to get our check. No luck. Its a diff state's account, they say they can't do ANYTHING with it, even get a payment. More phone tag....and it turns out we apparently now have a balance OWED.
Of....drumroll please... $0.96
Tbh, the guy who told me this info finally sounded like he was quaking. I felt bad. I said a couple of jokes to try and calm him down. Now for what happened today.
Its bill paying day....I go to comcast's website to pay. Hm. They won't let me pay due to the fact my account is canceled. Okay...well the store here won't accept payments....lemme call up Comcast. <more phone tag for an hour ensues only to be told "use the phone payment system"> Phone payment system also denies me since my account is canceled.
And now, I'm cranky.
Me: I'm frustrated, tired, and nursing a colicky 3 week old while my toddler is in timeout for throwing stuff at the cat. Oh and I've been playing phone tag for hours.
CSDude: Poor poor guy....
Me: <explains story> Okay, now I'm so effing sick and tired of this. What the HECK do you guys expect me to do? I'm trying to pay you guys off, for crying out loud!
CSDude: Sorry to hear that, lemme have your account number and I'll look it up.
Me: <reels it off> Please, just do whatever. I don't want to pay an exorbitant fee to pay over the phone, and I don't want to ignore this and ruin my credit history.
CSDude: Okay, I see the balance. Ninety six cents. Holy cow...
Me: My thoughts EXACTLY. Now what?
CSDude: Two seconds. Okay...it's taken care of.

CSDude: I nulled the charge. You don't owe anything.

CSDude: Yep.
Me: All those hours. You fixed it. Just like that. That's it? (Did I mention a bit?)
CSDude: Yeeeep. Anything else?

I feel bad because a) I was fairly angsty toned when I first talked. And then I went all "DUUUURRRR" on him. I am just STILL so mad...all that time...we even DROVE...and all for ninety six cents that someone went <click!> and took care of?!
...Am I an SC?...
