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I'm very tempted to be an SC. Need Advice...

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  • #46
    Quoth One-Fang View Post
    Then how can you get sued for not having it?
    You can get sued for anything these days. Welcome to the Korporate States of Amerika!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #47
      I've been in a few accidents, and witnessed some. It's been years since some of these, so if they read wonky I'm sorry. I'm not totally sure on these memories I'm getting old...

      I remember one near accident that always got me tickled. Driving into atlanta, we see this UPS brown truck pass us, pulling a U-haul type trailer (also brown). A few moments later, the traffic in our lane starts backing up. Great...a wreck. After a short bit, I see traffic moving to either side, so I turn to Regina (a friend at the time) "pull right, we should make it around then." I say and she does so. There, sitting in the middle of the road is that brown U-haul trailer, but no UPS truck to be seen.

      This one, I forget exactly where it was. I was sleeping at the time in the middle of a road trip. May have been charlotte, but I could be wrong.

      All I remember, is lying in the back of the truck (explorer type) dozing on my then girlfriend's lap. As I lay there, I'm suddenly awakened by a rather nasty sounding CRUNCH, and the car stopping rather suddenly. Raising my head, I note that we're not moving, people are honking, and the hood is bent up at a strange angle. Beyond that, the truck seems unharmed. Blinking some I look around. One of my buddys, who was driving, is trying to extricate himself from the air bag. The other one is STILL asleep in the passenger side. Looking right at Buddy 1 (driver) I ask what happened. "Damn thing didn't yield." he mutters, gesturing out front. Looking out there a moment, I said with a yawn. "Trains don't have to yield."

      Ok, he'd not hit a train. He actually smacked a parked tram (trolley, streetcar, lrv) head on. Still, it struck me as rather amusing. All in all, we were unhurt save for a burn on his face and Fuzzy (buddy 2) being roused by an overzealous paramedic who mistook Fuzzy's snores for moans of pain. Fuzzy did not like being awoken by someone he did not know, much less a man trying to do mouth to mouth on him. He showed this displeasure by breaking the paramedic's nose.
      Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


      • #48
        "Damn thing didn't yield."
        I don't think I would have ridden with that guy after that.
        He sounds like the type of driver that telephone poles and trees jump out in front of!



        • #49
          I seem to detect a problem for people having to deal with State Farm.

          I feel I must share! Last October, I'm leaving work, the street that I'm using has 3 lanes heading north, 3 heading south. I'm northbound in the lane next to the median, slowing for the red light at the intersection. Traffic in the other two lanes are already stopped. All of a sudden, here's this car going in front of me. Naturally, I hit her (All I can remember is trying to shove the break pedal through the floor of the car and trying to figure out where the squeeling is coming from). She was turning left across three lanes of traffic without being able to see if it's clear and trusts the dips in the other two lanes. Called the cops, while we're waiting, I call my insurance and they tell me not to discuss fault (even though the other driver is doing just that with some dork who didn't even see the accident). Ok, cop gets all the info from us, (here, they don't want you to move the cars if there's damage) gives us a case number, and when the report will be ready. I go back to store (yes, it was in front of work) and calm down. Then I have to drive home during Balloon Fiesta traffic, took me 2 hours to go 10 miles! Got home, called my insurance back, gave them my statement, including whom I though was at fault (guess!). Well, played phone tag with my agent for a few days, and wound up having to deal with....drumroll please....State Farm myself. Well, I got the police report before calling SF. Police report shows it's completely her fault, failure to yield right of way. Yeah, they have to fix my car! Talk to SF and they seem to think that they have wiggle room on whose fault it is, until I tell them I've got the police report! Took three months to finally get my car fixed, which was fun driving at night with misaligned headlights! SF wasn't too thrilled with having to pay for a rental car, especially since the bodyshop had a problem getting a part and had to keep it over the weekend! SF tried to make me pay the deposit on the rental car, I can be very stubborn when necessary, and told them, "No, I'm not going to be out-of-pocket anything on this since it was completely your policy holders fault that this is having to be done!" What really made me mad is that the whole front end of my car had to be replaced and the only damage to her car was a little dent on the rim on the back wheel

          And that is the one and only accident I've had in 20 yrs of driving. Have to say, I'm really surprised that my insurance didn't go up! You always hear about that happening, even though it wasn't your fault.

          Here in New Mexico, like Cali, you have to have uninsured motorist insurance. A lot of it is because of illegals. Of course, people being what they are, get insurance, register their car, then cancel the insurance! It would be really great if we could arrange for them to hit each other!
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

