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Way to Represent the Company (long story)

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  • Way to Represent the Company (long story)

    Or, SC gets OWNED.

    I know I may have been in the wrong a bit with this, but, it was minimal compared to the SC.

    Ok, this was when I was at the original Kroger I worked at. It was a busy afternoon/evening and I was working the service desk by myself (my second was on a checklane). I start hearing an unholy screaming from the back aisle of "HELLO! HELLO! I NEED HELP HERE!". I can't get back there, but, I see the customer heading up front. I get ready as I know it is going to be a long evening. Well, nothing is said until I go into the cash office and my second (S from her on) pokes her head into the office and says something to me about an angry customer at M's line (backstory, M is my girlfriend at the time - now my wife - it is relevant later). I go over and see what the commotion is.

    SC: I want milk and there is none out.
    ME: Well, I'm not sure when the next truck comes in, so, what you see is what we have available.
    SC: No. It is not. I saw in the cooler that there was more. You should know when your trucks are.
    ME: I'm sorry, but, you said you saw in the cooler? Please do not cross into our employee only areas anymore but -
    SC: You do not tell me that. I am an employee of this company. Plus, don't assume stuff and accuse a customer. I saw through the glass (we had fill from back coolers, so it is possible)...go get it, NOW.
    ME: Ok, I'll be right back. Which kind of milk did you need?
    SC: *blah blah blah*

    I go back and get it. SC follows.

    SC: You know, your attitude sucks. At my store (across town) this would never fly.
    ME: *listens, doesn't say anything, hears the wonderful music in my head*
    SC: *something about whatever*

    I get the milk, it isn't enough, I get more. She's still pissed and bitching. She goes to S's checklane, where M is bagging for her as it is close to the end of M's shift.

    SC: (to M) Go open your lane. You think you're hot shit since your that guy's (pointing to office) girlfriend.

    M tries to remain calm, SC keeps blathering and then I hear more of the unholy.

    SC: (Yelling to anyone and everyone) THAT GUY'S LAZY. HE WON'T STOCK MILK. MAKE HIM GET THE MILK OUT!

    Well, S calls me on the phone and very quietly says something about the SC coming to the service desk. Ok, not a good sign.

    SC: FIX THIS. (throws down a reciept)
    ME: What seems to be the problem?
    ME: I'm sorry, I don't.
    SC: That girl (S) told you.
    ME: Actually, no, she didn't. So, if you could enlighten me, that'd be great.
    SC: She overcharged me on *such and such* FIX IT.

    Ok, so, I do. I give her the change. It was supposed to be on the foodstamp card. She explodes again.

    SC: At my store, this would be done correctly. You are just lazy. Put it on my card.

    I admit, at this point I don't care anymore.

    ME: (slamming fist down) Your order is done. Leave, please. I don't care if I did this wrong. As far as you yelling and screaming, I should have thrown you out of here a long time ago. You do NOT come into a store and act like this.
    SC: I'm going to tell your manager *so and so*. You don't treat a customer like this.
    ME: Fine. Tell her. She's no longer at this store.
    SC: *flustered* I'll tell (motions for a shorter person) the short blond lady.
    ME: I'm going to turn around and call your store manager, the assistant store manager, the head cashier, whoever I can get ahold of at your store. You are a representative of this company, even out of uniform. You do NOT go into a store and do this. I know I'm not acting much like a good employee, but, you crossed the line. Leave, now. Your order is finished. Anymore and the police will be called.

    She tucks tail and leaves, upset, but with her hide verbally tanned. At this point there is the self-scan attendant, M, and P (another cashier who was on break) and a couple awe-struck customers standing near the service desk watching what was unfolding. After I took care of the customers and closing out M's drawer, I called the SC's store and talked to the assistant manager. She couldn't believe what happened, and would address it. I ended up getting written statements from everyone on the front end that saw the fracas and took it to the other store's head manager, the district manager and my store manager. All three were cool with the fact that I verbally owned this idiot. The only nay-sayer was the assistant manager from my store who said I was wrong and should have just rolled over for her complaint.

    I found out later that the SC got a written warning, all the statements put in her file and (I think) put on probation for her little stunt.

    That was one of the few times I ever yelled at a customer. Turned out to be a future co-worker as I transferred over to that store a few months later (see related story in Cursing Out Co-Workers). Luckily I didn't work much with her.

    Oh, and the next day, what happened? You're kidding me, right? Another one?

    I know I have a huge allowance for bullshit, but, damn this lady crossed it.
    Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.

  • #2
    I thought they were gonna fire her for that stunt she pulled, but I'm happy that all of management (except the AM) had the spine to discipline her.
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      Quoth daleduke17 View Post
      The only nay-sayer was the assistant manager from my store who said I was wrong and should have just rolled over for her complaint.
      Note to self: When I own a company, I will have everyone applying for management read a copy of this incident. If they agree with the AM, they don't get the job.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Your assistant manager is a pussy ass bitch. I guess people like that love to be made to grovel and get crushed underfoot by people. It's their submissive side coming into the workplace.


        • #5
          Quoth dithers66 View Post
          Your assistant manager is a pussy ass bitch. I guess people like that love to be made to grovel and get crushed underfoot by people. It's their submissive side coming into the workplace.
          Well, in his defense, he was fresh out of management training and hadn't learned reality yet. Later on he became more realistic. Especially when he had an office person call me on his personal behalf to ask me to come in after I said to the office person that "if the head cashier calls me to come in on OT on the first, fuck that shit. I ain't fucking coming in". The AM knew I'd come in for anyone else. :-p

          He ended up being quite cool as well. Just this one incident.
          Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.

