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Rebate whores.....

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  • #16
    I can relate to this. Rebates are difficult to the customer because of all the paperwork involved. You have to give them a copy of the receipt, plus proof of purchase, your blood type, the year of your marriage, how many kids you have....need I go on?

    But, there is a good reason for all of this. When I worked for Bellsouth, they used to give rebates to people who would upgrade their phone service, or add something like DSL. At times, it was $25 per item sold, and the customers would get a check within a month. The moment these customers got their money, they would call in and have the products removed since they got their money, then would call for a credit because they were upset with the service. Yeah, right! Or, they would cash the check, but later on call and say they never got their money, so additional checks would be cut.

    Later on, the company finally got smart and developed the coupon system. Customers were then required to fill out this coupon, which was sent by mail, or they could print them on line. Then, they had to fill them out and send in a copy of their phone bill showing them they had these services. And, to add insult to their injury, these coupons had tracking codes on them because of the customers claiming no money was ever sent. Oh, the calls that came in on that. You had those where it showed the check was delivered and cashed, yet it was "I never got it". But, at least the fraud tapered off significantly. And, by the way, customers were required to keep many of these upgrades for at least three months. For things like DSL, they had to keep it a year.

    Customers can complain all they want about rebates, but it's the sneakiness and stealing that has caused them to become nightmares.


    • #17
      Quoth Kara_CS View Post
      Worse than the rebates was this ongoing promotion we had where if you signed up for a year of AOL or Compuserv, you got a $200 instant gift card. But customers figured out you could sign up for like 10 different accounts at one time, get enough gift cards to then turn around and use them on your in store purchase, then call AOL or Compuserv the next day and say your credit card was stolen and they would cancel all the accounts no questions asked. We knew what was going on but the Corporate bigwigs didn't care and there was no limit ever set to stop it.
      If I am reading this right, AOL/Compuserv issued the gift cards, correct? So Circuit City probably did not care so much since they were still making $$ off of the whole deal when people bought stuff with the cards, it was AOL who was getting screwed. And we can guess what AOL did...raise the rates for their paying customers.
      If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


      • #18
        Customers can complain all they want about rebates, but it's the sneakiness and stealing that has caused them to become nightmares.
        Ding ding ding! I think we have a winner. This is SO true. Rebates are supposed to be in place to reward the people who actually purchase and intend to keep the products, and now they're being punished with incredibly long processes, just so the companies can make sure they're not being gypped out of money.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #19
          Quoth RentalRacer View Post
          If I am reading this right, AOL/Compuserv issued the gift cards, correct? So Circuit City probably did not care so much since they were still making $$ off of the whole deal when people bought stuff with the cards, it was AOL who was getting screwed. And we can guess what AOL did...raise the rates for their paying customers.
          True, though they were still getting the rebates from both the manufacturers and Circuit City.
          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


          • #20
            No, Rebates are a marketing trick

            Quoth myswtghst View Post
            Ding ding ding! I think we have a winner. This is SO true. Rebates are supposed to be in place to reward the people who actually purchase and intend to keep the products, and now they're being punished with incredibly long processes, just so the companies can make sure they're not being gypped out of money.
            Rebates have four advantages to manufacturers, compared to simply marking things down.

            1) They can advertize a lower price than what you have to shell out to get the item (And you pay sales tax on what you pay a the register).

            2) People frequently foget to send them in time.

            3) They are made more complicated than the need to be. If the customer doesn't scrutinize them with a lawyers eye they will make a mistake and the company gets to keep the money.

            4) For the few people who remember to send in the right stuff and get their check, it's and interest free loan to the company.

            They're a scam
            Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


            • #21
              My brother buys computer-y stuff with rebates all the time, and hasn't ever had a problem getting his rebates. Yes, you have to follow the rules, but I don't think that's such a big deal when you're getting money back. *shrugs* I've never looked at them as a scam, more as a bonus, of sorts. If the item is offered at a lower flat price somewhere else, or something comparable is available without a rebate but for cheaper, I'll go with that.
              "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

              “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


              • #22
                This isn't exactly a rebate story, but it's related - and deals not with Sucky Customers, but Sucky Corporate.

                When I worked at Camera Store, they had a promotion during Christmas. With purchase of X Y or Z camera, you could get a gift card worth $A, $B, or $C back in the mail. Coupon/form they filled out (and we verified that the purchase was made) and sent in said 3-4 weeks or something like that.

                No problem, you say. Right? Wrong.
                Customers started calling complaining that they haven't gotten their card 5-6 weeks later. So chasing up the phone chain, I finally found out they had a MUCH bigger response to the promotion than they thought and there were literally BOXES of the forms sitting around waiting to be processed.

                Instead of people getting the cards back in 3-4 weeks like promised, it was taking 4-6 to even get entered into the system! But Corporate didn't hire more people for the duration of the promotion to get things done in a timely manner and they continued to print the "3-4 week" timeline on the forms! I started directing all complaint calls directly to them.


                • #23
                  Quoth Reyneth View Post
                  I finally found out they had a MUCH bigger response to the promotion than they thought and there were literally BOXES of the forms sitting around waiting to be processed.

                  Instead of people getting the cards back in 3-4 weeks like promised, it was taking 4-6 to even get entered into the system! But Corporate didn't hire more people for the duration of the promotion to get things done in a timely manner and they continued to print the "3-4 week" timeline on the forms! I started directing all complaint calls directly to them.
                  Thats whats happening at my lovely place of work at the moment. Originally the rebate response time was 8 - 12 weeks.
                  Now, 3 - 4 months. I feel sick everytime i hear the word rebate as im getting ripped into by SC no less than 30 times a day.
                  Did i meantion this offer started last Summer finished in October, and people still have no got their money back.


                  • #24
                    I hate how complicated some of the rebates are to qualify for.
                    I saw some memory at Compusa with a 20 dollar rebate.
                    To qualify for that 20 dollar rebate, I had to buy an 800 dollar computer system.
                    Tell me that isn't a crock of crap.
                    Cyberpunk mayhem!


                    • #25
                      Quoth Fraggle View Post
                      Thats whats happening at my lovely place of work at the moment. Originally the rebate response time was 8 - 12 weeks.
                      Now, 3 - 4 months. I feel sick everytime i hear the word rebate as im getting ripped into by SC no less than 30 times a day.
                      Did i meantion this offer started last Summer finished in October, and people still have no got their money back.
                      Please tell me you have a Corporate number you can give to customers. So then at least you don't have to deal with it.

                      What really peeved me off about the situation at my old store - the forms were basic ones set up on the computer and laser printed. Not like coupon stacks glued together on the one end you usually see for rebates from manufacturers. Heck, most of the time we were making copies at our store because they sent us one in the newsletter. Now why on this green earth couldn't they bother to change the timeline to reflect what the reality was? Nothing like upsetting customers deliberately!


                      • #26
                        Quoth Reyneth View Post
                        Please tell me you have a Corporate number you can give to customers. So then at least you don't have to deal with it.

                        Nope, we have been told in no uncertain terms we have to deal with these soul destroying calls.

