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Your Manners Disgust Me...

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  • #16
    ^You're near Boston aren't you, cause your city is a suburb right? I don't even want to imagine that pissed off Bostonian accent. This woman sounds like a supremo attention whore. Apparently she demands undivided attention at home and elsewhere from EVERYBODY.

    "Look at me, look at me everybody! When I'm talking to you, YOU look at ME, not the phone ME " I'm shocked she didn't try to beat you guys over the head w/the phone receiver You know cause obviously you're just shooting the breeze w/you're friends and not attending to business, more importantly her.


    • #17
      You mean her lack of manners, right? What a disgusting cow.
      "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox


      • #18
        so wait AM was within ear shot and wasn't attempting to help with the phones

        I agree that taking the phone from you wasn't the right thing to do. However I think the AM should have stepped up to the plate and helped with the phone . . .especially after the first comment.

        If it is personal calls . . .I have been known to stand and hold things up until I get the persons full attention. (they were using their cell and talking about last nights party)

        If I were the customer in that situation I would have asked AM why they weren't helping with the phones as you personally were obviously helping me/ the customer.


        • #19
          That stupid cunt reminds me of the Michigan police chief and his wife from Fear and Loathing. "I demand service here, Waaaahhh!!!!"

