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Did you forget to............

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  • Did you forget to............

    Potty-train your child?

    Earlier this week I was working and was sent to round up more wet floor signs. Seems one of my younger co-workers was approched by a younger customer of about five to help find his mother. while they searched the store, the youngster pointed out a series of brown stains and streaks on the tile floor and said quite proudly, "Thats my poop." My co-worker promtley went and her brain imploded and sent a wave of telepathic anguish at imploding to every employee in the store. Nothing like mopping up a trail of feces from one end of the store to the other while the parents are no- where to be found.

    Can I have a leash law for kids yet? PLEASE
    Last edited by pssorens; 07-18-2008, 04:35 PM. Reason: fixed some errors
    They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.

  • #2
    Dear God. Man that brings to mine how many time I've cleaned up or asked other people to clean up deification around the store. I personally believe that if you leave your kid alone in a store on purpose CPS should come and take your child right then and there!


    • #3
      Well if it acts like an animal... it should be leashed in public... But i thought animals, even on leashes, weren't allowed in stores?
      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

      ...Beware the voice without a face...


      • #4
        Most animals will try to hide their excrement... lest the predators zero-in on them.

        Humans though are a special brand of stupid...
        *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
        *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*


        • #5
          you mean you came across a soiled child, abandoned in a large retail store, and didn't immediately phone the police? That would have been my first reaction. Abandonment works even in a retail store. That's why I won't let my ex force me to walk away from my daughter during her (weekly) temper tantrum at the store. However, I have made him start giving me a grocery list so I can do his shopping while HE babysits the kids
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            Oi, this reminds me of when I worked at <Theme park that is associated with a beagle>. During the summer rush when lines are at their longest, parents with kids around potty training age would have their kids pee in bottles and then leave the bottles on the ground for us to deal with. One had their kid...uhh...defecate...onto some paper towels, and then proceeded to wrap it up and throw it away in the trash can (at least she did that much). The smell was so bad several people in the line actually left, and complained that we LET her do that, as if we could've done anything about it. We had to wait 1/2 an hour for the custodians to come and take it away.


            • #7
              Quoth Apallo View Post
              Oi, this reminds me of when I worked at <Theme park that is associated with a beagle>. During the summer rush when lines are at their longest, parents with kids around potty training age would have their kids pee in bottles and then leave the bottles on the ground for us to deal with. One had their kid...uhh...defecate...onto some paper towels, and then proceeded to wrap it up and throw it away in the trash can (at least she did that much). The smell was so bad several people in the line actually left, and complained that we LET her do that, as if we could've done anything about it. We had to wait 1/2 an hour for the custodians to come and take it away.
              I have to say that that is managements fault. You have a venue designed to attract children who are too small to hold it for long periods, yet they haven't enough staff or facilities to accomodate them. If the lines are that long inside of the park then they are overselling admissions.
              Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


              • #8

                Unescorted toddler gets brought to management and general announcement made to find parents. No parents show up, Police called. Parents show up, HANDED MOP AND BLEACH. Parents refuse? POLICE CALLED.

                What problem?

