Potty-train your child?
Earlier this week I was working and was sent to round up more wet floor signs. Seems one of my younger co-workers was approched by a younger customer of about five to help find his mother. while they searched the store, the youngster pointed out a series of brown stains and streaks on the tile floor and said quite proudly, "Thats my poop." My co-worker promtley went
and her brain imploded and sent a wave of telepathic anguish at imploding to every employee in the store. Nothing like mopping up a trail of feces from one end of the store to the other while the parents are no- where to be found.
Can I have a leash law for kids yet? PLEASE
Earlier this week I was working and was sent to round up more wet floor signs. Seems one of my younger co-workers was approched by a younger customer of about five to help find his mother. while they searched the store, the youngster pointed out a series of brown stains and streaks on the tile floor and said quite proudly, "Thats my poop." My co-worker promtley went

Can I have a leash law for kids yet? PLEASE