So last weekend it was my turn to do the weekend overnights. Joy! now guess what? I'm scheduled to do it again next week! NOOOO!! Oh well. This week it was slow so I really didn't have as many SCs as I usually do.
So there I am the first night. Everything has gone well. I finished all my tasks really early. I only have 2 hours left. and no one has called in or been late! It's a good overnight so far right. Darn spoke too soon. All of the sudden the morning Starbucks lady yells at me to come over there. I have no customers yet, and if I do, it's UScan they don't need me there to start the order....most of the time....
So I get there and she's freaking out. Apparently someone outside on the highway adjacent to our store tried to run some one over!!!
So I look outside I hear yelling, everyone seems fine, but I figure I should let the manager know in case we need to call the police or something. So I've only been gone maybe a minute or 2. And as soon as I walk back in the door there's a lady standing by my station with that look. You know the one that says I've-been-here-for-ages look. 
Then I hear her yelling to the accountant who is at the time behind the booth counter giving the Fuel person their stuff.
SC: Can I get some service over here!!!
Me: (running back to station) Sorry I'm back. It looked like someone got run over out there.
SC: (In one of those attitudes) I need some cigarettes!!
Me: ok...What kind.
I mean seriously wtf? Some one could of been dying out there and that means nothing to you! No reaction nothing! not even an apology for yelling at my CWs!
Change lady
So the next night. I'm standing at the station and the following occurs:
CL: Crazy Lady
CL: Do you have a roll of quarters I can buy.
Me: No ma'am I don't.
CL: Well! (Makes annoying sound with lips implying she really didn't like my answer and that I was just refusing to let her buy some.)
Sorry, but I'm not the bank. I'm not required to have change for people to buy. The money in my till is for UScan and UScan alone. I'm not the booth. Go Away!
Stupid guy
Ok not necessarily an SC, but rather me and another customer being Slow and sucky on purpose because this guy is so stupid.
So this lady checks out and pulls out her check book to pay. Now keep in mind that I'm at SCO with 3 other lanes. Granted the one behind this lady was closed (the bill acceptor wasn't working) there are still 2 other lanes that are available. This guy grabs some beer and gets in line at the lane the lady is at. So I simply looking at him wondering if he doesn't see the other lanes and wait for the lady to write her check. She obviously has time on her hands because she notices the guy and writes the check slower. I'm fine with this. In fact she gives me her check and I take twice as long to verify her information. I even put the check crooked on purpose so I would have to do it again.
He still doesn't get it and is still waits at that lane!
so I finally put the check in the till. She wrote over so I take my time and give her her change. She then takes forever to gather her purse back in order, then proceeds to slowly grab her bags.
The guy waited the whole time! And he didn't complain so points for him, because if he did I would have every right to slap him. Still what an idiot...
Anyway that's it for today. Had an easy weekend.
So there I am the first night. Everything has gone well. I finished all my tasks really early. I only have 2 hours left. and no one has called in or been late! It's a good overnight so far right. Darn spoke too soon. All of the sudden the morning Starbucks lady yells at me to come over there. I have no customers yet, and if I do, it's UScan they don't need me there to start the order....most of the time....
So I get there and she's freaking out. Apparently someone outside on the highway adjacent to our store tried to run some one over!!!

Then I hear her yelling to the accountant who is at the time behind the booth counter giving the Fuel person their stuff.
SC: Can I get some service over here!!!

Me: (running back to station) Sorry I'm back. It looked like someone got run over out there.
SC: (In one of those attitudes) I need some cigarettes!!
Me: ok...What kind.
I mean seriously wtf? Some one could of been dying out there and that means nothing to you! No reaction nothing! not even an apology for yelling at my CWs!

Change lady
So the next night. I'm standing at the station and the following occurs:
CL: Crazy Lady

CL: Do you have a roll of quarters I can buy.
Me: No ma'am I don't.
CL: Well! (Makes annoying sound with lips implying she really didn't like my answer and that I was just refusing to let her buy some.)
Sorry, but I'm not the bank. I'm not required to have change for people to buy. The money in my till is for UScan and UScan alone. I'm not the booth. Go Away!
Stupid guy
Ok not necessarily an SC, but rather me and another customer being Slow and sucky on purpose because this guy is so stupid.
So this lady checks out and pulls out her check book to pay. Now keep in mind that I'm at SCO with 3 other lanes. Granted the one behind this lady was closed (the bill acceptor wasn't working) there are still 2 other lanes that are available. This guy grabs some beer and gets in line at the lane the lady is at. So I simply looking at him wondering if he doesn't see the other lanes and wait for the lady to write her check. She obviously has time on her hands because she notices the guy and writes the check slower. I'm fine with this. In fact she gives me her check and I take twice as long to verify her information. I even put the check crooked on purpose so I would have to do it again.

He still doesn't get it and is still waits at that lane!

Anyway that's it for today. Had an easy weekend.