As many of you know I work alongside the police.
Recently a call log came to my attention, 'Man with gun!'
Pretty serious you'd think, I know I did.
Then I saw it wasn't resourced. A bit odd, so I did a little digging.
It appears that a woman continually phones on her mobile (cell) in about men with guns, even though there aren't any. We finally sent her a text saying unless she quits then we'll get it disconnected.
She rings again.
Yet another man with a gun. Hmmm, sure thing doll, phoning in to say there is a man in the high street with a weapon and noone else has rung in? Rightho, the control room supervisor starts the ball rolling.
The final line on the call log reads similar to :-
Spoke to <phone company> phone is unregistered Pay as You Go, number being disconncted, sim being disabled, phone being stung.
Recently a call log came to my attention, 'Man with gun!'
Pretty serious you'd think, I know I did.
Then I saw it wasn't resourced. A bit odd, so I did a little digging.
It appears that a woman continually phones on her mobile (cell) in about men with guns, even though there aren't any. We finally sent her a text saying unless she quits then we'll get it disconnected.
She rings again.
Yet another man with a gun. Hmmm, sure thing doll, phoning in to say there is a man in the high street with a weapon and noone else has rung in? Rightho, the control room supervisor starts the ball rolling.
The final line on the call log reads similar to :-
Spoke to <phone company> phone is unregistered Pay as You Go, number being disconncted, sim being disabled, phone being stung.
