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Stop Staring and Talk!!!

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  • Stop Staring and Talk!!!

    Hi everyone! I'm a long time lurker and a first time poster!

    Today I nearly broke down in rage. I hate my job with a passion. I was already angry today that I was stuck in check outs. I wanted to finish my project in HBA but I couldn't. The manager that was working tonight wasn't too fond of me so she sent me on register. I HATE register. So I got to spend the evening on check outs knowing that I had a TON of work to due tomorrow in HBA.

    Then SHE came up.

    SC- Idiot that stares
    ME- guess who
    CO- coworker
    SUP- Superviser aka customer service desk employee

    ME- *says spiel with happy tone and rings up dog food* That's $YY.YY!
    SC-It is SUPPOSED to be $XX.XX!
    ME- Ok. Just one second! *Starts price adjusting since there was only a two dollar difference.*
    SC-*runs off and then comes back with tag. waves it in my face* $XX.XX! It is supposed to be $XX.XX!
    ME- OK! *adjusts price to $XX.XX* Your new total is $XX.XX!
    SC-*swipes card. Then recieves credit card slip to sign* NO! YOU DID IT WRONG!!! IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE $ZZ.ZZ!!!!!
    ME- *Already irritated* Ok. If you could just sign the slip and I'll give you your receipt and customer service will override that for you.
    SC-*stares while holding pen and slip*...
    ME-If you could just sign the slip. Then go to customer service and they will give you your money back.
    SC-*stares and signs slip. Stares more*...
    ME- If you go up to the customer service desk, they will give you your money back. I cannot do it.
    ME-Go to the customer service desk.
    SC-...ok *walks over to another register and stares at me from there.*
    CO- *mouths: What?*
    ME- Ma'am the service desk is there. *points to big desk that says SERVICE DESK*
    SC-*stares at me*...
    ME- SUP she needs a price adjustment.
    SUP- *gets SC over to the customer service desk*
    SC-*stares at me*...
    SUP- Ok, what's the problem?
    SC-*stares at me and doesn't even look at SUP*...
    ME-*runs over and tells SUP what's wrong and goes back to a very long and backed up line*

    My SUP later tells me that the woman told her that I was a sweet girl, I just needed common sense! I needed commone sense!!! She couldn't even tell SUP what was wrong. The woman then wanted to make a complaint about me, that I was just too stupid to do my job.

    I HATE working register!!!

  • #2
    My Large Trout of Slapping +5 is available at your convenience, were you to need it.
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


    • #3
      You're patient with that one...there's a certain point at which you should probably be allowed to just shrug, ignore her, and get back to working with people less retarded...
      "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
      "What IS fun to fight through?"
      "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


      • #4
        "It's not polite to stare at people you know."

        I think I would've had to say it eventually.
        "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


        • #5
          Now I'm confused. If you corrected the price, why was she still charged the wrong amount? Did it not take? Or was it a finger-slip?
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Was she doing that creepy "up and down while mouth breathing" stare?

            or the, "I'm completely infatuated with you" stare?

            or "blank mind" stare (cue the little cymbal clapping monkey)?
            This area is left blank for a reason.


            • #7
              Reguardless of this post, if you really do hate your job with a passion then you need to do something about it.
              People spend too much time at work to be unhappy about it.
              When I because so jaded and bitter at my job that I would have rather poked needles into my eyes than go to work in the morning, I found another job.
              It was still in retail but it was a different staff, different manager, differnt aspect of retail.

              I was much happier in my new job, it was a smaller business and the staff were much nicer to each other and I wasnt expected to be on counter much.
              Please if you are unhappy,find something else. You deserve to be happy at work, not all the time of course thats unrealistic

              but if you find yourself using HATE as a describing word... its time to move along.
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                It wasn't a finger slip. She just told me the wrong price and waved the tag around so I couldn't see it. She then took off with it. It was only a $0.99 difference.

                It was a blank stare.

                I do strongly dislike my job, but I'm quitting in a month since I'm leaving the city, so I'm still working there until I leave. I guess I don't hate it that much. I was just under a lot of pressure yesterday since the big wigs were coming into my store the next day.

