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If stupid could fly...

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  • #16
    Quoth MTNLaurelPoacher View Post
    Use protection when playing with them.
    The team I play paint ball with has a standing rule when we are out on our own IE not at a match or just playing for fun. Anyone caught with their face mask off while a game is in progress will be lined up before the firing squad and shot many many times for being a dumb ass.

    Proper protection with Paintball and Airsoft is no laughing matter especially when you consider shots to the eyes = serious damage and shots to the temples or throat = potentially lethal


    • #17
      Quoth MTNLaurelPoacher View Post
      Treat Airsoft guns like your genitals. Don’t go around flashing them in public. Don’t shoot anyone that does not want to be shot with them. Don’t show them to cops, they tend to freak out. Use protection when playing with them.
      wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #18
        I found it. Here is a link to the Florida shooting of an 8th grader, who was smart enough to bring an Airsoft gun to school. Another student saw it, and reported it as a real gun to the administion. Of course the person would think its real, people jump to the worst conclusions first.

        (Example- "It's 9:45, Lil' Suzie is late for curfew. OMG! My baby has been kidnapped, raped, murderd, and her organs are being sold on the black market now!" Or a more CS example, "You won't do what I want! You are discriminating against me, and lying to me! I know my rights!")

        So, back to the story. Then the police get the call about a gun in school and send out the SWAT team. SWAT starts negotiating with the kid, who does not respond (for dumb reason), then the SWAT team bursts in and shoots the kid with a real gun. Yea! Chest Wound! If the kid had died this would belong on Darwin Awards and not Customers Suck.

        Truth is... over reaction kills. (Or at least hurts) Try it in your car sometime, or on a smaller scale a bike.

        Yep, customers suck. This customer took his new purchase to school to show to his friends. Through a cascade of over reaction, he is now a customer at the hospital. Who to blame, who to blame, who to blame? ((PSST... LOOK AT THE PARENTS AND KID FIRST))

        If I did this my father would have beat me so hard that my grand kids would come out black and blue. Then my grandfather would come back from the dead and whipped me, for being a dumb ass.

        Now, I am not saying that selling Airsoft to kids is bad. Lord knows I love to shoot them during organized Airsoft games. It is great stress relief. Also, if you are an employee there is little that you can do if the owner of the establishment does not make or follow the rules about selling to minors. Your the employee, you don't make the rules, you just follow them.

        Best of luck. Play more Airsoft. Follow the laws when selling Airsoft. And of course... Post more on CS, because we love to read it.
        "Wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER. "


        • #19
          Another way to think about it is... Treat Airsoft guns like your genitals. Don’t go around flashing them in public. Don’t shoot anyone that does not want to be shot with them. Don’t show them to cops, they tend to freak out. Use protection when playing with them.
          I had Blink 182's first album back in the day (like 1998 or so), and in the liner notes the band members were dressed up like cowboys and one of the pictures was captioned something like "My dad always said guns are very dangerous; treat one like you would your own penis."

          And here's one of the band members with the barrel of his gun in his mouth.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #20
            Quoth MTNLaurelPoacher View Post
            Treat Airsoft guns like your genitals. Don’t go around flashing them in public. Don’t shoot anyone that does not want to be shot with them. Don’t show them to cops, they tend to freak out. Use protection when playing with them.
            That's just great!!!
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid

