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Hearing Impaired ranting - stupid customers (long)

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  • Hearing Impaired ranting - stupid customers (long)

    Ok, so I'm hearing impaired. I have it right on my name tag that says, "I'm hearing impaired" directly below my name. I work at Fred Meyer, a major company that sells a bit of everything - clothes, garden items, lights, hardware, food, furniture, etc.

    I have customers that come through my lane all the time that speak quietly or mumble. So I politely ask, "I'm sorry, what was that you said?" If I still can't understand them I ask again, politely "I'm sorry, what was that?" while trying to make my name tag obvious (like looking down at it and adjusting it). I really don't want to just point at it and make the customer feel dumb. I hate it when people point at things and make me feel stupid, so I try to avoid that for others.
    Anyway, naturally after I've politely asked for them to repeat it the second time, they get impatient and upset. I wear my hair up - my hearing aid is plainly visible. So I turn my head, putting my hearing aid in their direction and I ask again. They never notice it and continue to treat me like I'm some sack of dirt.

    And then when they do notice it. They treat me like I'm some special needs kid and try to tell me how to do my job. "Bag this item this way, meat doesn't go with grapes, I want the hot stuff seperate from the ice cream". Uh, hello!? Not only have I been trained to do all of that already but it's kind of COMMON SENSE! I may be hearing impaired, but I'm not stupid. I have an IQ of 135 for crying out loud! And then while I'm working, they take the bags out from under me that aren't fully filled and put it in the cart. How rude. It doesn't help me move any faster, it just slows me down. And guess what they say when I'm done? "You did a good job!" in a voice like they're talking to a toddler.

    Ignorance Sucks

    I don't remember this entire transaction, but I do remember that this lady was being very rude to me, sneering at me and talking to me very very slowly like I was a two year old just because I had asked a couple of times what she said (she didn't notice my name tag). Most of the times she just yelled at me and commanded me to do things like I was her slave. There was no respect at all. At the end of the transaction as she was leaving, I had the guts to say, "By the way, I'm hearing impaired" in the same kind of voice she was using to me. Guess what she said, "I KNEW YOU WERE." Well, if you did - then why were you getting impatient when I didn't understand what you said - and politely asking you to repeat it? Most people have a little extra patience and try to speak clearer. Not more unclear. Geez.

    Clothes and Security

    And then we have the customers that buy a lot of clothes with security tags on them. I always put the clothing items with security on them behind me and bag the ones that don't. And then while I'm waiting for their credit/debit/check to run through (which really only takes like 5 seconds, maybe less - not really enough time to do much else but wait for it), they almost always say, "Those clothes have tags on them". Well, YES, I KNOW that, that's why I put them there and not in the bag. I don't have 10 hands, I can't do everything at once. I'm waiting for you to sign your slip so I can compare your card, and give it back to you so you don't have a hernia about getting your card back.

    So yeah, being hearing impaired and a cashier sucks.

    Cell Phones

    It seems that all of America has cell phones these days. Which is all fine and dandy, except when you're at the checkout, talking to someone and staring at magazines and not paying attention. So I'm working away letting the customer talk. Then s/he gets off the phone halfway through the transaction. "Well, I want paper." Oh, ok. Fine. Annoying, but whatever. So I take the plastic bagged items and put them in a paper bag, plastic bag and all. "No, I don't want the plastic bag at all." What!? So you're going to make me take them OUT and bag them in paper just because you weren't paying attention and talking on the phone? I can't stand there and wait for you to finish your conversation, I have a job to do and people waiting in line! And I'll say that again, you expect me to rebag all these items while people are waiting in line? There goes at least five minutes. Now I'm going to have grumpy customers mad at ME because I was taking a long time because of YOU and they're going to blame ME for the wait. And anyway, why can't you just take the plastic bag out for yourself after the transaction is over and throw them away? That's where they're going to end up anyway after I finish rebagging for you. (I've actually had some customers smart enough that have said, "Plastic bag is fine, I'll just throw them out when I get home." YES! That's what you're supposed to say.)

    Meat and Produce Don't Mix

    I once had a customer come through wanting paper. Hey! She actually asked before I started. Ok, there's some meat and a lot of produce. I pack the meat in plastic and wrap it and put it in the paper bag. "NO I DON'T WANT ANY PLASTIC AT ALL!" "But it's meat, do you want it mixed with produce?" "I DON'T CARE I JUST DON'T WANT PLASTIC" Ok fine, so I put the meat in one bag (which only fills up like 1/10 of it) and start to put the produce in another. I thought that was pretty nice of me considering I could just mix it with her produce and maybe get her sick. And then I hear, "NO I DON'T WANT SO MANY PAPER BAGS! FILL IT ALL IN ONE BAG." By then I'm royally pissed that she is so ignorant about that fact that I'm trying to accommodate her wishes while still trying to keep her alive and well. For all I know, they could be a family that doesn't wash their produce. So I take out the items, throw away one of the used bags, and start piling it all in one bag. I secretly hoped she would die from this. And I even felt better later knowing that if she did get sick, it's her own fault. I tried to warn her.

    Cold Medicines

    This happened after my store had just recently implemented the "two cold medicines a purchase only" policy. I don't remember the ingredient in them - but I do know that it's used to create meth. Our computer knows what medicines have them and what doesn't. So when we try to ring up a third it has a message that says "Not allowed" or something.

    Anyway, a customer comes in wanting to buy four medicines. Two are for day and two are for night. All four have that particular ingredient. I ring up two and the third came up "Not Allowed". I glanced at the items and realized what was going on. This is how the conversation went:
    Me: "Ma'am, you can only buy two medicines, I can't sell you four."
    SC: "But I did buy two, two for day and two for night."
    Me: "No I mean, I can only sell you two TOTAL. Would you like to buy one day and one night?"
    (Obviously the customer is not listening.)
    SC: "But I did buy two, I have two for day and two for night."
    Me: "We have a new policy that I can only sell you two only with this *blank* ingredient as it's used to make meth. But I can't sell you four of them. Would you like to take one day and one night?"
    (Yeah, obviously still not listening.)
    Me: One moment please.
    (I call the manager and manager walks over.)
    Me to the manager: "This customer is trying to buy four medicines and I've already tried to explain that she can only buy two due to our new policy."
    Manager to customer: "Our new policy only allows customers to purchase two cold medicines with this particular ingredient. She can only sell you two of the four your have."
    SC: "Oh. Well, then I want one day and one night."

    Uh, HELLO!? I just got finished saying exactly what you and the manager just said. More than once!

    Old Customers

    I had a mid-60's woman come through. Really not that old but she just had surgery so she liked everything light. She wanted paper bags inside the plastic, ok, that's fine. So I finished all the packing, she paid, and then started checking the bags to see if they were light enough. This one bag only had ONE item in it - about a 1.5 liter of juice. She picks it up and says right away, "Oh that's too heavy can you remove some items from it?" I say, "I can't there's only one item it it", and then took out the juice and showed it to her. She said, "Yes, put that in another bag." "But this is the only item that was in the bag". "I WANT ANOTHER BAG." Ok, fine, geez. So I keep the empty bag in the cart and put it in a new bag. She goes through them again and AGAIN she says the juice bag is too heavy. Before she can say another word after that I call the manager. Manager comes over and asks what the problem is. She says, "This bag is too heavy, I already asked her (she points and glares at me) to make my bags light and this bag isn't light. (My manager looks in the "heavy" bag and sees the juice.) "There's only one item in this bag ma'am, this juice." "Oh ok, can I get another bag for that?" "Ma'am, this is the only item in it." (And then proceeds to put the bag upside down and shake it to show there's nothing else in it.) The customer practically went in shock and freaked out a second because she thought items were going to spill everywhere. Then she looked confused. And then she FINALLY got it. "Oh there's no other items in there? Well, ok then. I guess that's fine."

    Reciepts Aren't Called Coupons

    This happened when I first started as a cashier. I finished ringing up all her items and she handed me some coupons. I rang the coupons and then she gave me her payment. There was some problem I don't remember, but I somehow ended up putting the receipt on the desk area - next to the cash register and her used coupons, which I would sort when I had the chance. (We have seperate envelopes for store coupons and manufacturer coupons.) She walks about five paces and turns around and says, "I want my coupons back!" I'm like, "Wha? I can't give you your coupons back, you just used them." "But I want the coupons that are sitting on by the cash register to the right of you!" I turn and look and yes, there's the coupons I just used. "I'm sorry but I can't give that back to you, that's against store policy and I could get fired." "But I want my coupons! And no I haven't used them yet!" I'm entirely confused but then I finally realize - her reciept! "Oh! This is called a receipt! Yes, I can give you your receipt." The lady walked off in a huff.

    Unruly Kids

    Why is it that parents allow their kids to go absolutely bersek in the checkout line? They'll get behind me in the checkstand - sometimes even directly next to me, I'll have to reach over their heads to put stuff in the cart, they'll yell and claw at me, I even had one hit me, one tried to take one of the bags that I was working on filling. Another kept moving stuff on the belt farther to the back as they got near the front (not one, but as many as possible and continously). Little kids have instructed me how to bag the items (one time a kid did this, the mom was smart enough to actually say, "Leave her alone and let her do her job, she knows what she's doing.") For the most part, parents are teaching their kids that cashiers don't deserve respect because we're cashiers - and apparently were not human or something. Parents need to keep their kids out of the way or in-line in the checkout. And/or at least apologize and acknowledge what their kids are doing. I'll have my little kids run around at your work and get in your way, and pretend I don't see it - 'k? Let me know how you like it.
    Last edited by leaping_baby; 09-20-2006, 08:54 AM.

  • #2
    Pseudoephedrine is the ingredient in cold medicines used to make meth.The primary ingredient in sinus and allergy medicines.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth leaping_baby View Post
      Ok, so I'm hearing impaired.
      Quite a few of us are hearing impaired here. We all understand what you going through.
      Quoth leaping_baby View Post
      They treat me like I'm some special needs kid
      I hate this as well. My way of dealing with these folks is to treat them like special needs kids as well.
      Quoth leaping_baby View Post
      Guess what she said, "I KNEW YOU WERE." Well, if you did - then why were you getting impatient when I didn't understand what you said - and politely asking you to repeat it?
      These kind of people aren't even worth talking to. Start carrying a notepad and pen, shove it in their face when they can't repeat nicely.
      Quoth leaping_baby View Post
      Cell Phones
      A special hell is reserved for those folks. Specially those "I don't like plastic because it hurts the environment" and it don't dawn on them that all those batteries and plastic to make their precious cellphone is probably worst than all those bags.
      Quoth leaping_baby View Post
      SC: "Oh. Well, then I want one day and one night."

      Uh, HELLO!? I just got finished saying exactly what you and the manager just said. More than once!
      Sounds like someone who thinks workers don't know anything and will accept anything a man in a suit will say.

      I hope this wasn't all in one day for ya. That would bring a new meaning to a sucky day.
      I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


      • #4
        Quoth LostMyMind View Post
        Sounds like someone who thinks workers don't know anything and will accept anything a man in a suit will say.

        Personally, I think I'd rather take the word of an employee. Suits occasionally are so busy kissing customers' asses that they don't know what policies really are... but that's just my opinion.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Of course, Becky. Most of us with common sense think the same way
          I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


          • #6
            Quoth leaping_baby View Post
            Unruly Kids

            Why is it that parents allow their kids to go absolutely bersek in the checkout line? They'll get behind me in the checkstand - sometimes even directly next to me, I'll have to reach over their heads to put stuff in the cart, they'll yell and claw at me, I even had one hit me, one tried to take one of the bags that I was working on filling...
            When I worked as a cashier at both Winn Dixie and Wally World, I would not tolerate this when it happened (it helps being the most popular employee and the number one performing cashier, though). I would politely ask the customer to get their children to stop. If they refused or didn't respond, I'd ask their child to stop. If that didn't help, what happened next depended on my mood:

            If I was feeling a little , I'd refuse to continue the order until their child was under control on the grounds that I can not be held responsible if they were to get hurt. If they had a problem with that, the head cashier and/or the manager on duty always backed me up.

            If I was feeling a bit , I'd let their child stay back there (after making it clear I was not responsible if they got hurt), but conveniently take up all the space except right in front of the cash drawer. Guess what would happen when I finished the order? *Wang* (The drawers at Winn Dixie were stainless steel and shot out at Mach 3 - made for a good clang when they hit, but wouldn't cause permenant damage.) Either that, or "accidentally" step in front of their child while they were running and they'd smack into my wallet or my watch. *Smack* Barring that, I wouldn't stop them from climbing on the counter and fake empathy when they fell off. *Crash*

            (Before anybody gets all upset with me, these children were always old enough to know that what they were doing was bad, and I made it quite clear to the customer that they would probably get hurt).
            ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
            - Cartman


            • #7
              Quoth leaping_baby View Post
              "Well, I want paper." Oh, ok. Fine. Annoying, but whatever. So I take the plastic bagged items and put them in a paper bag, plastic bag and all. "No, I don't want the plastic bag at all." What!? So you're going to make me take them OUT and bag them in paper just because you weren't paying attention and talking on the phone?
              I suppose if you were feeling good and evil, you could have just upended the plastic bags into the paper ones....

              At least for the sudafed stuff now, it's not only completely behind the counter in our state (I'm in Oregon, too), but it's rx only! woohoo! No more logbook! Boo on the idiots that still don't know this, though. Good grief, it was all over the papers and radio when it happened.


              • #8
                Quoth leaping_baby View Post
                And then when they do notice it. They treat me like I'm some special needs kid and try to tell me how to do my job. "Bag this item this way, meat doesn't go with grapes, I want the hot stuff seperate from the ice cream". Uh, hello!? Not only have I been trained to do all of that already but it's kind of COMMON SENSE! I may be hearing impaired, but I'm not stupid. I have an IQ of 135 for crying out loud! And then while I'm working, they take the bags out from under me that aren't fully filled and put it in the cart. How rude. It doesn't help me move any faster, it just slows me down. And guess what they say when I'm done? "You did a good job!" in a voice like they're talking to a toddler.
                Many years ago, my cousin was watching the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. I was sitting nearby reading. Lou Ferrigno (the "Incredible Hulk") appeared. He made a short speech. As he walked off, my cousin said, "He really is stupid. No wonder he's a bodybuilder."

                I turned to her and said, "He's hearing impaired. That's why he speaks that way."

                "Oh." She shut up for the next hour. A miracle!
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #9
                  I don't like people who choose paper over plastic because they think they are helping the environment. Where do they think the paper came from? Duh, trees. Plastic is just chemicals and can be reused over and over. I think I have an extra large Zellers bag filled to the brim with small and medium bags. They're good for emptying the bathroom trash can and the trash can next to my computer. Once a paper bag rips, you're screwed. There's no resusing that. And yes, paper rips/tears easier than a plastic bag, no matter how "shoddy" your stores' plastic bags are.


                  • #10
                    Um, just because plastic can be re-used, it generally isn't. Most of it ends up in landfill, where most paper bags go as well. Under ideal conditions, paper can last many years underground. However, plastic lasts far longer.

                    As to the morons who demand bags for single items, that reminds me of the horror days of retail when I had idiots buy a single baking potato and expect a carrier for it. One woman even had the nerve to hold up the dispenser bag her single potato purchase was in and try and look feeble as if she couldn't carry it without the extra weight of a carrier bag. I just ignored her.



                    • #11
                      Quoth leaping_baby View Post
                      so I put the meat in one bag (which only fills up like 1/10 of it) and start to put the produce in another. I thought that was pretty nice of me considering I could just mix it with her produce and maybe get her sick. And then I hear, "NO I DON'T WANT SO MANY PAPER BAGS! FILL IT ALL IN ONE BAG." By then I'm royally pissed that she is so ignorant about that fact that I'm trying to accommodate her wishes while still trying to keep her alive and well. For all I know, they could be a family that doesn't wash their produce. So I take out the items, throw away one of the used bags, and start piling it all in one bag. I secretly hoped she would die from this. And I even felt better later knowing that if she did get sick, it's her own fault. I tried to warn her.
                      I get so many of these customers who will put meat and produce together. I can't understand why they are okay with this. I've also seen people mix laundry detergent (even when you can feel the substance on the outside of the box) with produce, and meat with children's toys/snacks.

                      Manager to customer: "Our new policy only allows customers to purchase two cold medicines with this particular ingredient. She can only sell you two of the four your have."
                      SC: "Oh. Well, then I want one day and one night."

                      Uh, HELLO!? I just got finished saying exactly what you and the manager just said. More than once!
                      Wow, that would have pissed me right off. I didn't know that kind of policy existed in places. I think that's really good.

                      And then she FINALLY got it. "Oh there's no other items in there? Well, ok then. I guess that's fine."
                      Lol, I think if that happened to me I would have had to try really hard not to laugh during it all.

                      Parents need to keep their kids out of the way or in-line in the checkout. And/or at least apologize and acknowledge what their kids are doing. I'll have my little kids run around at your work and get in your way, and pretend I don't see it - 'k? Let me know how you like it.
                      I have a problem with this ALL the time. I have had a kid come around behind me, and I didn't notice until he hit the power switch on my till, shutting it down! A while later he shut the next till down (no one was using it at the time) and I told him out loud to stop. The mother stood there like the child was even there and didn't appologize or say anything to the child the entire time.
                      "The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different."


                      • #12
                        Not to hijack, but I just have to address this issue. :

                        Quoth CanadaGirl View Post
                        I don't like people who choose paper over plastic because they think they are helping the environment. Where do they think the paper came from? Duh, trees. Plastic is just chemicals and can be reused over and over.
                        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                        Um, just because plastic can be re-used, it generally isn't. Most of it ends up in landfill, where most paper bags go as well. Under ideal conditions, paper can last many years underground. However, plastic lasts far longer.
                        This isn't the first time the point of paper vs plastic has been brought up, and each time there have been valid points to show that one is not necessarily any better for the environment, but between the two, paper probably has less of a negative impact.
                        I believe the other threads were on previous boards, but there is already one on this board making the same point.

                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #13
                          I think my problem is that it's really hard for me to be rude to the customer even if they're pretty rude to me. Not only that, I've never tested to see how much our managers actually let us get away with, so I don't know if I could get in trouble or not.


                          • #14
                            Quoth phillippbo View Post
                            it helps being the most popular employee and the number one performing cashier, though.
                            I'm probably the best cashier in my area, but I still can't figure out why some reason why one of my supers doesn't smile at me. And when she does it seems fake. I'm very work-oriented. When I'm at work, it's work. It's not a play area. And I don't know how to make it more relaxed and easygoing - in particular when we're all sitting in the break room together.

                            Some people don't like me because of that. I don't know what else to do. I've tried everything - I've tried being nice (without seeming like I was being fake as well even though I really wasn't). I've tried having conversations with them. I don't know if it was really me or some customer that pissed her off.

                            One of my supers I really thought didn't like me, until she said something just recently that changed my mind. (I've now just been able to learn that when she has a bad day, it's usually not because of me and if she has a scowl on her face, it's not my fault.)

