A very simple story follows...a quick but humorous reminder that the world is bleeding common sense by the gallon.
SC: Brings a box containing 48 individual boxes of crayons (24 ct. boxes) to one of my checkouts
CoW: Starts ringing up the boxes of crayons
SC: Uhh...how much are those ringing up for??
CoW: They are originally $1.45 but they are on sale for 69 cents.
SC: But the box says $1.45 for 24.
CoW: Yes they are originally $1.45 per box but they are on sale.
SC: No the whole thing (48 boxes of crayons with 24 crayons per box) should be $2.90 if they are $1.45 for 24.
CoW: No the price is per individual box...
SC: Well I don't want them then...I can get them cheaper at Wal-Mart. *says this with major attitude*
We proceed to laugh hysterically about that fact that she thought she was going to get 48 boxes of crayons for 6 cents each!!!
SC: Brings a box containing 48 individual boxes of crayons (24 ct. boxes) to one of my checkouts
CoW: Starts ringing up the boxes of crayons
SC: Uhh...how much are those ringing up for??
CoW: They are originally $1.45 but they are on sale for 69 cents.
SC: But the box says $1.45 for 24.
CoW: Yes they are originally $1.45 per box but they are on sale.
SC: No the whole thing (48 boxes of crayons with 24 crayons per box) should be $2.90 if they are $1.45 for 24.
CoW: No the price is per individual box...
SC: Well I don't want them then...I can get them cheaper at Wal-Mart. *says this with major attitude*
We proceed to laugh hysterically about that fact that she thought she was going to get 48 boxes of crayons for 6 cents each!!!