Quoth Megg
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A Never-Ending Love and other stories from Taco Hell
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"I call murder on that!"
I only slaughter the Names of businesses (on purpose of course)
Taco Bell becomes Toxic Smell/ Toxic Hell
Taco Time becomes Toxic Slime
Pizza Hut becomes Pizza Slut (My co-irkers did not have the best morals but their friends that hung around pizza hut were downright reckless/dangerous in their sex lives)
Little Ceasars = Little Sleazers
Dominoes = domin-HOes
HoHo gourmet (well... this one needed no alteration----My work is done)
Artic Circle = 9th circle (of hell) (Hey what happened to the Antarctic Circle?!)
Circuit City = Schmirkit Shitty
R.C. Willey = R we Silly (furniture/home store that charges exorbitant prices and credit card interest)
Sam's Club = Clam's sub
Best Buy = worst buy
Costco= Costly
walmart = Wallyworld (from national lampoon)
I have a bunch more but they don't really make sense or make fun of any names of stores and aren't really that amusing.You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.
Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose? http://s1.darkpirates.com/c.php?uid=40174
Quoth Norton View PostAt my last job, a lovely young goth couple purchased a few items. Total: $6.66. Funny thing is, I had been at that job for over two years at that point, and never had anyone purchase items totalling $6.66 before.(not a huge deal as I could do the math in my head, but annoying...that's not going to change the receipt)
"I am quite confident that I do exist."
"Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor
Quoth Megg View PostMy last day at Toxic Hell is tomorrow! HOORAY!!
I think the mispronunciation that gets on my nerves the most is how folks around here say Quesadilla. (Kay-suh-dilla) The L's are silent, dildoes, and just because we live in Idaho does NOT mean Napoleon Dynamite was a good movie. Yes, they mispronounce it on purpose. Then giggle. /sigh
Before my shift starts, if I am on the tills, I put a dime into my drawer out of my purse. The reason for this is two-fold. #1, I am lazy and hate counting 99 cents, and #2, if a total comes up $6.66 I can give them $x.35 back, effectively changing the number of the beast to 665.
I am so glad to be leaving this job. After 4 years, I am done.
The funniest mispronunciation I had was when we had the Chipolte Grilled Stuffed Burrito. This guy in DT actually ordered a "Chipoloto Burrito". So for the next few months someone would holler out "Marco!" and the rest of us would answer..."Chipoloto"
As for the $6.66 total. It cracks me up when I get it. I purposely read the total as "Your total is 6..6..6..first window please."
Ha! Your total is 6...6...6! That is the best!
One thing I won't miss is "Would you like your taco crunchy or soft?" "Yes."
I learned the hard way not to ask "hard or soft", unless I wanted to hear "hu-hu, I like it hard, don't you?"
I still channel Beavis and Butthead when someone orders Fire sauce, though. Some things will never change. "Fire, fire, cool, hu-hu-hu!""You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper
Quoth draftermatt View PostI read (or saw on TV) about the Taco Bell Sauce proposal.
Apparently this guy and his girl liked to take a Fire sauce with them every time they left a Taco Bell. So he had a special one made up with the help of the corporate offices or something.
But I can't find anything on Google about it
I kept it, and should still have it somewhere. Someone slipped that one through unnoticed. I've not seen another one, so I figured it was pulled quietly.
Kudos for anyone who gets it, but if you don't, let me know and I'll see if I can find a link for you. It will not be workplace safe though.
Eric the Grey
In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive