The shipping company was a corp sponser for the Red Cross, they donate $$ each year and then do a company wide collection and match employee contributions. Considering there is well over 100 000 employees world wide, they make bank just from our company.
Now I have a personal issue with this chairty that I will not go into (its fratching) and I choose not to support them. I have always supported locally run charity and usually pick two a year to support. For a few years it was breast cancer, then junvinlle diabetes etc. I donate money and time for these charities but I always try to stay with mainly grass roots stuff.
I did not donate last year at the collection and was told by many people that I was a "horrible and selfish" person for not helping those in need.
The same people were shocked to learn that I had taken an UNPAID day of leave to stand on the street for 8 hours and collect for one of my pet chairites. Gee just because you dont support your employers charity your a disgusting human being
my boss didnt speak to me for TWO days after I refused to donate, and the woman collecting didnt speak to me for a month... this was after she had stood OVER me and demanded I donate "at least something" and got even more pissy when I told her that her attitude was one of the main reasons I wouldnt donate!
Now I have a personal issue with this chairty that I will not go into (its fratching) and I choose not to support them. I have always supported locally run charity and usually pick two a year to support. For a few years it was breast cancer, then junvinlle diabetes etc. I donate money and time for these charities but I always try to stay with mainly grass roots stuff.
I did not donate last year at the collection and was told by many people that I was a "horrible and selfish" person for not helping those in need.
The same people were shocked to learn that I had taken an UNPAID day of leave to stand on the street for 8 hours and collect for one of my pet chairites. Gee just because you dont support your employers charity your a disgusting human being
my boss didnt speak to me for TWO days after I refused to donate, and the woman collecting didnt speak to me for a month... this was after she had stood OVER me and demanded I donate "at least something" and got even more pissy when I told her that her attitude was one of the main reasons I wouldnt donate!