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Thus Ends the Week...

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  • Thus Ends the Week...

    I guess I'll start going Sunday-Sunday with my posts instead. Makes more sense. To me, anyway.

    So thus ends my first week full-time at the pool store. On a bittersweet note, anyway:

    I Know It Exists!

    I had yet another claim for the "magic coupon button" that somehow allows the customer 90% off their purchase. She's sure it exists, even though a coworker's shaking her head and making drinking motions behind the customers back.

    "The other girl always does it," she says, and proceeds to wait for me to work my magic. When I don't, she pays and leaves but not before shouting "We'll shop elsewhere!"

    Sorry, my magic's broken.

    Try That Again?

    Me: <phone spiel>
    SC: I need a hkrhjhlkbsajdvftaszl.

    A sink? To rinse the gargle from your mouth?

    Me: Pardon?
    SC: A gasket.

    Much better.

    No, We Still Don't Take Those

    This is the second time since I've started someone's tried to put our competitor's 5-gallon chlorine drum towards credit. 4 of them, actually. After being told we can't take them, he left them behind anyway. Super Awesome Bossman gives them away to the cashiers (since we don't earn commissions from sales), and I got all 4, got $24 in store credit from the competitor's store($6 a barrel), and got myself a pool float with a cooler and cupholder. 'Tis very nice.

    Does Not Compute...

    Saturday night the computer I use froze. None of the buttons worked (except for the time clock one, so I could've punched out if I felt like it). I was forced to reset, reboot, etc. I'm also the only cashier on duty at 8:54 pm on a Saturday. Insert gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair here.

    Quoth The Raven...

    Me: <phone spiel>
    SC: Dead bird.
    Me: Ma'am?
    SC: Dead bird.
    Me: Dead bird?
    SC: I found a dead bird in my skimmer.

    I time, say that so I'm not forced to play a game of Guess n Fail.

    Store Policy 1

    I had a customer return an inflatable raft because of "bad advertising": it was supposed to be 85" long but he claimed it wasn't with air in it. We could return it, but policy states that unsealed packages get a 15% restocking fee applied to the return. So, this means he'll get back $9.37 on an $11 float. He explodes, cussing out both me and the manager who came over to assist after a physical threat had been made. He insists it's retarded, we shouldn't charge that, there's nothing wrong with the thing, and he's never shopping here again. (Haven't I heard that before?). We get him to shut up at long last, and now we're forced to sell the thing at a 15% discount because it's out of the package.

    We never sold it.

    Do I Wanna Know?

    Me: <phone spiel>
    SC: My pool's all yellow, and the kids were in it last. What do I do?

    Stop talking. Right now. Nausea sets in very quickly around here...

    Store Policy 2

    Policy is that returns over $100 are sent by check within 7-10 business days. In other words, I can't give you cash. Dingbat doesn't get this, it's his money and he needs it now (insert J.G. Wentworth joke here). I tell him the only other option is a store credit for the same value of the return, which can be used at any of our stores. He says no, wants his cash now so he can go to our store in Springfield.

    I honestly don't know how this ends, my manager took over because if a check did have to be sent, he'd do it, not me. He sent me instead to patrol the floor and help any customers, which leads to my last story:

    I'd Love to Pull It Out From My Tuckus, But...

    SC: Do you have any filter sand?
    Me: No, I'm sorry. We haven't had a shipment in weeks.
    Me: Ma'am?
    SC: So you're not going to get it?
    Me: I can't. We don't have any.
    SC: So no one's going to help the customer and get some.
    Me: We can't go get any. There's none in the store, none in the warehouse. We have to wait until the truck comes next Thursday and hope a shipment comes in.

    This same story has happened at a couple of competitor stores..I wonder if there's a shortage or something's up.

  • #2
    got myself a pool float with a cooler and cupholder. 'Tis very nice.
    I'm jealous. I want one. <pouts> Of course, then I'd need to get a pool and I don't think my apartment complex would be Ok with that...

    And what the hell are you supposed to do about a dead bird in someone's skimmer?
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      We told her to shock it for now and see what that does, but I was still surprised. Turns out it was a baby bird, and I'm guessing the poor thing was trying to learn to fly and fell right in. It's really kinda sad now that I think about it.


      • #4
        I found a baby bird flitting around my porch one morning...when I got home it was gone. Next morning my mom stepped out to get the paper and stepped on it. A "gift" from the cat, I'm assuming.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth Nashida
          Store Policy 2

          Policy is that returns over $100 are sent by check within 7-10 business days. In other words, I can't give you cash. Dingbat doesn't get this, it's his money and he needs it now (insert J.G. Wentworth joke here). I tell him the only other option is a store credit for the same value of the return, which can be used at any of our stores. He says no, wants his cash now so he can go to our store in Springfield.
          So he wants the money to go to another store in your company to buy whatever, even though you told him he could get store credit good at any store in the company.

          You owe me a band-aid for my brain.
          "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

          Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


          • #6
            Quoth Nashida View Post
            Quoth The Raven...

            Me: <phone spiel>
            SC: Dead bird.
            Me: Ma'am?
            SC: Dead bird.
            Me: Dead bird?
            SC: I found a dead bird in my skimmer.

            I time, say that so I'm not forced to play a game of Guess n Fail.

            Is it wrong that all I'm thinking is "Labyrinth" now?
            My NaNo page

            My author blog


            • #7
              Quoth Nashida View Post
              We told her to shock it for now and see what that does, but I was still surprised. Turns out it was a baby bird, and I'm guessing the poor thing was trying to learn to fly and fell right in. It's really kinda sad now that I think about it.
              1-2 times a summer we find either a dead mouse or mole in our skimmer. Even had a baby rabbit once. No big deal, shocking it as you told her is always what we do.
              Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.---Bullet Tooth Tony


              • #8
                Quoth Nashida View Post
                We told her to shock it for now and see what that does, but I was still surprised. Turns out it was a baby bird, and I'm guessing the poor thing was trying to learn to fly and fell right in.
                Boy, that would have to be one itty-bitty defibrillator!
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #9
                  Quoth Kheldarson View Post
                  Is it wrong that all I'm thinking is "Labyrinth" now?
                  I guess not (because Labyrinth is an awesome movie), but I wonder why you're thinking of it.
                  "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Samaliel View Post
                    I guess not (because Labyrinth is an awesome movie), but I wonder why you're thinking of it.
                    You remind me of the babe
                    what babe?
                    The babe with the power
                    What power?
                    The power of voodoo
                    Who do?
                    You do!
                    Do what?
                    Remind me of the babe! (etc )
                    The report button - not just for decoration


                    • #11
                      Quoth iradney View Post
                      You remind me of the babe
                      what babe?
                      The babe with the power
                      What power?
                      The power of voodoo
                      Who do?
                      You do!
                      Do what?
                      Remind me of the babe! (etc )
                      David Bowie's bulge is amazing
                      Must go watch this now. Of course, I'm all, "aw, dead birdie! ".
                      "Stupidity isn't punishable by death. If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop."
                      - Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter

