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Ninjas in the Heartland

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  • #31
    Quoth Sharsarannon View Post
    I make a sport hobby out of ridiculing katana fanboys. I am a bad person, I know. But I am also a discerning fan of fine swords. I really want one from Albion Arms.
    You will never find a properly battle-useful sword that isn't a chunk of awkwardness for under 400-500 dollars. Ever. And even then you can still pay 10,000 for a piece of crap. It's all about the research and testing. Know what you buy before you pay for it. Or you'll end up like the OP idiot.
    The one store in Paris that provides medieval weaponry that can actually be used for combat reenactment have some one-handed "long swords" with price going from about 220€ (about $350 at the moment) and up to 500€ (almost $800). While they cut cost by having them manufactured in Eastern Europe (Slovakia, if I remember correctly), the steel is of good quality and they're well balanced. Most French middle-ages enthusiast buy their weaponry from this shop. Most of their weaponry has a 1-year warranty for combat use. Unfortunately, they don't deliver outside France.
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


    • #32
      Quoth Sharsarannon View Post
      I make a sport hobby out of ridiculing katana fanboys. I am a bad person, I know. But I am also a discerning fan of fine swords. I really want one from Albion Arms.
      You will never find a properly battle-useful sword that isn't a chunk of awkwardness for under 400-500 dollars. Ever. And even then you can still pay 10,000 for a piece of crap. It's all about the research and testing. Know what you buy before you pay for it. Or you'll end up like the OP idiot.
      Yeah. I'm looking for a high quality Jian and Dao becuase I'd prefer to have something durable with good balance and weight. I don't want something that will fall apart on me, even if I am just doing forms with it (we use wooden weapons for contact sparring). I'll take a Katana fanboy on with my Jian

