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policies, and other such stuff. (a bit longish)

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  • policies, and other such stuff. (a bit longish)

    I'm really getting sick of hearing people bitch about how much Canadian casinos suck, that vegas is better etc. Seriously, we are not vegas, we are not even in the same country as vegas, and we have different laws and regulations to follow.

    One of the policies at my casino is that patrons can only have one drink (alcohol, obviously) every 45 minutes, and they do not serve doubles. This is to protect the players from getting drunk and losing all their money because they are drunk, it's also a cya thing for the casino, and I believe it's a BCLC regulation. There are also no free drinks, we do not want you drunk in the casino, if you are drunk you will be asked to leave, simple as that.

    Anything said about weapons or violence of any sort is taken seriously and players are either warned, or talked to by sercurity and/or the RCMP depending on what has been said. Saying anything about bombs or anything like that is as bad as saying it in an airport. I mean really, in a place with this much money, why would you be stupid enough to say anything like that.

    Anything said about suicide, even the most offhand comment is taken seriously, I once had a woman say something along the lines of "OMG I should just kill myself now" in a completely offhand way, jokingly even and she was spoken to by the RCMP and security, she was pissed off about this, but when money is involved and people can spend thousands you really have to watch.

    This one I kind of see both sides of it, in the casino I work at and all the ones within the company there is no swearing allowed at the tables. This pisses people off to no end, and really unless they are swearing loudly and being generally rude it doesn't bother me, in fact half the time I don't even hear it. It is an adult environment, not a family one, so that's not the problem. From the casino's point of view though, it makes sense, it's to prevent fights from erupting, and other such things. So while I do follow the policy if people get loud about thier swearing, I tend to let it go if they are just doing it under their breath when they lose a hand.

    Lastly I have a little rant about players who bitch about the automatic shufflers. Shufflers make my life easier, they make the game go faster, and no they are not rigged, as much as you may want to believe that. they are random number generators (I've been informed) so the cards are in fact coming out in a random order, it's not my fault if you get a crappy hand, I have no control over the shuffler. That is all!
    “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

    -Charles Bukowski

  • #2
    wow, having grown up in Nevada you may have very well just described what I envision Mars to be like... that said, if I were to go to Canada I would expect it to be different... and wouldn't complain about it.
    And I'm sorry to say it, but I too hate the automatic shufflers and specifically avoid casinos that use them... I don't think they're rigged, they just don't have the same feel and rhythm about them as the dealer shuffling (I like the oldschool style, single deck everything, handle shuffled, player split, the dealer throwing the cards rather than just setting them down... yeah I know, I'm strange).
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Quoth Muses_nightmare View Post
      One of the policies at my casino is that patrons can only have one drink (alcohol, obviously) every 45 minutes, and they do not serve doubles.
      Wouldn't faze me in the slightest as I don't drink. Not to mention it's something I wish they'd do in the casino's in Atlantic City since I've watched many a drunken lout pissing his paycheck away...then getting violent and trying to attack the dealer for taking it all away.

      There are also no free drinks, we do not want you drunk in the casino, if you are drunk you will be asked to leave, simple as that.
      Now in AC and Vegas, the casino's comp free stuff. The more you play (win or lose) the more you get. I love blowing a $100 on the blackjack tables (I can usually stay for a day on that $100 and usually come home with at least $25 more than I started with) and getting the free food and drinks. Non-Alcoholic drinks that is. I rarely have to pay for a Dr Pepper in AC.

      Do Canadian Casino's comp? I know no free booze, but do they comp appetizers and/or soda's?

      Anything said about weapons or violence of any sort is taken seriously and players are either warned, or talked to by sercurity and/or the RCMP depending on what has been said.
      The violence part is just common sense, but are they really so anal about it that they'd kick out a person for talking about the new target rifle they bought for 1,000 yard bench competitions? My friends and I usually sit and chat all day about guns and ammo...just never in the context of violence...unless you're a clay pigeon.

      Sucks to be clay pigeons.

      Anything said about suicide, even the most offhand comment is taken seriously
      I have a problem with this one even though I can understand where they're coming from. After all I've sat there listening to some parents little crotch-spawn screaming at the top of his lungs for 15 minutes and I've made the comment "Someone please give me a gun so I can put myself out of my misery", or I've dealt with idiotic customers who made me say "If I ever get that dumb I'd shoot myself"

      Please tell me that the RCMP has some training to understand the frustrated "kill myself" vs the real "I'm going to slit my wrists and sit in a tub full of warm water until the sweet kiss of death releases me from my unbearable torment."

      Remember kids, Rippy the Razor says "It's down the road, not across the street"

      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        lol that would suck to not even be allowed to talk about weapons in any way shape or form.

        I mean, if I start talking about my 511 shirt and that it's designed to conceal two 9mm guns (which it is, i just don't have any guns) it wouldn't surprise me if they came up and told me to leave. Talking like that could be taken as a hint of a threat.

        but say if my bf and i start talking about the stats on some big weapon, like missiles or 50-cals or something like that... I think it would be very weird to get the boot for that. Most people don't exactly carry those kinds of things into a casino. Ok... they might be able to carry a 50-cal in, but I think someone would notice...

        I can just see it now...
        Person 1: Hey did you see the news about that new weapons system they're drawing up?
        Person 2:Oh yeah, it was on Discover the other night... Pretty good stats, 1000 mile range, smart missiles. Pretty cool!
        Casino Manager: I'm sorry you're talking about threatening weapons. You'll have to stop or leave the casino.

        ... though personally... every so often i want to go all "Ben Stiller" at the airport and start singing "bom-diddy-bom"


        • #5
          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
          Wouldn't faze me in the slightest as I don't drink. Not to mention it's something I wish they'd do in the casino's in Atlantic City since I've watched many a drunken lout pissing his paycheck away...then getting violent and trying to attack the dealer for taking it all away.

          Now in AC and Vegas, the casino's comp free stuff. The more you play (win or lose) the more you get. I love blowing a $100 on the blackjack tables (I can usually stay for a day on that $100 and usually come home with at least $25 more than I started with) and getting the free food and drinks. Non-Alcoholic drinks that is. I rarely have to pay for a Dr Pepper in AC.

          Do Canadian Casino's comp? I know no free booze, but do they comp appetizers and/or soda's?

          The violence part is just common sense, but are they really so anal about it that they'd kick out a person for talking about the new target rifle they bought for 1,000 yard bench competitions? My friends and I usually sit and chat all day about guns and ammo...just never in the context of violence...unless you're a clay pigeon.

          Sucks to be clay pigeons.

          I have a problem with this one even though I can understand where they're coming from. After all I've sat there listening to some parents little crotch-spawn screaming at the top of his lungs for 15 minutes and I've made the comment "Someone please give me a gun so I can put myself out of my misery", or I've dealt with idiotic customers who made me say "If I ever get that dumb I'd shoot myself"

          Please tell me that the RCMP has some training to understand the frustrated "kill myself" vs the real "I'm going to slit my wrists and sit in a tub full of warm water until the sweet kiss of death releases me from my unbearable torment."

          Remember kids, Rippy the Razor says "It's down the road, not across the street"

          Well I think that non-alcoholic drinks are comped, mostly for people with a BCgold (membership card). Half the time I don't pay attention to that part though. Food I know isn't because the restaurant we get the food from isn't owned by the casino.

          Well, what I meant by that is if they get the idea that the player could possibly have a weapon on them, or get one quickly or something along those lines. Not people that are talking about hobbies, if that makes sense. Basically if they perceive a threat.

          They understand that of course, but I believe it's acutally a regulation, just to be safe that anyone who mentions killing themselves is talked to, not taken out of the casino, but they take it seriously until they know that the person isn't a risk.
          “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

          -Charles Bukowski


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            lol that would suck to not even be allowed to talk about weapons in any way shape or form.

            I mean, if I start talking about my 511 shirt and that it's designed to conceal two 9mm guns (which it is, i just don't have any guns) it wouldn't surprise me if they came up and told me to leave. Talking like that could be taken as a hint of a threat.

            but say if my bf and i start talking about the stats on some big weapon, like missiles or 50-cals or something like that... I think it would be very weird to get the boot for that. Most people don't exactly carry those kinds of things into a casino. Ok... they might be able to carry a 50-cal in, but I think someone would notice...

            I can just see it now...
            Person 1: Hey did you see the news about that new weapons system they're drawing up?
            Person 2:Oh yeah, it was on Discover the other night... Pretty good stats, 1000 mile range, smart missiles. Pretty cool!
            Casino Manager: I'm sorry you're talking about threatening weapons. You'll have to stop or leave the casino.

            ... though personally... every so often i want to go all "Ben Stiller" at the airport and start singing "bom-diddy-bom"
            Well I think that you can talk about hobbies, because it's a different context, it's not quite like an airport that way, you can talk at the tables about things like that, but the moment that anyone percieves a threat it's dealt with.

            We apparently had some guy threaten to come back and blow up the place, even though he didn't mean it, he was hauled off by the cops, crying about how he was studying to be a social worker. He apparently also had some drugs on him at that time too.
            “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

            -Charles Bukowski


            • #7
              Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
              wow, having grown up in Nevada you may have very well just described what I envision Mars to be like... that said, if I were to go to Canada I would expect it to be different... and wouldn't complain about it.
              And I'm sorry to say it, but I too hate the automatic shufflers and specifically avoid casinos that use them... I don't think they're rigged, they just don't have the same feel and rhythm about them as the dealer shuffling (I like the oldschool style, single deck everything, handle shuffled, player split, the dealer throwing the cards rather than just setting them down... yeah I know, I'm strange).
              I don't think I'd be working at a casino if I had to shuffle on my own, I suck so badly at it it's not even funny. We had to learn it in the blackjack course. They throw cards in blackjack? That I've never seen, given I haven't been into many casinos, well, okay I've only ever been in one, and that was the one I work at, before I worked at it.
              “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

              -Charles Bukowski


              • #8
                In the shuffler vs dealer debate, I think it's up to the dealer now in Vegas. My husband and I were there last week and I saw that some tables had machines to shuffle and others didn't.
                "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


                • #9
                  Every 45 mins? That is odd. Nothing wrong with that though. At my casino I've seen people with two drinks in their hands at a time and they came to the casino ALONE. I do see a lot of drunken idiots. I wonder if our bartenders ever cut them off.

                  How do they know if the same person has had a drink in that time limit? It must be hard to track every person.

                  You can get free drinks here. You just have to play and the cocktail waitress will bring you free ones, same goes for playing on the slots at the bars.

                  It cracks me up every time someone talks about a casino the first thought in everybody's head is Vegas lol Not always the case.

                  At My casino you can't cuss at the tables either but yet its perfectly okay to cuss and be an ass to me (the cage cashier) I don't know what is up with that. And smoke at the cage and blow their ugly cancer causing breath at me.

                  I wish my casino had an adult feel to it. Kids are everywhere and they can come up to the cage (without a parent, no age limit) and get change. Even a nine year old could cash a traveler's check. Now, the parents can be up there with gaming (chips, tickets, etc) and we still have to pay them out!

                  We had a kid who set down a chip (on the shoulder's of a parent) and we still had to pay. We just said that the kid couldn't touch the money that we paid out.

                  As strict as yours sounds I doubt they would allow this. And I wish ours didn't.


                  • #10
                    Every 45 mins? That is odd.
                    I think it's actually I regulation by the lottery corperation (BCLC).

                    I'm not sure if swearing is allowed to any of the employees, I don't think so though.

                    It always sounds so strange to me when people mention smoking indoors at a business, since in BC it's against the law to do that. Our smoking laws are crazy, but if smoking was allowed in the casino I wouldn't be working there.

                    I wish my casino had an adult feel to it. Kids are everywhere and they can come up to the cage (without a parent, no age limit) and get change. Even a nine year old could cash a traveler's check. Now, the parents can be up there with gaming (chips, tickets, etc) and we still have to pay them out!
                    Kids are allowed in the casino? They ID everyone that comes in that looks like they could be under 19 and anyone who is too young isn't allowed in.
                    “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

                    -Charles Bukowski


                    • #11
                      Quoth Muses_nightmare View Post
                      I don't think I'd be working at a casino if I had to shuffle on my own, I suck so badly at it it's not even funny. We had to learn it in the blackjack course. They throw cards in blackjack? That I've never seen, given I haven't been into many casinos, well, okay I've only ever been in one, and that was the one I work at, before I worked at it.
                      yeah, at least at the Peppermill Wendover and the Atlantis Reno... I'm not sure if throw is the right word... but they don't just set them down... maybe flick is a more accurate description... they start with the card barely above the table and kinda flick it towards the player... supposedly it has something to do with making it harder for the cards to be switched while being dealt or something like that...
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #12
                        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                        yeah, at least at the Peppermill Wendover and the Atlantis Reno... I'm not sure if throw is the right word... but they don't just set them down... maybe flick is a more accurate description... they start with the card barely above the table and kinda flick it towards the player... supposedly it has something to do with making it harder for the cards to be switched while being dealt or something like that...
                        The proper term for that style of blackjack play (dealer dealing with 1 or 2 decks, from the hand instead of a plastic shoe) is 'Pitch Blackjack.'

                        It's mostly played by the higher-end players, since a shoe on a pitch table goes much faster than a 'standard' table. Also, it moves a lot faster, since the dealer doesn't have to stop at every player for a signal. On pitch, if you want a hit, you scratch the table with your cards. If you bust, you toss them over faceup and dealer collects them, and the bet. If you have blackjack, you turn it up, and get paid. Otherwise, you tuck your cards under your bet to signal you're standing pat. Allows the game to go much faster than having to get hand signals for every play from every player.
                        Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

                        This happens more often than most people want to believe.


                        • #13
                          Interesting, I have very little experience with casinos outside of the one I work at, so yay for learning new things.
                          “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

                          -Charles Bukowski

