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"But MY DAUGHTER has diabetes!"

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  • "But MY DAUGHTER has diabetes!"

    Reading the similarly named thread by Loony_Librarian made me think of this event that happened a few days ago. For those that don't know, I work at a regional call-center for a major pizza chain. If you call a store owned by my company in a good chunk of the south-central part of the US (and Delaware, for some reason) you speak with us, not the store. Most people can't tell the difference, either.

    Anyway... this woman was bitching about how her daughter has Gestational Diabetes (I think? Something about being diabetic because she was pregnant, anyway...). The daughter had had the wrong sandwich delivered twice, which is pretty bad, considering it was about 45m for delivery that time of night.

    I've forgotten the exact details, but I was trying to do everything I could to make it right, as the order really had gone FUBAR. That is, I was doing everything I could right up until she delivered this zinger: "Do you want to be responsible for her going into a diabetic coma and DYING, because you idiots couldn't get a sandwich right?!"

    Now, as one might imagine, that pretty much just set me off on all sorts of levels and caused a catastrophic Brain-to-Mouth filter failure. I went ice-cold on her and told her, in a blatantly caustic tone, that I would be fixing the issue to the best of my ability, but I was not in any way responsible for her daughter's health, I wasn't physically restraining her from eating, and that if it's that bad to just eat the other sandwich and we'll still either replace it or give her credit.

    I was monitored on that one, and got in trouble for not sending that to a supervisor... and if I get written up for it, I am NOT signing it.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

  • #2
    The funny thing is that with gestational diabetes, you generally don't have the bottoming out. your sugar runs on the high side. Some women end up on insulin during their pregnancy. If that was the case with this Einstein, then she shouldn't have taken her dose til' she was ready to eat......and if she was worried about getting too low with an insulin dose then eat, dammit, eat!!
    Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.---Bullet Tooth Tony


    • #3
      What, she doesn't have any fruit in the house she could snack on in the meanwhile?? Wtf?
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        Quoth iradney View Post
        What, she doesn't have any fruit in the house she could snack on in the meanwhile?? Wtf?
        It would appear the wahmbulance hasn't brought any to her recently!
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

