Ok...some force is begging me to stay on the site tonight. I normally only post when I'm running all my automated functions (accounting stuff, mostly, with payroll and the like), but this is now necessary.
A question to all you late-night readers! You're walking past a hotel at 12:45am, just you and your husband, and suddenly you collapse in pain due to an intense sinus infection. The pain is so much that it literally radiates throughout your body (according to you), and you can barely stand. You ask for someone to call 911 (which the hotel obligingly does), and the paramedics check you out. Do you go to the hospital?
I ask this because the person I just dealt with apparently looked common sense in the face and said, "Nay. Nay I say, for I am trying to make Khiras burst a blood vessel in his brain. I shall, instead, sit on the hotel's emergency oxygen and bug the paramedics for 15 minutes, then walk away from the hotel as if nothing had happened!"
Now, she may have still been in pain (she looked it, and I've seen enough sinus infections to know that they will make you unhappy about life in general), but you would think that being in that much pain would mean "hop on the ambulance." Yes, I'm aware they're expensive, but to simply say you don't want to go to a hospital or even a doctor at all (because you know what's wrong, even though you have no diagnosis or perscriptions to be sure...) is just plain idiocy. The sad thing is, this is not the first one of these I've gotten this WEEK!
Scenario B was with a larger (not super-heavy, but larger) woman who was in extreme pain, but did not want any medical assistance. Okay...so I help her into her room via a wheelchair we have, and help her into her bed with her family assisting as well. A 5 foot journey into the bed has her screaming and crying in pain...why? Because she's had a hernia for months, and has not gotten the surgery...
Okay, the details make some sense, couldn't get the surgery at first because of a blood clot. However, that's cleared up, and now she just doesn't want to do it. I seriously wanted to shake her and scream that, if she has a rupture, the condition could become lethal...but no, she doesn't want to go to the hospital! She laid down for a while and says she feels better, but I've seen one too many dead bodies in my hotel career...I'd rather not see one more because you're too stupid to take something like that seriously!
The moral of this story is simple people: hospitals and doctors visits in general may not be fun, but they are there for a reason. Refusing to get yourself checked out when you're seriously sick or injured/in pain is just retarded, and doing so should automatically qualify you to have your brain examined. Stop doing it, people like me do not enjoy it when we have to find what's left of you.
A question to all you late-night readers! You're walking past a hotel at 12:45am, just you and your husband, and suddenly you collapse in pain due to an intense sinus infection. The pain is so much that it literally radiates throughout your body (according to you), and you can barely stand. You ask for someone to call 911 (which the hotel obligingly does), and the paramedics check you out. Do you go to the hospital?
I ask this because the person I just dealt with apparently looked common sense in the face and said, "Nay. Nay I say, for I am trying to make Khiras burst a blood vessel in his brain. I shall, instead, sit on the hotel's emergency oxygen and bug the paramedics for 15 minutes, then walk away from the hotel as if nothing had happened!"
Now, she may have still been in pain (she looked it, and I've seen enough sinus infections to know that they will make you unhappy about life in general), but you would think that being in that much pain would mean "hop on the ambulance." Yes, I'm aware they're expensive, but to simply say you don't want to go to a hospital or even a doctor at all (because you know what's wrong, even though you have no diagnosis or perscriptions to be sure...) is just plain idiocy. The sad thing is, this is not the first one of these I've gotten this WEEK!
Scenario B was with a larger (not super-heavy, but larger) woman who was in extreme pain, but did not want any medical assistance. Okay...so I help her into her room via a wheelchair we have, and help her into her bed with her family assisting as well. A 5 foot journey into the bed has her screaming and crying in pain...why? Because she's had a hernia for months, and has not gotten the surgery...

Okay, the details make some sense, couldn't get the surgery at first because of a blood clot. However, that's cleared up, and now she just doesn't want to do it. I seriously wanted to shake her and scream that, if she has a rupture, the condition could become lethal...but no, she doesn't want to go to the hospital! She laid down for a while and says she feels better, but I've seen one too many dead bodies in my hotel career...I'd rather not see one more because you're too stupid to take something like that seriously!
The moral of this story is simple people: hospitals and doctors visits in general may not be fun, but they are there for a reason. Refusing to get yourself checked out when you're seriously sick or injured/in pain is just retarded, and doing so should automatically qualify you to have your brain examined. Stop doing it, people like me do not enjoy it when we have to find what's left of you.
