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  • #16
    Quoth protege View Post
    Right after my parents were married, one of the cows got out. My mother grew up on a farm, so to her, it wasn't a big deal. Simply go out, surround the cow, and chase it back into the field. Except, that my father lived in the city all his life...and actually asked if the cows bite.
    My dad used to be a counselor at a home for juvenile delinquents. The place was in a rural area, and most of the kids who got sent there were from the city. Every so often, they'd take the kids on camping trips, which scared some of the kids to death. It seems that a lot of the city kids got some crazy idea that deer were vicious, and would often attack people without provocation.

    Don't know how they could have gotten that idea.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #17
      Yeah, this store has never had hay. Not even for halloween. We're too city. (No, it's probably just we don't wanna clean up after it.) You want the FARM STORE for that, of the half-dozen of them that are five minutes out of town...

      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
      Ok, that's now my new tagline...that's too good to pass up <grin>

      I'm flattered.
      Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


      • #18
        Quoth MadMike View Post
        It seems that a lot of the city kids got some crazy idea that deer were vicious, and would often attack people without provocation.

        Don't know how they could have gotten that idea.
        Um, maybe they came from Carbondale, IL... *Cough* We had deer attacks the last few years.... I blame Bambi syndrome.


        • #19
          Beef comes from cows, chicken from chicken, bacon and etc from pigs and hotdogs come from snakes. Yep, always had some big city kid believing us (and I don't mean someone from Sioux Falls - think Minneapolis or Denver). Although in college we had a couple of French girls believing it also.
          Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

          I'm a case study.


          • #20
            Here's some stupidity for you...

            This clip originally aired on a show called When Animals Attack. What you don't see here (they cut it out) is that THIS moron sprayed himself with some scent that is irritating to the deer and then went over and messed with it and wouldn't leave it alone until FINALLY the deer had enough:


            Deer are not vicious animals however if you are dumb enough to mess with them you can provoke them into an attack and they are not cute, helpless little forest creatures when pushed to that point.
            "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

            ~TechSmith 314
            HellGate: London


            • #21
              Geez. I can walk out my front door and find some haybales. We've got both kinds...the REALLY big round ones and the smaller square ones. The big ones are about the right height to do a moonsault off...

              Turns out that stuff is REALLY flammable, too.
              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


              • #22
                Okay, I have to comment on this.

                I grew up in the suburbs. I have always lived in suburban areas. Whether it was in the shadows of NYC or just outside of Phoenix or down here in the Keys, I basically have lived my whole life in suburbia. I grew up in shopping malls, and the thought of living anywhere really rural (or for that matter really urban) just does not at all appeal to me.

                And even I know what the hell a bale of hay is!

                Dumb, dumb, dumb cheerleader.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  Okay, I have to comment on this.

                  I grew up in the suburbs. I have always lived in suburban areas. Whether it was in the shadows of NYC or just outside of Phoenix or down here in the Keys, I basically have lived my whole life in suburbia. I grew up in shopping malls, and the thought of living anywhere really rural (or for that matter really urban) just does not at all appeal to me.

                  And even I know what the hell a bale of hay is!

                  Dumb, dumb, dumb cheerleader.
                  I grew up in the city, but my mom (who grew up on a tobacco farm) would usually use bales of hay to decorate our front yard with during the fall season.

                  Yes, I know what hay is. It's for horses, silly.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #24
                    Quoth protege View Post
                    BTW, you haven't lived until you've had a large animal (which weighs more than my car!) running at you at full speed... But, at least they usually run *away* from people.
                    Actually, you haven't lived till the cops show up at your door in the middle of the night to tell you the cows are loose.

                    ** Backstory to that: It was my VERY first night in Michigan, it was late and dark when I got there. No of my roommate were there yet and I ended up falling asleep with the doors open and the lights on (and still dressed). Some time in the middle of the night a hear a knock at the door and see flashing police lights. When I finally figured out which door he was at (the place had doors to the outside, a front door, one in someone elses room and two in mine, damn farmhouse) He told me the cattle was loose and there was some in the road. So I go back inside to call the main office to send someone out here. But before I did I noticed one of calfs was trying to eat the handles on the door to the basement.

