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What kind of store am I running? Not a bank

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  • #16
    The most my husband and I have asked for in change is $10 in quarters, and that's usually at places like Wal-Mart where I know the CSM podium actually has several rolls of quarters (they come in $10 rolls). I have yet to find a CSM who isn't willing to accomodate such a simple request. We're still waiting for our bank-of-choice to actually finish moving that hour-drive up the highway to the town we currently live in.

    As a cashier, I've never given more than $10 in singles as change to a customer, and split up any remaining change balance among the larger bills. Customers don't seem to mind this (usually), though I do still wonder why they come in at opening time to our Wal-Mart, go to a cashier who's just opened up the register, and pay for a pack of gum or cigarettes or something equally small with a $100. ::sighs, bangs head:: And then they get testy when I run out of change and have to send for a whole bunch more before I can take any more cash customers.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #17
      Quoth Kogarashi View Post
      though I do still wonder why they come in at opening time to our Wal-Mart, go to a cashier who's just opened up the register, and pay for a pack of gum or cigarettes or something equally small with a $100. ::sighs, bangs head:: And then they get testy when I run out of change and have to send for a whole bunch more before I can take any more cash customers.
      This happened to me quite often at the pizza place I worked at. First order of the day, a customer would walk in buy a medium and then try and pay with a $100 bill. Later in the day this would be fine, but early in the morning? All I've got are 1's and 5's, maybe a 10 or two. Management never kept in big bills in the till so early in the morning.

      Customers would get kinda pissy, but hey, no money, no pizza. I'd point them to the bank (there was across the street) or go to the fast food restaurant next door and break it.
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #18
        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
        Good one!!!!!!!!!! I should try that on my sister sometime!!!!!
        Bring it on, Becks.
        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


        • #19
          Quoth Jester View Post
          Downtown parking in this tropical resort is at a premium, and many people park at parking meters.
          Taxis in your tropical resort are cheaper than parking meters ! Especially if there are four of you together, and can split the bill. Our car got left in the motel carpark when we arrived, and didn't move again until the day we left for Miami. No way were we going to fork out for parking, when getting taxis a) is cheaper and b) means you can help support every margarita seller in the town centre.

          I feel very sorry for the people who work in the little Tesco Metro shop around the corner from my house. For those who are not familiar with Tesco, they are a VAST supermarket chain here in the UK, and they have four sizes of store. There are the monster Tesco Extra stores, Tesco Superstores which are the "normal" supermarkets, Tesco Metro stores, which are inner-city stores, and Tesco Express which are the small convenience stores. In my town we have a Tesco superstore, and also a little Tesco Express round the corner from my house.

          Tesco Superstores give cashback. Tesco Expresses do NOT. The poor girls who work in the Tesco Express get no end of hassle and abuse from people who want them to give cashback, even though there is a cash machine standing right next to the tills.
          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
          - Dave Barry


          • #20
            Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
            I feel very sorry for the people who work in the little Tesco Metro shop around the corner from my house. For those who are not familiar with Tesco, they are a VAST supermarket chain here in the UK, and they have four sizes of store. There are the monster Tesco Extra stores, Tesco Superstores which are the "normal" supermarkets, Tesco Metro stores, which are inner-city stores, and Tesco Express which are the small convenience stores. In my town we have a Tesco superstore, and also a little Tesco Express round the corner from my house.

            Tesco Superstores give cashback. Tesco Expresses do NOT. The poor girls who work in the Tesco Express get no end of hassle and abuse from people who want them to give cashback, even though there is a cash machine standing right next to the tills.
            This is very poor on Tesco's part. I never knew this until now, I've never shopped at Tesco Express (they are the main competitor to the company I work for, AND i just dont like Tesco full stop). The company I work for has mainly convenience stores (about 450) and every single store has chip and pin and does cash back. It works to our advantage because we dont need to bank as much cash each day, reducing our costs. Oh, and nearly every store has a cash machine too! Come on Tesco! I've found something we do better!!!

            I can even get cashback in my local pub!


            • #21
              Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
              Taxis in your tropical resort are cheaper than parking meters ! Especially if there are four of you together, and can split the bill. Our car got left in the motel carpark when we arrived, and didn't move again until the day we left for Miami. No way were we going to fork out for parking, when getting taxis a) is cheaper and b) means you can help support every margarita seller in the town centre.
              Hell, in my tropical resort, most of the times you can WALK where you are going. Unless, of course, you are not staying downtown. At this point, I advocate taking the hotel shuttle (if your hotel has one) or a cab (as you said) to the downtown, and walking around until you are ready to go back to said hotel. Or bicycles. Best way to get around this place anyway!

              The exception to this, of course, is if you live here and know where all the free parking is. I do, and I do...and I ain't telling.

              As for the $100 bill folks....I can't count how many times I have just arrived for my shift, loaded my till, only to have some yahoo come along, order a $4 beer, and try to pay with one of those C notes. Um, hello? Sorry. Not happening. Of course, most people are cool about that when I explain that "I just got here, and I can't break that yet." MOST...not all.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."

