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  • #16
    Whoa.. my god there is some seriously bad crap in that family's gene pool if he thinks that is a valid response to not getting your way.

    I mean yes, we've all had moments where we've wanted to it some one, but we rational humans have a little thing called self control.


    • #17
      Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
      ...I need my slingshot and those frozen brussel sprouts again. And the chipper...
      Well, son and dad are actually PROUD of the fact they are on the dole (the british version of welfare) so while they are both under arresst (dad was arrested for vandaliseing company property, apparently) they get no dole money But your plan is better than mine...I was Just gonna smash up (whats left of) their car

      Quoth dithers66 View Post
      keep in mind, You DO have his account info (ie personal info)
      Indeed, which we handed over to the police when they took our statements.

      Loooots of statements from customers and staff

      Quoth hefegrande View Post
      ...I'd love to go toe-to-toe with some of these people hahaha
      We're NOT supposed to condine violence, remember? lol

      Quoth PepperElf View Post
      ...and he & dad are banned yes? (hopeful look)
      To pepperelf and Peppergirl; Yes, he and dad are banned

      Quoth Evil Queen View Post
      Another customer who wanted to punch your lights out... Flea, what do you do to this people and WHY do they flock to you?

      Do you have a target on your forhead that only short tempered asshats can see? Because I think ya need to see if you can wash it off. I'd hate to have your job.
      You know, my Dad said pretty much the same thing.

      As Mel Gibson once said in Lethal weapon 4 (as Martin Riggs) "Trouble doesn't come looking for me. It seems to pretty much know where I am most of the time"
      -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

      Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

      A guide for customers about retail


      • #18
        Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
        Well, son and dad are actually PROUD of the fact they are on the dole (the british version of welfare) so while they are both under arresst (dad was arrested for vandaliseing company property, apparently) they get no dole money But your plan is better than mine...I was Just gonna smash up (whats left of) their car
        >.> ...I dunno, if I was on Government Help I'd be the most ashamed person on the planet (but then I have that nasty thing called PRIDE and I'm bull-headed like that).

        Dare I ask, Flea-bit, what is left of their car?
        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • #19
          Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
          Dare I ask, Flea-bit, what is left of their car?
          What with them both being fully fledged crims it wouldn't suprise me if it has no insurance, with a spot of luk it'll be seized S.165
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #20
            Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
            Well, son and dad are actually PROUD of the fact they are on the dole (the british version of welfare) so while they are both under arresst (dad was arrested for vandaliseing company property, apparently) they get no dole money
            Brilliant! Never knew that they couldn't get any dole while under arrest.

            Do I detect that the pair just wanted their PC 'tuned up' free of charge? How could they afford their £800 PC on their £60 a week dole money? The mind boggles...

            Hopefully this will be a lesson to all chavs that being rude and abusive isn't going to get you far in life. When will people learn?


            • #21
              Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
              Dare I ask, Flea-bit, what is left of their car?
              Probibly more than my last car ^^;

              I gotta say, I never did trash their car. Might not have been a bad idea.

              Quoth MattW View Post
              Brilliant! Never knew that they couldn't get any dole while under arrest.

              Do I detect that the pair just wanted their PC 'tuned up' free of charge? How could they afford their £800 PC on their £60 a week dole money? The mind boggles...
              You actgually have to CLAIM dole money (at the post office) from what I saw (My brother was on the dole for a whole week

              I know. it astounds me how much dolers have to throw around. I mean, I work full time in a not-to-terrible-wage job and I stuggle to afford the stuff they seem to afford easily. I hate how life works :\
              -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

              Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

              A guide for customers about retail


              • #22
                Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                I gotta say, I never did trash their car. Might not have been a bad idea.
                It's one that we don't condone on this board.

                I know. it astounds me how much dolers have to throw around. I mean, I work full time in a not-to-terrible-wage job and I stuggle to afford the stuff they seem to afford easily. I hate how life works :\
                I was on the dole many years ago. Never again. Based on my experiences, I can happily suggest that those on the dole with plenty of money are supplementing it somehow.



                • #23
                  so what did the Dad do to get nicked for vandalizing company property. Knowing that these gents sound like people I delt with when i lived in Independence Missouri, one time crystal meth capital of the world. I've got to think it was something either really stupid or disgusting involving used chewing tobacco.
                  They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.


                  • #24
                    Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                    it astounds me how much dolers have to throw around. I mean, I work full time in a not-to-terrible-wage job and I stuggle to afford the stuff they seem to afford easily. I hate how life works :\
                    Yeah, that kind of things baffles me too. Like my fellow student who was listening to his brand new iPod nano (that was within days from their first release) set down on the table where he was filling his CMU (healthcare coverage for unemployed/low income people) forms.
                    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                    • #25
                      Uhhh huh. The whole point of being on the Dole in this country is so you can afford to buy food - I mean pay the shitload of rent they force on you - while you look for a job. I've been on the dole for three weeks and because of their backlog I have only been paid once - I am not sponging £47 per week off the government because I can, I'm doing it out of necessity. Don't say that people on JSA have more money than you - either they have a hidden trust fund i.e. parents or are benefit whores. The money I get is necessary yet still far from enough to cover the bills of the house and food and every single job avaliable requires experience in the field that nobody is willing to provide in the first place.
                      "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                      • #26
                        I lived on the 'dole' for three years after I graduated. Fortunately my parents helped me out with the rent, but otherwise I was pretty broke. Only selling the occassional story, paint wargames figures for mates or the odd temporary job gave me any spending cash. A computer or a car was just a pipe dream.

                        On the other hand when I was on the sick, I have never been better off, since I had my mortgage covered, had insurance, plus didn't have to drive to work. Plus I didn't do anything much except hang around the house.
                        "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                        • #27
                          Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                          >.> ...I dunno, if I was on Government Help I'd be the most ashamed person on the planet (but then I have that nasty thing called PRIDE and I'm bull-headed like that).

                          Dare I ask, Flea-bit, what is left of their car?

                          I can guess: a few years ago on Top Gear, the challenge was to buy a car for under £100. Jeremy's car, the Volvo, strikes me as a likely example.

                          I've driven my fair share of junk cars in my day (and probably the fair share of several other people), so I have a certain empathy for the situation, but at least I am still ashamed as the blue cloud of smoke pouring from my tail pipe obscures the car behind me.


                          • #28
                            I imagine in the UK it is similar to the US: some of the people recieving "government assistance" money are doing so because they truly need it, and without that help they would be utterly failing. No X-Box in their life, luxury is buying a name-brand cereal.
                            Others, however, are doing it simply because they can. I'm not complaining about the people who have a job that pays so little that they still qualify for assistance, I'm complaining about the people who make good money working a construction job (for example), but are paid in cash and never declared as an employee, so there is no legal proof they have any income at all. Or they are dealing drugs. Or whatever: they make good money, but that isn't reported to the government, so they go to the government and ask for money which they wind up using to help make the payments on their Hummer, rather than using it to prevent starvation which is what it is supposed to be for.

                            I've never really understood the "pride" thing about charity. It seems to me that if I need help, and help is offered, I should take the help. I might be in denial, I might think I don't need help, but if I realize I DO need help, I don't see any shame in accepting help that is offered.
                            Where pride comes into it is offering help when you can: I've been on the recieving end of this kind of help before, I've been at the end of my rope, and I am proud that I am able to repay the kindness extended to me by others by helping you in your time of need.
                            It's the same kind of pride as when you were a little kid, and you got the chance to teach an even littler kid how to tie their shoes: I've been there, I needed help, and somebody helped me. And now it is my turn to be the helper.


                            • #29
                              I should point out that I actually have no problem with people on the dole, JSA or welfare. and to SongsOfDragons, I apologise if I offended you

                              What I complain about is people who are on the dole, Brag about it as if it's somthing to be proud of and make no effort what-so-ever to get a job. Like that guy. The people who think the world owes them somthing because they are on any kind of benefit, THAT annoys me.

                              Now, I don't mean that everyone on benefits are bad people. the majority of them are decent people who would not put so much as a foot wrong and who genuinely need's the small percentage of people who are on it just because they can be and who are everything that can be bad about a person.

                              ...not to mention; you can usually guarentee that the latter of the above is usually an SC
                              -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                              Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                              A guide for customers about retail


                              • #30
                                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                                I was on the dole many years ago. Never again. Based on my experiences, I can happily suggest that those on the dole with plenty of money are supplementing it somehow.
                                I'd agree. No one living only on dole money is well off. I've been there, done that (and was not ashamed, but am very proud not to have to claim anymore - and try to remember the help I got whenever I mournfully consider the tax being taken from my wages). I also sometimes help people on benefits draw up financial statements to help negotiate on debts (as part of my work) - it never adds up. It just does not pay for all the costs a person really has.

                                Anyone doing well is subsidising themselves with undeclared work. Which is fraud.

                                And SongsOfDragons - you must be under 25. I think the lower rate for people under 25 is truly evil. You don't have less costs, you probably have less resources (less opportunity to save etc.). If you aren't living with parents it's completely impossible to live on that.

                                Quoth Samaliel View Post
                                Yeah, that kind of things baffles me too. Like my fellow student who was listening to his brand new iPod nano (that was within days from their first release) set down on the table where he was filling his CMU (healthcare coverage for unemployed/low income people) forms.
                                A present ?

                                I can remember weeks when I literally had no food for the last day of the week, but I did have new jewellery, or a hardback book, or some other nice new luxury. I had (well - have) a generous mother.

                                She used to sometimes give me money specifying it wasn't for anything I needed - just for something "mad". She'd say sometimes you needed things like that more than food - and I always thought she was wrong. She didn't really know what it was like not to have the food. I still enjoyed the luxuries though.

                                (Best of all sometimes she'd give me things to give my baby half sister when I was too poor to buy her a present and she was a baby. Liked that better than the presents for myself. These days she saves all her £2 coins for "mad money", and when my purse was stolen with my months travel money as I was about to buy my £100+ bus pass she gave me over £70 of it).

                                Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                                I should point out that I actually have no problem with people on the dole, JSA or welfare. and to SongsOfDragons, I apologise if I offended you

                                What I complain about is people who are on the dole, Brag about it as if it's somthing to be proud of and make no effort what-so-ever to get a job. Like that guy. The people who think the world owes them somthing because they are on any kind of benefit, THAT annoys me.
                                I can't speak for anyone else (obviously) but I understood that from your original post.

                                I also agree with you. I don't think people should be ashamed of claiming - but they should not be proud, and they should be trying to get off the dole and into work.

                                Victoria j

