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Why I will never be a supervisor

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  • Why I will never be a supervisor

    or "how I discovered getting pissed off at work first thing in the morning works better than cofee" - but that was too long!

    My company is contracted by others to provide roadside assistance. For example, that neat little offer by your cell phone company to add roadside assistance for x amount of dollars a month - yeah. When you call your cell phone company to utilize that service - they send the call to us.

    Usually its not too much of a problem, however, there are plenty of times where things get lost in translation. Your little phone company is not really on "real time" with us. Sometimes, they operate telling you an arrival time, then we will call you back with a more accurate one. Sometimes its sooner, sometimes, its not.

    I called such a person to tell them that their service was going to be between now and 9am. This is 45 minutes later than her provider told her. Shit happens.

    But, OH NO! Not to her it doesn't. This can't be!

    It went something like this....

    (AL - ass lady)

    ME: *explains name of service provider and time of arrival*
    AL: WHAT? But ***** told me 8:15.
    ME: I understand, but those times are not guaranteed. Depending on service calls, it took be extended.
    AL: I HAVE to be at church at 9:00!!! They have to be here and gone in time for me to go to church.

    (Now, I'm sorry, needing to be at church is just another one of those instances that we do not consider an emergency. Unless you are late for a wedding and you are actually the bride, groom, or the person with the rings - then MAYBE we'll prioritize your service call)

    ME: I do apologize for the increase, but the driver is possibly on another call and needs time to finish.
    AL: Well, (the service call was for a key make) if I provide you with my VIN number, can they make it on the way here.
    (first of all, there are just so many things wrong with believing that the locksmith could operate his key making machines AND drive. I have a novel idea - don't lose your freakin' keys!)
    ME: (already knowing the answer - but just wanting to be evil and put her on hold to stew - my bad - but it's early!) Ma'am, when the driver gets there, they usually have to do more than just merely make a key. Sometimes, there's work they have to do to the door panel to ensure the key will work.
    AL: Well, heres what I'm going to tell you. ****** told me 8:15. Now, you're telling me 9:00am. This is unacceptable. You work for *****, you need to call ****** and tell them the ACTUAL time you are running.
    ME: Ma'am, that's not how it works. We get the call and we call the person who needs the service.
    AL: No! You need to call ***** and tell them the REAL TIME!
    ME: Ma'am, there is no guarantee on the "real time". That's why we call you. The times are different for every call.
    ME: Fine, but they will explain to you the same thing.
    AL: We'll see about that. GET me your supervisor, I know you are not there alone.

    (Oh, how badly I wanted to say,"Well, yes I am. I run the entire operation by myself for 10 hours on Sunday" But I just immediately put her on hold)

    Although she wasn't too sucky, just bitchy and bordering on EW - this got my blood boiling enough to make the sleepy go away. So, while she was on hold waiting for me to connect her to my supervisor - which honestly could've taken 1 minute, but I needed to tell my fellow dispatcher the situation since it was a call in her territory and I wanted this lady to sit on hold...

    So, I pick back up with only a quick, "okay, hold on" and dumped her on the supervisor on duty.

    Now, fully awake, I re-confirmed my decision to never be a supervisor.

    (I talked to the sup later - not only could she not get a word in edgewise, she told AL the exact same thing)
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

  • #2
    And the conversation later, when she arrives to church, 15 minutes late, awful lemon-flavored bundt cake in arms...

    AL: Sorry i'm late, those people at XXX company are uneducated idiots. Liars, completely unwilling to work with a paying customer.
    Friends: That's awful! They should be ashamed of themselves!
    AL: Yes they should. Even after i told them how things were going to be, they ignored me and insisted on telling me 'how it works' like i was a child. The NERVE of some people!
    Friends: I hope you gave them an earful!
    AL: I did. Ok, where are we?
    Friends: Book of Matthew... "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth... Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled..."

    Ah yes... hypocrites and idiots go hand in hand.


    • #3
      Hmmm. I might have to try more of that Jimmy... although, I usually find that if I'm tired, and I get the crap call, I get more apathetic.. .such as the one tonight where the girl in question starts by telling me it's not her account, but wants to find out what vehicle is on it, so she knows she's paying the right one.

      Nope - privacy laws say no!

      "So, I could be paying the wrong account?"
      That's correct, due to the privacy laws.
      Well, what about my privacy for the credit card?
      Hey, you don't have to pay it.
      You are rude!

      (yep! and tired... keep going....and there's no milk for my coffee here either )

      Slyt - completely not caring any more
      When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


      • #4
        I suppose it depends on the situation. There are some similar calls I take that I just don't give a damn about. It's not even that I gave a damn about this one - but I guess she just caught me in the right (or wrong?) mood and it pissed me off just enough to wake up more. Which is good because I have a paper due tomorrow and I needed to complete it today at work. Before this call, I had no desire. Now, the paper is almost complete.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Coulda been worse...the sup could have caved.

          Didn't you have one that gave in to a really sh*tty customer a few weeks back?
          "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


          • #6
            Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
            I suppose it depends on the situation. There are some similar calls I take that I just don't give a damn about. It's not even that I gave a damn about this one - but I guess she just caught me in the right (or wrong?) mood and it pissed me off just enough to wake up more. Which is good because I have a paper due tomorrow and I needed to complete it today at work. Before this call, I had no desire. Now, the paper is almost complete.
            Nothing like a sucky customer to motivate you to do your school work


            • #7
              Quoth Peppergirl View Post
              Coulda been worse...the sup could have caved.

              Didn't you have one that gave in to a really sh*tty customer a few weeks back?

              That sucked!

              Grrr! That person was REALLY shitty and the fucking manager caved. I was furious.
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                Quoth almigi View Post
                Nothing like a sucky customer to motivate you to do your school work
                Indeed. Even when you're burnt out, sucky customers have this strange way of helping you rediscover your motivation. At least they're good for something.
                I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                • #9
                  Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                  getting pissed off at work first thing in the morning works better than cofee.
                  This is one of humanity's quintessential Truths.


                  • #10
                    One time, I was working, about a hour before my shift was up, guess who called? MY STALKER! My friend gave her my cell number. Interupted Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. I was pretty pissed. Work flew by.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
                      And the conversation later, when she arrives to church, 15 minutes late, awful lemon-flavored bundt cake in arms...

                      AL: Sorry i'm late, those people at XXX company are uneducated idiots. Liars, completely unwilling to work with a paying customer.
                      Friends: That's awful! They should be ashamed of themselves!
                      AL: Yes they should. Even after i told them how things were going to be, they ignored me and insisted on telling me 'how it works' like i was a child. The NERVE of some people!
                      Friends: I hope you gave them an earful!
                      AL: I did. Ok, where are we?
                      Friends: Book of Matthew... "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth... Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled..."

                      Ah yes... hypocrites and idiots go hand in hand.
                      Ain't that the truth. Word of advice though; don't make my mistake and try to call them on that unless you have a couple hours to kill listening to them screech. Or if you have good lawyer and an even better right hook >.>

                      But back on topic, sorry you had to deal with that, FoJK! Though at least the laws of physics were on your side this time
                      Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


                      • #12
                        Ma'am, when the driver gets there, they usually have to do more than just merely make a key. Sometimes, there's work they have to do to the door panel to ensure the key will work.
                        Locksmith here:......

                        It usually takes waaaayy longer than 15min to make a car key. Unless we get the keycode from the roadside dispatcher (vehicle warranty roadside --NOT cell/insurance co. roadside) we don't have access to the vehicle manufacturers VIN# databases. That means min. 1 hr labor to take stuff on the car appart and put back together. If it's a newer vehicle with one of them transponder keys, add 1/2 - 1 hr for reprogramming the car to accept the electronic signal from the new key.

                        It never ceases to amaze me, that people think we can just eyeball their car and magically whittle a key for them within 5 min. If it were that easy, any talented thief would be taking of with any car they want without the need to peel a column.

                        Or the stupid : "you know the car thiefs in <insert high crime area> would have been in there by now" if it takes me longer than 30 sec to open a car.
                        "Yeah, I could be in it within 2 seconds, too---- with a brick or tire iron!"

