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Dumb Customers.

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  • Dumb Customers.

    You know what really pisses me off?

    When I've already finished ringing up a customer and there's like 10-15 items left on the belt at most, and a customer will walk by, look at me, look at the belt and walk to another cashier. And then they'll go to Bill's lane (which is 65 but looks 75) and he's really slow. I'm 21, but I probably look 17. Do they somehow think that just because some is older, they're faster? Um, no. Do they also think that because someone is older, they've been there longer than me? Um, no. While it may be possible - it shouldn't matter. We all went through the same training. I can name quite a few older employees there of which I'm older than them - "employee-wise".

    So you know what I do? I make SURE that the next person in my line finished LOOOONG before s/he does. S/he is usually still waiting to be rung even after I've already finished my next customer. And then they stare over at my lane and at me. I stare at them back. I always look at them like, "Well if you had come here instead of judging me by my looks, you could have been on your way home by now."

  • #2
    No offense, but you kind of sound like you are entitled to something. Instead of staring at the customer, why don't you say, "Sir, *or ma'am*, I can help you right over here." Perhaps they went to the other cashier is because they know the cashier and happens to like them. When I go to a store, I don't care how long the line is, if my favorite cashier is working, I go to them.

    Quite honestly, unless you ask the customer why they are not in your line, you have no proof it is because of age. That is an assumption you are making. You know what happens when people assume things.

    In the future, just ask them if they would like for you to ring them up. No harm done if they decline.
    At the end of the day, customers are NOT always right.


    • #3
      Trying to guess the relative speed of cashiers is a time-honored supermarket tradition, and age before beauty is rule one.
      Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette


      • #4
        Quoth blaubent View Post
        No offense, but you kind of sound like you are entitled to something. Instead of staring at the customer, why don't you say, "Sir, *or ma'am*, I can help you right over here." Perhaps they went to the other cashier is because they know the cashier and happens to like them. When I go to a store, I don't care how long the line is, if my favorite cashier is working, I go to them.

        Quite honestly, unless you ask the customer why they are not in your line, you have no proof it is because of age. That is an assumption you are making. You know what happens when people assume things.

        In the future, just ask them if they would like for you to ring them up. No harm done if they decline.
        I can't ask them when I'm in the middle of a transaction and they're two yards away. I am aware that customers like certain cashiers - I have those too.

        But the thing about it is -- it's the WAY they look in my direction. They look me up and down, kind of stare at me as they're walking by, glare, and then decide that ten items that I have is going to take me too long for them to ring up. So they go somewhere else.

        It could be age, it could be looks, it could be they have a favorite cashier, it could be anything.

        But the thing that irks me most about this is that they somehow think that 10 items is going to take 10 minutes or something?


        • #5
          Maybe they're afraid that the person customer you're ringing up will be the dreaded change payer, or their cousin, slow check writer...
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            I see customers picking favourites all the time. Some will avoid Dean* because he looks about 16 (he's about 24, VERY fast, VERY good at his job, and a total sweetheart), some will avoid Maria* because she looks like a bitch (frankly, she is, I've made a thread about her before), some will avoid Eve* because she is ear-shattering LOUD (but really nice), and most of the regulars avoid Lisa* because she acts like her blood is made entirely of caffeine, meth and vodka. (Some of the things she says to people......a whole thread of her own...)

            So, moral of story, people make assumptions based on anything they can see in the first two seconds. If you look young, and someone has a prejudice against the young, they probably won't favour you over the guy that looks like dear old Gramps. Not cool, but very common. And of course, we do the same with customers all the time, you have to admit. We see so many of them for so little time, it can't be helped. The customers will do the same, because you are also just a face to them.

            *Names changed to protect the cute, bitchy, misunderstood and downright , respectively.
            Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


            • #7
              I've had people who will get in my line and then becasue something isn't going fast enough (like someone writing a check) they will sigh and bolt to another line. And most of the time, by the time I get to where that person was in my line, and finish them up, the bolter is still standing in the other line.
              'Tis funny!

              Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


              • #8
                When I am deciding on a line, I rarely look at who the cashier is. For the most part, the cashier is given, not a variable. I look at who is in line. Yes there may be a line with one person, and that person only has 3 items, but around here, if it's a blue-hair you know that they are gonna argue over the price of every single item, then try to write a check for $4.62. No thanks, I'll take my chances standing behind the soccer mom with $300.00 worth of groceries and 3 kid's because she has 15 other places to be, and better things to do than argue over 3¢ on a can of peas.
                The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                • #9
                  Quoth KaeZoo View Post
                  Trying to guess the relative speed of cashiers is a time-honored supermarket tradition, and age before beauty is rule one.
                  It is? Why's that? I mean, when I'm shopping in one of the larger stores around here, the looks of the cashier may well help me decide which checkout line to use. Even if I have to wait five minutes longer, at
                  least the view is good...

                  Yes, I'm a guy; so shoot me
                  You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                  • #10
                    I ALWAYS pick the wrong line! ALWAYS! I never look at the cashier, I look at whos in line and the items they have. I think I am choosing the lane with the fewest customers with the fewest amount of items - but BAM! They're empty-the-purse-to-find-all-the-change types or slow check writers or this-item-wasn't-priced-that-way-when-I saw-it-can-I-get-a-price-check types. Hardly ever fails.

                    I do like Wally World though because they have the dual checkouts. Sometimes I'll see what looks like lines 100 people deep up front, but no one has been paying attention to the second checkout person right behind the first one! SCORE!!!! I turn my cart and slide into the line with only one person who is just finishing up! I've gotten some looks as if I cut in line - I think some folks think that you have to have one line for both registers - but that is not the case!!!
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      I to have this happen...where I work there is only two of us and the manager. I know more than the two of them combined because I have done this type of work before and also have way more experience but because I look extremely young I am 27 can pass for 15 no one bothers to ask my opinion or when I quote a price they automatically ask someone else. I can explain a policy or upcoming sale until I am blue in the face but witout fail they will ask one of the others as if I never said a thing get the exact answer and thank that person...


                      • #12
                        Quoth leaping_baby View Post
                        When I've already finished ringing up a customer and there's like 10-15 items left on the belt at most, and a customer will walk by, look at me, look at the belt and walk to another cashier.
                        Ahh well, at least that's one less person (possibly SC) that you would have to help then!
                        This area is left blank for a reason.


                        • #13
                          I have my favorites at the grocery store I shop at.

                          And yes, they're women, and yes I'm a guy, but they're not all hot babes. I like them for their personalities, that they are "real" and not just putting up a phony front.

                          Plus, they know where I work, and we can relate to each others retail woes.

                          I normally don't like shopping, but I like this store, and the people that work there. Especially my favs!


