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I missed the fireworks for /this/?

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  • I missed the fireworks for /this/?

    Y'okay, so. Let me quickly explain what happened beforehand here. My doctor's got me on yet /another/ anxiety medication, and this one, unlike all the others, keeps me /awake/ all night. So from the 29th til now, I haven't slept more than /maybe/ an hour a day, usually more like twenty minutes, making it /very/ hard to maintain my veneer of civility. On top of this, from August 1st to 10th, my town has a festival going, so it seems like every daytime drunk in a thousand kilometer radius is coming in for munchies. And of course, I work with slackers, so unless the boss is working (and he gets off four hours before I do), everything's on me. So here's a few short snippets of the most /wonderful/ week of my life.

    1) Maybe it's cherry?

    I'm quietly washing the bathrooms, while the other guy working with me is watching the register, when a guy who must have been sixty years old stumbles in absolutely /reeking/ of whisky and various other fun things, nonchalantly VOMITS BLOOD ON MY FEET, and leaves. Since then, I've developed a itchy, incredibly painful rash from ankle to knee on both legs, and almost can't stand. BUT NO SICK DAYS FOR ME.

    2) Dude.. Chill!

    We have a deal going; for every six slushies you buy, you get one free. We give you a little slushie card and everything; we stamp it when you buy one. Now, we also sell "i-scream" (read: ice milk) that you can mix into slushes to make a kind of milkshake; this costs extra, and so you can't get it in a freebie slushie. This one woman, armed with not one, but /three/ free slushie cards, and ignoring every single piece of signage we own forewarning her, is abso-freaking-lutely ASTONISHED when we won't give her the ice cream slushie for free. When we insist, she takes them and proceeds to dump them down the sink rather than pay for them, and when I apologize for the inconvenience, she turns around and THROWS the third, minus lid, at me. Thankfully, I was off in about five minutes and could take a shower, but.. STILL! I had to work five minutes and walk half an hour home covered in slushie and half-frozen milk.

    3) Keep on truckin'

    While one of my co-workers was "sweeping the front" (slacking) and the other was "stocking the cooler" (napping), a man with a semi comes in. He leaves his semi outside. Thankfully. He, pleasantly enough, asks for me to turn on the gas pump for him, and I, in accordance with the new gas laws for my province, kindly ask him to leave a credit card, bank card, or some such, at the till with me. Instantly, he undergoes a Robert Louis Stevensonian transformation and starts biting my head off, demanding that I let him keep his card and go pump, or he'll have my job, he knows the boss, you guys know the whole rundown. At this point, I've been sleepless for over a week, I'd missed nearly every event of the festival I'd wanted to go to, I was in pain, and I just wanted to go home, so I was on the verge of tears. *Manhood -10,000!* Through an act of sheer willpower, instead of tearing into him for being the arse he is, I turn to the next customer, who's been patiently waiting in line the whole time, and ring his stuff through. Of course, trucker man was having none of it. He was there a full five minutes, demanding that I break laws for him, and he would never relinquish his card, until the co-worker who was "sweeping" actually heard him from across the parking lot, through plate-glass windows, and came in and took his card from him. And proceeded to tear into me with "Don't you recognize the boss's friend? Good G**!" Aand that was all I could take. Leaving the till to him, I ran for the back and hid in the walk-in cooler and cried for nearly twenty minutes. *Manhood -.. You know what, manhood -INFINTY* While stocking the drinks, of course. No rest for the wicked.

    4) In /my/ day..

    Now, for you who don't know, the Lotto 6/49 jackpot is 43 million dollars. This, of course, means everyone in town with as little as $3 ($2 a play and $1 an Extra!) to spare is getting a ticket. And everyone has their own lucky way. This guy, who was old enough to be my great-grandfather, demanded that I physically take the roll of paper out of the machine, let him kiss it, push the buttons with only my ring finger, and on and on with the inanity. Nobody else is in line, so I figure best to humour him instead of ticking him off, and so I do his game of simon-says. There were a few people behind him in the end, but they were patient enough, probably laughing to themselves; I sure was. FINALLY I was finished, and about to print the ticket when I ask the rote "Do you want an Extra with that?" (An extra line of numbers for a dollar; you can't win the jackpot without it, I think.) and he says "No, no Extra.". I print it, hand it to him, tuck his money in the register, and turn to the next customer, when he roars "WHERE THE BLOODY H*** IS MY EXTRA?! YOU FORGOT MY F***ING EXTRA!"
    "..You.. You didn't ask for it.."
    "If you'd like, I.. I can cancel that one and print you up one with an Extra, no extra charge.." (I'll gladly lose a dollar off my cheque to prevent a scene. But to no avail.)
    His eyes start to glitter with greed. How far could he push this? "No, I want a /whole/ new ticket. Free. Now. Because you f***ing screwed up, you b****, and I know if I give you this one I'll never get it back."
    At this point, I'm perfectly willing to acquiesce, I can't handle this after the last few days, when.. What's this? A knight in shining armour? The woman directly behind him busts in with;
    "Leave the poor kid alone! Look at him, he's exhausted! He shouldn't even be /working/ tonight! And you're making him play some insane game of hokey pokey with you, because you're f***ing petty! We /all/ heard you say NO EXTRA!"
    She looks to the men behind her, who all nod, except the teenager, who's too busy sucking on his slushie.
    "So how about you stop holding up the line with this game of cashier baiting, and get the h*** out of our way, ***hole?"
    Turning bright red, without another word, he turns and storms out of the store. Speechlessly trying to thank the woman, my finger "slips" and hits the employee discount button; the least I can do.
    "S'okay, kid, was nothing. Us peons have to stick together."

    And here I thought I was the only one who said peons.

    EDIT: Thanks for all your concern about the rash; I did in fact go to the emergency room after I got off work that day, but the doctor had no idea, so he swabbed it, gave me a general antibiotic/parasitic (dioxy-something I think) and sent me home. He'll call me back.
    Last edited by Pyrogoeth; 08-07-2008, 10:51 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth Pyrogoeth View Post
    Since then, I've developed a itchy, incredibly painful rash from ankle to knee on both legs, and almost can't stand.
    I think this needs to be said, so I'll say it loudly enough for everyone: Get to a doctor, NOW!!!

    Quoth Pyrogoeth View Post
    When we insist, she takes them and proceeds to dump them down the sink rather than pay for them, and when I apologize for the inconvenience, she turns around and THROWS the third, minus lid, at me. Thankfully, I was off in about five minutes and could take a shower, but..
    Police for this one, either for her on assault charges or me for 2nd degree murder, depending on if I snapped or not.

    As for the rest of it... fuck... you have got to take some time to relax, recharge, and get your energy back. I know the anxiety problems make it hard, but look into meditative techniques (if you haven't already).

    Also, people will hound you constantly if they think they can bully you into doing what they want, as you were about to do in the 4th story. They smell the proverbial blood in the water and attack. Go to a bar with a good bartender (even if you don't drink, just buy some snacks and sit) and watch how they deal with people. Try to emulate their attitude, posture, and actions. It'll get you very far dealing with any customer situation.
    Last edited by JustADude; 08-07-2008, 10:11 AM.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      First let me emphatically state you aren't the only person who uses "peons," that seems to be the most suitable word for most of my occupations in life

      Secondly, for having to deal with all that! Was great to know that a fellow peon stood up for you at least! Hope things start improving for you, and get those legs/feet looked at soon, if you haven't already. That kind of pain is definitely not something to ignore, especially if you can't sleep. A good sleep cycle usually cures a lot of my pain, so seriously get that checked out. And good luck once again!
      Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


      • #4
        I'll chip in with the Doctor bit, but not just for the rash, but to get that medication changed too. Honestly... if you aren't sleeping at night, and spend your days in a sleep-deprived, trembling state... y'know what? That's gonna wipe out any benefit you get from taking the stuff.

        And... I know it's easy to say get a new job, and not so easy to do. But... you really do deserve better than this. Customer service is rough, nasty business, and you're also saddled with two co-workers who are taking advantage of your good and honest nature. Just keep your eyes open, and if you see an opportunity, do yourself the favor of taking it.

        And... from this point forward, document all the crap your co-workers pull. If you can get evidence, get it. Sneak a pic on your cellphone of one of them napping, document how long the other spends out sweeping the lot every day... just build a log. Bring a little notebook and make an entry for every day, everything that happens, no matter how petty it seems to record it. So that when the inevitably throw you under the bus for something, you can dump this file on your boss' desk, with a note that a copy has been sent to HR and HIS bossess. Won't save you, but will make THEIR lives a little more uncomfortable.
        Check out my webcomic!


        • #5
          Quoth Pyrogoeth View Post
          nonchalantly VOMITS BLOOD ON MY FEET, and leaves. Since then, I've developed a itchy, incredibly painful rash from ankle to knee on both legs, and almost can't stand. BUT NO SICK DAYS FOR ME.
          Dude---Have you ever heard of workman's comp? You should have immediately contacted your manager and went to the hospital. You have to know there are a number of infectious and sometimes deadly diseases spread through not only blood contact but any type of bodily fluid contact. Fill out an incident report, and get to the doctor. At the very least you need to be checked for hepititis, not to mention all of the other not so lovely nasties that are out there.


          • #6
            I agree with the doctor - heck, if you're anywhere near hull/ottawa, I'll take you myself

            Get off those anxiety meds - if you're not sleeping, you're certainly not feeling less anxious, are you? They almost sound like Effexor (bane of my existence - spent four years of HELL with my ex-husband on that stuff, and when he stopped taking it cold turkey AFTER I'd left him, he was a much nicer person!). Either way, it's obviously not doing the trick for you if you're not sleeping, and there are so many meds out there, it's simple enough to try something different.

            See your doctor asap regarding both situations. Vomit should not cause a rash. It's possible there was more wrong with this guy than meets the eye (other than being an asshat, I mean).
            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


            • #7
              Quoth Pyrogoeth View Post
              "Leave the poor kid alone! Look at him, he's exhausted! He shouldn't even be /working/ tonight! And you're making him play some insane game of hokey pokey with you, because you're f***ing petty! We /all/ heard you say NO EXTRA!...So how about you stop holding up the line with this game of cashier baiting, and get the h*** out of our way, ***hole?"
              Mega-kudos to that wonderful woman for sticking up for you and saying exactly what you wanted to say (but would lose your job for)!

              "Cashier Baiting", yep, that's exactly what it was. Just like when Blas' old gas station customers would demand "cigarettes", then "Marlboros", then "Reds", etc. Some people are just so unbelievably petty that they get their jollies off of making retail workers obey their every little order. Worthless jerks, they can go sit and spin on a barrel cactus.
              Quoth Polenicus View Post
              I'll chip in with the Doctor bit, but not just for the rash, but to get that medication changed too. Honestly... if you aren't sleeping at night, and spend your days in a sleep-deprived, trembling state... y'know what? That's gonna wipe out any benefit you get from taking the stuff.

              And... from this point forward, document all the crap your co-workers pull.
              Polenicus (and everyone else here) is right. You should have a doctor check out that rash and tell him/her about the problems you're having with your meds. Neither of those are something you should just "suck up and deal with". And those lazy coworkers need to shape up or ship out, they certainly aren't helping the situation any.

              Please take care of yourself.
              Last edited by XCashier; 08-07-2008, 05:30 PM.
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                As someone who works in the pharmacy...

                DEFINITELY ask about changing your meds.* There are a lot of anti-anxiety medications out there, and insomnia is not a good side effect for them.*


                • #9
                  @ Pyrogoeth. Yes, get thee to a doctor and file a report about the incident.
                  Quoth JustADude View Post
                  Go to a bar with a good bartender (even if you don't drink, just buy some snacks and sit) and watch how they deal with people. Try to emulate their attitude, posture, and actions. It'll get you very far dealing with any customer situation.
                  My grandfather used to take me with him when grocery shopping on the weekends, we would always stop at a bowling alley/lounge where he knew the bartender. He'd get a Bud and I'd get a Coke with as many cherries as I wanted. I used to watch the bartender intently; to this day I'd like to think that's how I learned to deal with people.
                  "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                  "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                  • #10
                    Ahahh. Regarding the arsehat trucker; Apparently, while he /is/ one of the boss's friends, he's also the husband of one of my fellow empoyees. She was, shall we say.. DISPLEASED.. With him. They had /words/. That certainly brightened my day when she told me. :P


                    • #11
                      She was, shall we say.. DISPLEASED.. With him.
                      Hehehehehahahahahohohohoho!!! I do hope he got a full tank in that truck, cause he may be sleeping there for a while!

                      What kinda ***hat refuses to show proper ID for a transaction? Why the hell should you risk your job and get the company fined for some ****head who's got a 'mightier than though' attitude. Gods I hate ******** like that...
                      *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
                      *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*

