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Journey to the Center of the Sucky Parenting

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  • #16
    Not to play devil's advocate here, but its quite possible that the kid has reacted well to similar things before. I mean, when I was a kid I watched some pretty scary stuff without it bothering me, but then wept and had horrific nightmares after watching The Little Mermaid. Also, some "Strange But True"-esque programme which showed a tiny skeleton. I still have no idea, but to this day it scares me.

    Even with this considered the answer is always to comfort and to never ridicule. One poster mentioned about explaining things to the kid as they watch. Not enough people do this and this is how kids get scared of, or pick up wacky ideas from what they're watching.


    • #17
      I guess I'm going to be the odd one out because my mom was one of 'those' types who took her 4-5 year old to watch 'The Exorcist' in big screen when the city had free movie night. I watched Nightmare on Elm Street when I was a wee tyke and had no problem with the spider legs bursting out of the elbows of the girl lifting weights (I forget which NoES this one was).

      But then again, I was a strange child and could handle those type of movies better than my fourteen year old sister. To this day I watch horror movies for laughs and it doesn't affect me (provided the movie lacks clowns).

      I grew up on Tales from the Crypt and The Omen without a problem.. but then again, Mother knew when enough was enough and wouldn't make fun of me or treat me bad if I got freaked out over something. She *would* however, make a comment on how she didn't think it'd freak me out since I've seen worse but...yeah.. maybe that was the case here?

      I do think the father was stupid AND sucky at not accepting her fear though. As I said, if Mom saw me cry because I was really scared, she'd scoop me up in her arms, give me a kiss, remind me its just a movie then give me the option to leave or stay.
      "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


      • #18
        Quoth Gruesome View Post
        As a vaguely related aside.....

        There is a website that attempts to chronicle EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE of ANYTHING objectionable in movies. This is somewhat useful if you are wondering if you should take a kid to see a film, but the website is RRRRRRRRRRRRRIGHT! wing, Hyper-Christian and hates just about everything. Seriously. Apparently flatulance and boogers are abhorrent to God. I kid you not. It's a riot, but also marginally useful for its intended purpose.
        If fart and booger jokes are wrong, I don't ever want to be right.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

