Forgot this one from Monday. Was covering a break in electronics after I had finished counting furniture when I had the following exchange:
Customer: Where are your VHS movies?
Me: Sorry, we don't have any?
Customer: That's stupid. Why not?
Me: Everything's gone to DVDs nowadays I guess.
Customer: Well what am I supposed to do? I just have a VCR?
Me: We have a wide selection of DVD players. They start at about 30 bucks.
Customer: Forget it. (stomps off)
Customer: Where are your VHS movies?
Me: Sorry, we don't have any?
Customer: That's stupid. Why not?
Me: Everything's gone to DVDs nowadays I guess.
Customer: Well what am I supposed to do? I just have a VCR?
Me: We have a wide selection of DVD players. They start at about 30 bucks.
Customer: Forget it. (stomps off)
