Not to play devil's advocate here, but its quite possible that the kid has reacted well to similar things before. I mean, when I was a kid I watched some pretty scary stuff without it bothering me, but then wept and had horrific nightmares after watching The Little Mermaid. Also, some "Strange But True"-esque programme which showed a tiny skeleton. I still have no idea, but to this day it scares me.
Even with this considered the answer is always to comfort and to never ridicule. One poster mentioned about explaining things to the kid as they watch. Not enough people do this and this is how kids get scared of, or pick up wacky ideas from what they're watching.
Even with this considered the answer is always to comfort and to never ridicule. One poster mentioned about explaining things to the kid as they watch. Not enough people do this and this is how kids get scared of, or pick up wacky ideas from what they're watching.