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The Night of the Living SC's (again, long)

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  • The Night of the Living SC's (again, long)

    I worked a 4-closing shift tonight. Lucky me.

    I walk in, and see that, in my section, I'm getting a group of 20 or so people here for some weekly meeting. They come every Thursday, and while not terrible, I've had them for a month straight, and I'm sick of them. I try to pawn them off on people, but it doesn't happen.

    I don't feel like going in-depth tonight, so I'll give you the cliff notes version. I went on break before they came in, and when I came back, I found out they had been waiting for 15 minutes for someone to take care of them. And after that, it just went downhill. People kept requesting... well everything really. Some guy got 6 refills on his coffee, and still complained when I wasn't there immediately to give him the 7th. Then I got another table with the spawn of Satan in it. Again, parents didn't do anything to calm him down. When he left, it was like a war zone at that table, took me 5 minutes to clean up.

    Cue SC #3. Basic table, but she claims her salad is wilted and that service was slow. I asked some other people who got salads that night, but none of them had any complaints against it. So I'm pretty sure she was just insane. They stiffed me, of course. (Oh, and it took me at most 3 minutes to get their drinks out. With 6 drinks, and me running food beforehand, that's not terrible.)

    Cue SC #4, and by this point, I'm getting stretched pretty thin. I've got the group of 20 still, I'm trying to clean up my tables, and I've got 3 tables in my new section. And what does this table do? They'll always hold the special honor of being my first walk-out. At this point, I'm nearly in tears from the stress. Everyone's complaining about me, I just had a walk-out, and my manager's flipping out at me because I don't like to wear my glasses at work, and so can't see their license plate.

    The night didn't get any better, but that was about the peak of it. Easily the worst night I've ever had at that place.

    Bright note, since I have to mention them. I had some regulars in my section who helped comfort me after said walk-out. You could tell I was stressed, and they did their best to cheer me up. And that means a lot to me. Thank you, awesome regulars.
    "Everyone in the world should have to wait tables for one year of their life so they can understand that your ranch dressing is NOT fucking important!" Daniel Tosh

  • #2
    Wow. I've always wondered how people handle the stress of a server's job. Sending warm fuzzies your way. Hope many more good customers come your way.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      And *that* is why I lasted exactly 5.32 hours as a server.

      My mind just doesn't process like that. So anyone that *can* do it, I give tons of props to.


      • #4
        Please tell me your place does not have the retarded policy that a server is responsible for the bill if someone walks out. I have worked in a couple places that were like that and it sucked. Luckily, the place I work at now only does it if you have a lot of walkouts.

        I am sorry to hear about your sucky night. I hope things get better for you! I hate it when big tops stiff me. Here's a hopefully it helps a little.
        "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


        • #5
          I swear you could have Star Trek replicators at each table that would magically beam in any food item ther little hearts could desire within seconds of asking for it and some pissant would bitch that it took too goddamn long.

          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


          • #6
            Is there a reason you don't wear your glasses at work? Sounds like you kind of set yourself up on that one (no, it's not your fault they walked out, but you'd likely find it a lot easier to do your job if you could, y'know... *see*).

            Sorry you had such a cruddy night. I hated being a waitress to the point of overtipping even for bad service.
            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


            • #7
              I feel for you, when management complains to you about people stealing from your business. They tell you "never chase after someone" and then they blame you for the person getting away.

              I am a girl of small stature, and one night watching the register (right across from the exit) I had 2 people run out with boxes. So I get yelled at for not being watchful enough or something. Well it wont make any difference what I do if they are already AT the doors, because they would just ignore me and run, or push me out of the way at that point. Hello, dangerous situation =/


              • #8

                I believe it's illegal in most places to require the server to pay for a walkout. You should check with your local labor board to confirm.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #9
                  They didn't make me pay. Legally, they couldn't. But the management made damn sure I knew they thought it was my fault.

                  And I know it's not, but doesn't stop me from feeling bad about it. Like I did something or whatever... But a bad night's a bad night. Can't change it, can't get it back, so I'm trying to think positive now.
                  "Everyone in the world should have to wait tables for one year of their life so they can understand that your ranch dressing is NOT fucking important!" Daniel Tosh


                  • #10
                    Your management is a bunch of raging douchemonkeys. If they seat you with a group of 20 (there for a meeting so they probably don't tip worth a purple turd either) as well as so many other tables and they expect quick perfect service they should kiss your ass all the way from never never land (where they appear to live) back to reality....

                    Sorry I've been up since 2am (fucking back) and I am feeling extra feisty today.......Must go find sucky people to torment....
                    My Karma ran over your dogma.

