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They let me do it last night! (long)

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  • They let me do it last night! (long)

    Now this one just sucks for all parties involved. I felt a little sad for the SC but she didn't have to be such a jerk about it.

    I am training so my newbie is still quite nervous. Anyway, I told her to always make sure the last name on the credit card matches the license.

    We were doing a credit card transaction that they first start at the atm machine and when they don't have their pin or have gone over their daily limit they end up at the cage to receive their money.

    Well, this woman's last name just happen to be different on her credit card than what was on her license.

    Me: Is there a reason your last name doesn't match?

    Sometimes I'll ask to find the route of the problem: (i.e. It's my mom's, friends, sister's uncles, card) Or:

    SC: It's my maiden name. I just got married.

    Newbie looks at me and I tell her we have to run it by the supervisor. I'd rather their ass than ours.

    So, supervisor as I predicted said no.

    We go back out there and try to explain that we will NOT run the card because her name has to match, it's for her protection, etc.

    SC: But they let me do it last night! (Points to co-worker working next to us) SHE went into the back and they did it just fine.

    Co-worker agrees but the problem was we had a different supervisor the night before who just didn't care or maybe she knew the woman. Needless to say the current Supervisor didn't share the same view.

    SC: I want your supervisor.

    I got him and the fun began:

    SC: I don't understand. They let me do it last night. I am just waiting for my other card to be sent!

    SV: Unfortunately the outside company ____ requires that your name matches. There is nothing more we can do.

    SC: Why did the other supervisor let me and not you?

    SV: I do my job correctly.

    (I when that was said, technically the boss from last night is above the current SV)

    They argued a bit but she started to get attitude. This supervisor does not respond well to attitude.

    SV: No matter what I am not doing this transaction.

    SC: I want your boss.

    SV: I am the the boss.


    I love this SV. I really do. SV has the best backbone EVER.

    SC: There has to be someone higher than you.

    SV: The cage manager will be available tomorrow morning.

    SC says she will be contacting the manager and saying what crappy service she got.

    The kicker, the amount was only $100!!!

    So was gone, or so we thought.

    She comes back up for a different transaction and goes to a different window and begins to bitch at my co worker. I refused to stand for that. I will not let any of my CW's get the shit end of the stick just because SC thinks its okay to berate us.

    I disappeared into the back and got SV again. This time SV stayed up there and the lady got "nice" real fast. I love seeing SV in action.

    She left for awhile...

    She came back AGAIN to bitch and moan. She brought a casino host who has NO power but looks important. I am higher than them when it comes to things pertaining to MY job.

    I got SV again and SC was told the same thing again. SV offered to call big boss but SC would have none of it. Bascially she was SOL.

    After a few mins of aruging she finally left but was still pissed.

    I'm sorry but it IS for her protection. And ours. Her happiness is not worth any of our jobs.

  • #2
    Some people are really persistent. She must have really needed that $100.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Please tell me the cage manager has a spine?

      I'd hate to think this great story had a crappy ending.
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #4
        The manager? I don't know... Sometimes CM (cage manager) does. I've seen CM in action once and she kept her word and refused to take an invalid ID.

        The woman in question has a good streak of play and I think thats why the other SV just let it go or she was annoyed and didn't want to deal with it.

        I hope CM backs up the SV with a spine. I'll find out how things go on friday. I get a three day vacation yay!


        • #5
          I'm curious as to how closely a credit card has to match.

          For instance, on my credit card there's an amusing typo on my name. My last name is actually two words. First word is 3 letters and lower case, the second word is very long and the first letter of it is capitalized. Often times people think its a middle name or something, but its not, my last name just has two words in it, and its not hyphenated either. Its just two words.

          Occasionally I'll get a question about it, usually at the bank, but nobody else seems to mind much, even though the name on the card doesn't actually match my name, and I can't be arsed to go through the paperwork to get the typo fixed.


          • #6
            Quoth Hyndis View Post
            For instance, on my credit card there's an amusing typo on my name. My last name is actually two words. First word is 3 letters and lower case, the second word is very long and the first letter of it is capitalized. Often times people think its a middle name or something, but its not, my last name just has two words in it, and its not hyphenated either. Its just two words.
            My great-grandfather entered the U.S. with a last name like yours. Apparently, as was common, it got shortened by the officers at Ellis Island. So it went from being German to French.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              We are required to not only check the NAMES match, but that the NUMBERS at the end match to the numbers printed out on the signage slip and it's a little irritating in the way that people get pissy thinking that I believe they are criminals right off the bat


              • #8
                Quoth Anakah View Post

                SC: Why did the other supervisor let me and not you?

                SV: I do my job correctly.


                They argued a bit but she started to get attitude. This supervisor does not respond well to attitude.

                SV: No matter what I am not doing this transaction.

                SC: I want your boss.

                SV: I am the the boss.

                Wish I had this supervisor at my job...can you clone them?


                • #9
                  Quoth wagegoth View Post
                  My great-grandfather entered the U.S. with a last name like yours. Apparently, as was common, it got shortened by the officers at Ellis Island. So it went from being German to French.
                  Same situation with my family. My family immigrated to the US from the Prussia/Germany/Austria region about 1910...and good timing on their part, too, considering my family was a military family.

                  No male family members who stayed survived WWI.


                  • #10
                    And this is why during the process of changing my name after getting married I took my wedding certificate around with me everywhere. Saved my butt a few times when last names didn't match. My cc didn't match my DL for a week but since the wedding certificate showed both my old last name and my new one, it bridged the gap so to speak


                    • #11
                      I have had lots of clerical errors with my last name. My Wegman's card has the wrong letter at the end. One of my jobs' paychecks switches two letters. In high school, I used to get someone else's report cards(same first name, last name is the same but for two letters). I don't blame people, because I've a strong accent and dyslexia dysgraphia(my writing has a PhD in horribleness); it's fairly easy to misunderstand my Germanic surname. But I do accept it when someone balks, and I've better things to do than go back again and again when I've gotten no for an answer.
                      I lessthanthree your SV.
                      My first reaction to reading the title was to mentally retort, "You should've seen what your mother let me do last night! GIGGITY!"
                      "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
                      "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
                      X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


                      • #12
                        Quoth Hyndis View Post
                        Same situation with my family. My family immigrated to the US from the Prussia/Germany/Austria region about 1910...and good timing on their part, too, considering my family was a military family.

                        No male family members who stayed survived WWI.
                        The first great-grandfather (father's side) I mentioned arrived from Leipzig in the 1880s.

                        I did have another great-grandfather (mother's side) who was from Prussia and in the military. He arrived here at the end of the 19th century. He had been witnessing the build-up and the brushfire wars in Europe and decided he wanted to live longer. Unfortunately, he and his second wife died of the Spanish Influenza in 1919, leaving my grandmother and her sisters orphans.
                        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                        HR believes the first person in the door
                        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                        Document everything
                        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                        • #13
                          it's definitely a big difference from the 80s
                          mom went to use dad's credit card one day and... the clerk made absolutely NO effort to check mom's identity.

                          she questioned it and was informed that ... it was company policy to assume a woman using a man's credit card was the wife. mom was pretty much pissed off about that.

                          i'm glad to see it's stricter now


                          • #14
                            When I was sixteen about seven years ago I still got to use my mom and dad's credit card. I'm glad times have changed though. I get all excited with the warm fuzzies when the cashier asks for my ID.


                            • #15
                              Quoth unclejampuff View Post
                              (my writing has a PhD in horribleness)
                              This line made me smile. Is Joss Whedon your master too ?
                              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

