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Data recovery gone sour

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  • Data recovery gone sour

    A few weeks ago a customer comes into me, their computer is coming up with the Blue screen of death and rebooting every time it does. They have data they need recovering on there and they want the machine actually fixing too (which is really just a case of a system restore from the on-board recovery program.) so;

    Data recovery: £100
    500GB Hard drive to recover data to: £60
    System restore: £30
    Dealing with the AdvancedFlea: Pricele—No, I won’t go there. It’s too much of a cliché XD

    The customers were happy to pay for all but the hard drive, as they had their own hard drive. I did warn them that all the data on their own hard drive would be erased, but they said that all data was on the machines hard drive anyway. The external drive was a backup, and an out-of-date one, at that. Fine so I book the job as it is

    Later, I get told that we can;t do the data recovery to their external drive, for one reason or another, so I call the customer and tell them that they need to buy the external drive. They uhmed and arred a bit and told me they would get back to me. Fine, but I warned them the longer they delayed, the longer it would delay the job, which they happily understood.

    About a day later, they come into me saying they will buy the 500GB drive. “It’s necessary so we don’t really have a choice”...Fair point. They paid for it and the job could go ahead. They did, however tell me that the majority of the data they needed was already backed up. This was just picking up the “Un-important stuff”

    Now, as the data recovery machine was recovering the data, it got to a point where every file it scanned it came up with “cannot recover this file. Checksum error” not good. However, I didn’t realise that job was the same one I had booked in. Those 500GB drives were so cheap we had been hammering them out left right and centre so seeing one on the data recovery machine was no surprise and I didn’t look at it twice, much less the job sheet

    I later find out that the data recovery machine, quality device that it is, has copied all the folders and not the files inside them. Fucking machine. Due to one of my co-workers being an idiot, he never called the customer to tell them so he just went ahead and did the on-board recovery on the machine, thus destroying any chance we have of recovering the data without charging a £700 job.

    So, the next I know is there is a customer e-mailing in about this job and threatening legal action...with MY NAME. Ofcourse, KB being the jackass that he is, he assumes that I’m the one soley responsible for the series of cock-up’s when really, I’m just an innocent by-stander and starts going at me until I actually get a chance to read the e-mail and form a counter arguement.

    The customer was saying in their e-mail that the job hadn’t been completed and although all the money was refunded to them, this was not enough and they wanted more compensation. They “Looked forward to hearing [our] prompt reply within no more than 48 hours”

    I mean how the HELL do they justify wanting more than their money back when they categorically told me that the vast majority of their data was backed up and this was just to get the bits that weren’t important?! We’ve been unable to do the job, you’ve had your money back, have a nice day!

    I smell a war story that I am going to get suckered into here just purely by being in the right place at the wrong time.
    -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

    Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

    A guide for customers about retail

  • #2
    Don't data recovery companies have a very specific. "Don't blame us if it fails, because s**t happens." clause?
    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


    • #3
      That doesn't stop the SC's though.
      I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


      • #4
        The company that supply us with the equipment do, yes, but since we're not a data recovery company, we're a computer super store with a repair & service section, we don't.

        well, I say we don't...when you sign the paperwork your are signing for the following statement;

        I agree that [our company] is not responsible for the data contained on the device attempting to have the data recovered from it. Any data that is corrupted, infected with a virus or otherwise unreadbale by computer cannot be recovered. If [our company] cannot recover the data required [our company] will refund the full amount of the data recovery service

        not the exact words, only paraphrased from what I can remeber off the top of my head ^^;

        I have to say, the only data recovery companies I have come across that have that specific clause are SecureIT, Kroll and DataBackup
        -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

        Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

        A guide for customers about retail


        • #5
          And this post summarizes why I quit my job as a computer tech at Circuit City. These data recovery problems. Even if I wrote a frickin novel of progress on the work order, a co-worker would ALWAYS just wipe clean and be done with it, leaving me to deal with the angry customer. After some customers threatened to find out where I live or shoot me whent hey came back, i walked out and never went back.


          • #6
            Don't worry about being sued by SC. Yes, it may happen, and if it does, your employer will take care of it. Kind of how when somebody is pissed at the Govt., they officially sue the person in charge of the agency they are annoyed at, but they never have to do anything other than throw it over the wall to the legal dept.

            It's annyoing and stressful to have your name on the front of the suit, and get served personally with it, but it's not a big deal.



            • #7
              Quoth sirwired View Post
              Don't worry about being sued by SC. Yes, it may happen, and if it does, your employer will take care of it. Kind of how when somebody is pissed at the Govt., they officially sue the person in charge of the agency they are annoyed at, but they never have to do anything other than throw it over the wall to the legal dept.

              It's annyoing and stressful to have your name on the front of the suit, and get served personally with it, but it's not a big deal.

              Assuming he was in the US (I know he wasn't), you can be named, but any judge will immediately throw out the suit (on the employee), because the employee is always considered to be an agent/representative of the company and as such, the employer is always responsible for the employees (reasonable) actions.

              A mistake is a reasonable action. Murdering a customer, is not.

              How does the English system work?


              • #8
                Quoth ebonyknight View Post
                Assuming he was in the US (I know he wasn't), you can be named, but any judge will immediately throw out the suit (on the employee), because the employee is always considered to be an agent/representative of the company and as such, the employer is always responsible for the employees (reasonable) actions.

                A mistake is a reasonable action. Murdering a customer, is not.

                How does the English system work?

                I dunno bout that. If you're a police officer, you can get sued right along with the state in a lawsuit.


                • #9
                  Quoth dithers66 View Post
                  I dunno bout that. If you're a police officer, you can get sued right along with the state in a lawsuit.
                  But police officers are usually named because of "wrongful death", violation of civil rights, etc, IE the mistake vs. murder in my example.

                  Just as if a CEO commits embezzlement, he can be named and will probably be held responsible.


                  • #10
                    IANAL, but if he were really suing you wouldn't any communication come from the lawyer and not him?

                    I'm starting at a small two-man repair shop on Tuesday (for now, all he wants is for someone to watch the front), and the policy is made clear when a customer wants a hard drive replaced: it's your responsibility to back up any data that's important to you. If you want us to do it, there will be a charge (sliding scale depending on how complicated said backup process will be; simply copying usable files to a flash drive is much cheaper than recovering corrupted files from a hosed machine). Either way, the shop is not responsible for data loss.

                    My mom doesn't have a tenth of the computer knowledge I do, and she knows to back up anything important as you never know when things will go FUBAR (I even bought her a handful of flash drives and color-coded them for pictures, documents, software, financial, etc).
                    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                    • #11
                      sorry for the slow replies here guys. for whatever reason, I've not receieved any e-mails from the board

                      as far as a customer sueing me goes; allthough customers can threaten me with it, the company I work for takes the case on and I wouldn't be done. It's just my name that gets dragged through the brown and nasty.

                      Ebony; Basically the english system works very simalarly to the US one with the exception of I think we have a few more basic employee rights than you guys do, but I'm not sure about that.
                      -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                      Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                      A guide for customers about retail


                      • #12
                        Blue screen of death and rebooting every time it does a reboot
                        i hate that function. last time i had bsod i changed it so it wouldn't reboot. (then i got a mac but that's a different story)

                        But... personally i've found the best way at data recovery... my bf bought me a kit that lets me look into any hard drive (from the ipod disks to the 3.5 inch ones) regardless of OS. much easier than messing around with "restore"... i never had Restore work when i was on windows.

                        (i much prefer my mac's "time machine" ... but again another story)


                        • #13
                          Mac? *Hiss* don't swear at me like that!


                          *Not going to tell anybody that he actually owns a mac*

                          yeah, thats generally how we do data recoveries when the recovery machine fails or, as it did in one case, Blows up. Can you tell the quality equipment we get supplied with?
                          -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                          Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                          A guide for customers about retail

