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AHHH AHHH IT BURNS!!! language and long sorry

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  • AHHH AHHH IT BURNS!!! language and long sorry

    fun today woohoo.
    so lets get the annoying out of the way then the funny as hell

    The Bitcher
    so we where kind of slow, i had had about 3 runs so far, was making side boxes when we got 5 orders at once.
    now because one of pizzas accidently got deleted instead of one of the other pizzas one of the orders got delayed.
    i do my other orders get back grab that one and run, knowing its late but it could be worst.
    Now while i was gone,this guy called multiple times to complain about the delay, bitch bitch bitch you know how it is.
    I get there and i go to the door.
    Apparently mister Bitch desided his cheesey goodness wasnt worth it and left.
    Of course he can only call to bitch not cancel

    I live where nothing exist
    another order. during our rush.
    now im going to say the address because well it doesnt exist.
    20 w university #C
    there is no C.
    there are three Doors
    One is marked A, the other two arent maked.
    SO i call
    Me- HI
    SW1- Speaks English, sucky/stupid
    SW2- Doesn't

    SW1- Uh, Hi
    Me- Hi, this is your ---- Driver. I just need to know which door is for C
    SW1- What? Who iss dis?
    Me- Your ---- Driver.I just need to know whic door is C, cause im out side right now.
    SW1- oh, where are you?
    Me- Outside right now, Which door is C please?
    Sw1- *movement* Where are you?
    Me- um outside, right now, i just need to know which door is C
    SW1- *door opening, traffic* (i look around no lady, crap she gave me a bad address* Where are you?
    Me- Im outside 20 W University and if would kindly tell me which door is C, or the right address i can completete your order.
    SW1- One Second
    *shuffling sound*
    SW2- Yes?
    Me- Um yes i just needed to know which door was C, or the right address.
    Me- Really just the door
    SW2- *SPANISH*
    Me- Ma'am i cant deliver without an address
    Me- *sigh* *click*

    so i call the store
    CJ- manager
    Me- again

    CJ- Thank you for calling ---- pizza, how can i help you
    Me- Hi its slice, there is no C, i called them and they keep talking in spanish, and i dont think they live here.
    CJ- huh?
    Me- *Sigh* There is no C.
    CJ- no C? really?
    Me- They would only speak spanish with me too.
    CJ- ok come back will work this out.
    *drive back, its not that far*
    CJ- Hey tried to call you back, she called me after we got off the phone, she says you never got there.
    ME- Sigh thats bcause they gave us the wrong Address.
    CJ- they say its behind the Carwash.
    Me- well that proves it 20 WEST is next door to the car wash, BEHIND THE CAR WASH would be NORTH EAST Drew. Did they give you the right address?
    CJ- no, just behind the carwash and that it was 20 west.
    Me- well there is no 20 west C, and there are way to many apparentment complexs on northeast drew for me to go drving around tring to find a c and they all do the abc format, what shjould i do.
    CJ- go back to 20 west, i told her to comeout side and wait.
    Me- But there is no C, they dont live there, and they told us the wrong place.
    CJ- just go back there plenty of time on the order.
    Me- Sigh, ok ill go back and wait for however long you want

    So i drive back and wait 3 minutes
    then i see this woman walk around the the corner, with a dog and kid, see me and smile, apparently i was right, she realised she didnt live at 20 west and deside to walk over ot find me,
    She did not tip/
    CJ was still a jerk

    Two for the price of one
    so i get this order for a weir area on this street.
    i get there and there are two complexes that seem to have the same. they look connected so i take the first turn and dirve around until i get to what looks like the address but since its so weird i call the nuimber no answer so i go up and knock just to make sure no one answers call again.
    this goes on for 7 minutes just imagine me writing that repeatedly until i get back to the store k
    so 20 minutes later the lady calls the store find out where she really is, and go down, get her her pizza
    this story isnt sucky, just a reminder keep your phone near by, street are weird

    now the funny
    Remember that lunch rush i mentioned?
    I was getting pizzas and stuff out of the oven.
    im making cinnasticks, and i accidently spill too much Cinnamon-sugar mixer. As i move to shift someof it downi knock it up into the air and it lands on my face.
    First i think ok its just cinnamon.
    although in a couple seconds once i get the sticks taken care of my thoughts arent so calm more like
    i never knew cinnamon burned.
    now i know
    maybe it was a mixture of sweat, sugar and cinnamon that created some weird exothermic reaction but man i was not happy im still now.
    go ahead laugh, io had to wash my face
    my face is still red as is my neck

    thank you for reading
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 07-16-2008, 02:51 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
    i never knew cinnamon burned.
    now i know
    maybe it was a mixture of sweat, sugar and cinnamon that created some weird exothermic reaction but man i was not happy im still now.
    go ahead laugh, io had to wash my face
    my face is still red as is my neck

    thank you for reading
    1. Points for using the word "exothermic." It's an awesome word that doesn't get used enough.

    2. Cinnamon can really burn. I knew a girl once who got cinnamon oil in her EYE, and it burned for hours.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:


    • #3
      Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
      i never knew cinnamon burned.
      now i know

      Have you ever had cinnamon gum? That stuff burns!! Hope your face is feeling better.
      If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

      Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".


      • #4
        Raw cinnamon is pretty irritating to the skin. It's actually used in a lto of those lip-plumping cosmetics because it sets up a local swelling. Oooo, sexy allergy lips

        My mom has super sensitive skin and can't touch raw cinnamon at all. Once it is baked she is OK with it though.


        • #5
          Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
          although in a couple seconds once i get the sticks taken care of my thoughts arent so calm more like
          i never knew cinnamon burned.
          thank you for reading
          Oh you poor thing! Yeah, powdered cinnamon can be very irritating to the eyes, nose and throat if it's thick enough in the air, like when it's spilled... I use it as a perfume and a cooking ingredient but I'm always careful with it. Hope you feel better! If it happens again, flush your face and open eyes with cool water.
          "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


          • #6
            I like to keep a hat pin and cinnamon oil on me late at night if i'm walking alone. You jab someone with that hatpin covered in cinnamon oil... its gonna burn like a mofo. They're going to ignore you in favor of the raw pain that is now exuding from wherever you manage to get them with said oil-covered pin.

            Munkie's NaNo WC: 9648


            • #7
              Your manager is a bigger asshole than the idiot customer for making you go back.
              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


              • #8
                Quoth Munkie View Post
                I like to keep a hat pin and cinnamon oil on me late at night if i'm walking alone. You jab someone with that hatpin covered in cinnamon oil... its gonna burn like a mofo. They're going to ignore you in favor of the raw pain that is now exuding from wherever you manage to get them with said oil-covered pin.
                That... is a ridiculously smart idea. I am really going to have to start carrying those things when I go back to school, since one of my campuses is in the city and sometimes I have to stay until late at night. Thank you!
                It's like the people in Vegas who have sex in video-monitored elevators.. -MoxisPilot
                The elevators are monitored?!!! OH CRAP!!! -Sheldonrs


                • #9
                  Try eating a tablespoon of cinnamon. Then you'll REALLY appreciate just how bad it is.

                  Ok, seriously, don't do it. Just google video search it or something.
                  "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                  • #10
                    Quoth Munkie View Post
                    I like to keep a hat pin and cinnamon oil on me late at night <snip> They're going to ignore you in favor of the raw pain that is now exuding from wherever you manage to get them with said oil-covered pin.

                    mmm cinnamon flavored pain......

                    that would make a cool band name-you could tour with strawberry alarm clock
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                    • #11
                      Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                      mmm cinnamon flavored pain......

                      that would make a cool band name-you could tour with strawberry alarm clock
                      Those are both fantastic band names.
                      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
             (A blog about everything and nothing)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Greenday View Post
                        Try eating a tablespoon of cinnamon. Then you'll REALLY appreciate just how bad it is.

                        Ok, seriously, don't do it. Just google video search it or something.
                        Eating a tablespoon of cinnamon, painful ? Call me weird, but I eat cinnamon sticks like they're Pixie Stix.
                        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Greenday View Post
                          Ok, seriously, don't do it. Just google video search it or something.
                          Your wish is my desire!
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                          • #14
                            Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                            mmm cinnamon flavored pain......

                            that would make a cool band name-you could tour with strawberry alarm clock
                            The Homicidal Cupcake can open, right? *Loads up van*
                            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Samaliel View Post
                              Eating a tablespoon of cinnamon, painful ? Call me weird, but I eat cinnamon sticks like they're Pixie Stix.
                              mmmmmmmm sucking on a cinnamon sticks.....

