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The "Fatty"

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  • #16
    When I worked at a Denny's I had a lady accuse me of stealing a $100 bill that was supposedly lost at the table, which I cleaned after serving her. She was all in my face about it, and when I said I hadnt seen it, she made me get a manager and he made me go through my pockets, jacket and purse in front of her. Of course it wasnt there, and she didnt even apologize to me she just stormed out. I was LIVID, it was one of the main reasons I quit.

    Being falsely accused and THEN forced to apologize is the worste.


    • #17
      Sounds like this wacko lady has voices in her head that are calling her fat. She needs something much, MUCH stronger than coffee! Like maybe an antipsychotic medication.


      • #18
        Oh, by the way...since you've already been accused of something you didn't do, why not go all the way and start muttering things under your breath every time that customer comes in now?


        • #19
          Ugh, this used to happen all the time back when I worked at Starbucks. Some people were the crazy neurotic type that kind of reinterprets things in their heads. But honestly, an awful lot of them just flat out made shit up. Because complaining there = free drink coupons.

          And sometimes they're just mean people, like the woman who lied about me doing awful things to her drink and saying that I was rude. Why? She asked me where I would be going to school and when I responded with the name of my very very prestigious university, she got upset because her daughter did not get in there.

          Witnesses don't matter. We actually had regular (and very nice) customers witness a few of these and try to speak up on our behalves, but that didn't matter.


          • #20
            The whole reason I got suspended at the grocery store was the scammer woman decided that since I needed a manager over-ride, that I was "discriminating against people on foodstamps" and "taking food out of my childrens' mouths!"

            You don't even have to speak. They are so neurotic and always assume.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #21
              bleh. i hate the "well be careful next time" stuff, as if you're going to magically know what will set someone off.

              it happened to me once. i was in a monitored chat room and was talking to a guy named "crackerjack". so i called him by the first half of the name cos... it was easier than typing out the whole name.

              next thing i knew the moderator was yelling at me for using a racial slur... and i was like "???" cos i hadn't realized that someone had decided to turn an innocent food item into a slur against white people. i didn't get in trouble tho cos... well it was kinda obvious who i was talking to.

              but when i told the story to a co-worker all he could say was, "well you need to be careful"... And to this day... i still don't know how someone could be "careful" about that. It's not like being careful with looking both ways before crossing the street.... but being careful about a random food item being turned into a racial slur? Is there really any way to predict that? Like... someday I'll say "Apple Juice and Pears" and someone's going to have a conniption over it?

              You can't predict insanity.


              • #22
                I'd have looked her dead in the eye and immediately start singing 99 Red Ballons out loud in it's original German and ask her if she wanted to hear the OTHER songs in my head.

                And the other songs are in Japanese.

                And are really VERY annoying.
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #23
                  I will NEVER apologize for something I never did. What a bitch.

                  I hope someone *does* actually call her fatty to her face. And that that someone is a 7-foot 300 lb wrestler with arms the size of oak trees and the temper of a wild boar on PMS. THEN who'll be doing the apologies?
                  ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                  • #24
                    If i had to apologize it would be "ma'am I sorry to hear that you think you heard something offensive when that did not occur."

                    I never liked 'bucks anyway. I had a gift card and went into a local store to use it. One customer had the Batista make his drink five times. They would start again, then all of a sudden he would go "hey you screwed it up, start again!" before he even tasted it.

                    Then their was the bitch on the phone who was behind me when I was walking in. Lake a polite person I held the door open as i walked in and the SC snaps "You men don't think women can even open a door?" I replied "It used to be a act of courtesy to hold open the door, but I guess certain people don't see it that way."


                    • #25
                      Quoth mattm04 View Post
                      Lake a polite person I held the door open as i walked in and the SC snaps "You men don't think women can even open a door?" I replied "It used to be a act of courtesy to hold open the door, but I guess certain people don't see it that way."

                      Last time this happened to me I looked her in the eye and said "I didn't know you were a woman."


                      • #26
                        Quoth mattm04 View Post
                        I never liked 'bucks anyway. I had a gift card and went into a local store to use it. One customer had the Batista make his drink five times. They would start again, then all of a sudden he would go "hey you screwed it up, start again!" before he even tasted it.
                        You're going to love it then. The company is dropping all the Dunkin Donuts for a franchising agreement with Starbucks. Quite a few on LI already have Starbucks inside the stores, including mine. Bleh.


                        • #27
                          Whenever someone accuses you of saying or doing something that you didn't do, they need to be told to prove it or shut up. Period. They should also be reminded that if their LIES harm a person, they are subject to a lawsuit.

                          Damn customers.
                          For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:
                          Emphasis on Michigan area broadcasting, but ANYONE is welcome!


                          • #28
                            Forensic waitress sheepishly sticks up her hand and admits she has worked for Starbucks.

                            And guess what they told me on my first day of training, "the customer is always right" if they complain get them a new item and give them free vouchers. They said that this was how they kept their customers coming back.

                            In my time there, yeah we had good regular customers and in the 3 stores I did work in there were regular scammers that came in as well.

                            The only time, and this was a big shock for a lot of us baristas, that the Aussie head office back us up was when a stupid women emailed them to complain that her cappuccino was 1/2 milk 1/2 froth. Which is the actual Starbucks cappuccino recipe. They actually emailed her back and told her that the barista in fact made it correctly. Never did hear anything further.

                            It was also a very good company to move up the ladder in if you have no spine. Unfortunately or fortunately, as you see it, I have a spine and never did get a supervisors position. But worked for many spineless ones. So I feel for you.

                            Forensic Waitress has sent you a hug.
                            Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


                            • #29
                              I count myself fortunate that I've worked for companies that didn't put up with that sort of nonsense.

                              That said, it sounds to me like the woman's insecurities got the best of her. Probably drilled in by years of cruelty from others. You said one thing (I'd deduce the word is Latte) and she heard "fatty" and thought you were being nasty when all you were doing was naming off product to yourself. An unfortunate situation made worse by the fact that she couldn't conceive that she might have misheard something.

                              I had a friend with similar insecurities and something I said one day set her off. After three days of her being huffy-puffy and acting like a baby, I told her point blank she needed to get over herself if she wanted to make it in the world. She did. It sounds like this woman is in dire need of that.
                              "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                              • #30
                                i can't dis on the starbucks right now. they're giving me free internets. i'm slightly transient for a week or so and there's no internet ability where i'm living (total suckage). and... well i gotta email my boyfriend.

                                so yeah. i'm at starbucks right NOW lol.

