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You poor, poor woman

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  • You poor, poor woman

    Sometimes i'm so pleased I have pets not kids. I really don't know how some people cope.

    Had a lady come in on the weekend with her 2 sons about 9 and 11. While I am helping her pick out some items the 9 year old picks up a bottle and promptly smashes it on the concrete floor. Broken glass and alcohol everywhere. Ok it was an accident, these things happen.

    While she is telling him off and telling him to wait outside I'm saying it Ok, no big drama, I'll get it cleaned up after you've left. As I'm ringing up her purchase I look over the counter and here is the kid kneeling on the floor beside the mess dipping his fingers in it and tasting it. Off the floor, with shards of glass everywhere!

    So I say 'Hey that's not a great idea. There's shards of glass in that'. Did he stop. No. I can only imagine what he must be like at home.
    Yes. I know my typing sucks but I have a large orange cat sitting on my keyboard and a small disturbed dog trying to sniff his butt

  • #2
    I have 2 cats & that's more than enough "kids" for me. I've seen & heard horror stories of ankle biters enough to know that I don't want kids. I see enough brats as it is at Sam's


    • #3
      A child is just as capable (Much much More IMHO) in bringing joy into your life as a pet. Children get a bad rap for their poor behavior the same way dogs that bite get called vicious: It's not their fault, it's the fault of the adult who is SUPPOSED to be RESPONSIBLE for them.
      Children will never behave properly in public if they are not taught otherwise. Shame on that mother for not being the one to move her baby out of harm's way and look after him!
      "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


      • #4
        OY... I have FOUR (yes thats right, and all with the same wonderful man) and I have ALWAYS walked out and brought them to daddy if my children didn't heed my words. ALSO I always made sure they were WELL fed and hydrated before hand too

        Makes a difference. Of course, some kids are so freaking freaky and some parents just don't have the patience or the common sense to deal watch them and deal with the behavior, you just can't let the kids run amok. you just can't.


        • #5
          wait - the young kid was drinking the alcohol off the floor and the mother didn't stop it?


          • #6
            I'm sorry but in cases like that, the parent should be smacked. I mean, really .
            If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

            Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".


            • #7
              the mother was Ok, she really was doing her best to pull him into line, I could'nt have handles it myself
              Yes. I know my typing sucks but I have a large orange cat sitting on my keyboard and a small disturbed dog trying to sniff his butt


              • #8
                Who needs kids when you can have adults acting like kids.
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #9
                  My kids would die a swift death if they ever behaved like that in a store. My daughter has taken to having temper tantrums every week at the grocery store. When she starts, my ex (I still do my groceries with my ex-husband, yes) picks her up and leaves the store until she calms down while I continue to do my groceries with my son.

                  Now we have a particular situation... our daughter is bi-polar (at age 7 - yay!) and has very little impulse control, but there's no reason to subject other people to her behavior issues. (my son has asperger's and usually behaves himself impeccably in stores - unless his sister instigates, in which case he bugs her back - we try to keep them separate as much as possible, as in ok, you go help daddy with the meat, she'll come with me to do vegetables)

                  I couldn't imagine allowing my child to pick up a bottle off a shelf unless he was about to put it in my cart, and even so, I handle all glass stuff myself to avoid precisely that situation - they certainly know better than to touch anything that's been spilled or broken!
                  GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

