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SC comments translated....

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  • #31
    Oh I'll be right back, I just need to get something from my car!

    Meaning: a) I haven't got enough money; b) I've decided this whole bill is too damn expensive for my tastes, so I'm going to be leaving all this shit here for you to put away; c) both a and b; d) I really do have to go and grab something from my car, and will be back a.s.a.p.
    Thank goodness for those people who really are honest and mean to do d) and then do it! :P
    "Otherwise you are free to keep putting your hope in leprechauns, horseshoes and unicorn farts."-Gravekeeper


    • #32
      Oh I'll be right back, I just need to get something from my car!

      Just adding more thing, especially those who have a fradulent credit card or what not

      Meaning: I was caught red handed and thought i could pull a fast one on the cashier.


      • #33
        'With respect...'- I'm about to say something rude. But you can't get offended because I said 'with respect' first.

        'I'm on a fixed income'- It's enormous, but it's fixed. Give me a discount.

        'Are you sure that's right?'- You're stupid. Tell me what I want to hear.

        'What's your name?'- I'm going to ring back and complain about you unless you tell me what I want to hear.

        'Oh, I think you must mean ...'- You couldn't possibly know more than I do, even though it's your job.


        • #34
          "My kids will starve!" - "Mainly cuz I plan to spend their child benefit on beer and smokes, but I want you to feel bad about not letting me have a freebie."

          "But I'm in a hurry!" - "I still have plenty of time to stand here and bitch at you for not immediately jumping to attention and doing my bidding."

          "You're being rude." - "You're telling me no."

          "Competitor does it cheaper." - "Actually, there's no price difference at all, but I'm hoping you'll believe me and knock a few pounds off anyway."

          "Come on, you have time to put me thru before you go." - "How DARE you, a lowly peon, even think about going home when your entire life revolves around serving me?"

          "I didn't see the closed sign." - "I saw it, but ignored it."
          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
          My DeviantArt.


          • #35
            Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
            "I didn't see the closed sign." - "I saw it, but ignored it."
            No, sometimes, they really don't see it. Because they don't care if you are closed or not. They just want you to serve them, no matter what time it is. In fact, it could be a giant billboard they'd have to climb before getting in and they still wouldn't see it.
            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


            • #36
              Quoth RageAgainstTheManagement View Post
              Oh I'll be right back, I just need to get something from my car!
              I had a customer do this once. Said he needed to go get his wallet, and never came back!

              My strong suspicion is he really didn't want to spend the money for a phone. then!
              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


              • #37
                Here's some of mine:

                "But Nobody told me that" . . . I was too absorbed in my cell phone to listen to the last 3 employees who told me the same thing

                "But I saw this item at another Kitty" . . . I'm too lazy to go to the actual store I saw this item at to purchase it

                "But it's in your ad" . . . I'm too lazy to see which of the Wednesday grocery ads it actually was and think all chains should have the exact same items on sale at the same price each week because I'm spechuwl.

                "But I just bought it here a couple of weeks ago" . . . I'm too lazy to remember where it was I actually bought the item, even though you say you've never carried it.

                "But I've got money in my account" . . . I can't be bothered to keep track of my account balance and therefore my debit card shouldn't be declining. Or, alternatively I've overspent and maxed out my credit card but it should take anyway because I'm such a good customer.

                "I'm calling Corporate on you" . . . I've got nothing else better to do than to whine and moan because I have no life or friends or a hobby and my goldfish doesn't even talk to me.

                "The price on the sign said" . . . If I argue enough, you'll give it to me at the price I want so I'll go away. Doesn't matter that the price was for a completely different size or item . . . I want it and I want it now.
                Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                • #38
                  Quoth DesignFox View Post
                  I love all of those and they fit quite nicely into the cell phone business.

                  To add:

                  "But I never got the phone wet!" - Actually, I dropped it in the toilet, but I'm too embarassed to admit that, plus I don't feel like paying for a phone/was too cheap to sign up for insurance/don't want to pay the deductible.

                  Responsbility you say???? HAH!
                  Heh, thanks. Thing is i work in the Energy industry dealing with people who didn't pay their gas or electricity bill.

                  Sometimes there's a genuine reason, sometimes they just suck.

                  Guess SC's everywhere are absolutely identical. There must be a factory somewhere churning them out.


                  • #39
                    I just bought XXXXX here last week and I can't find it(and it your fault!)=I have not bought this item in years but you should still carry it for me!
                    I survived Christmas Retail I can survive Anything!!


                    • #40
                      Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                      "I looked for ages and I couldn't find it!" - "I walked a couple of yards and the item didn't fall from the sky into my outstretched hands."

                      "I only want one item!" - "Please ignore the fact that I am currently pushing a huge trolley and plan on filling it up to the brim if only you'll let me in."

                      "The supervisor said I could have it for free!" - "I am trying to scam you, and maybe the magic word 'supervisor' will ensure that you don't check up on my claim."

                      "But I've been waiting ages!" - "I have been waiting one milisecond, if that."
                      For all of those, "I couldn't find it"-I want you to do my shopping for me.
                      "I only want one item!"-I want someone open for me so I can have the five-star checkout experience.
                      "The supervisor said I could have it for free"-OK, again with the scam remark, but with all of these, I check with the supervisor first or I call them down. If supervisor OK's it, I do it, if customer complains, I know they're trying to scam me :P

                      "But I've been waiting ages!"-yeah all of 5 seconds and I have a life as opposed to you high-school dropouts (yeah and you have an IQ of 50 you bitch!)


                      • #41
                        (fake concerned voice) "Wow, are you working all by yourself today?"

                        Translation: "You mean I have to WAIT MY TURN for service?"


                        • #42
                          Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                          Oh I'll be right back, I just need to get something from my car!

                          Just adding more thing, especially those who have a fradulent credit card or what not

                          Meaning: I was caught red handed and thought i could pull a fast one on the cashier.
                          or "I'm going to get these Tracfone minutes for free."

                          How this works: You scratch off the numbers on the back of the plastic thing the card is attached to, call Tracfone and get the minutes programmed into your phone."

                          Then take the card up to the registers, have the cashier scan it, and then tell the cashier you left your wallet in your car. Leave and don't return.

                          When LP calls Tracfone to have the minutes revoked from the thief's phone, they tell LP to get screwed, pretty much.

                          This is a new theft trend that is happening in some of the stores near me, according to LP.
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                          • #43
                            Comments: Translation:
                            --------------- ---------------

                            I forgot my wallet. Be right back Im not coming back AT ALL!
                            My kid had an accident. My kid pissed him/herself/broke item
                            Im reporting you to management Im spreading lies about you
                            You guys did it last time First time doing this scam
                            Your prices are wrong I want free stuff
                            NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer

