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Something in the water?

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  • Something in the water?

    My co-worker had this one today and another one.

    Me and him are both outside pumping gas. An older lady pulls up and asks if we take the rewards card. He tells her yes and she asks him if she needs to take it inside now or after he is done pumping. He tells her to give it to him and he will run it at the pump. She asks WHY? He tells her that we run the rewards cards right at the pump and that the inside has nothing to do with the gas pumps. She asked him over and over if he was sure.

    So he runs her rewards card and she gets out to make sure he is doing it right.

    While that is going on I am waiting on an old guy, he gets out, tells me to give him $25 and he unlocks his gas cap and lays it on the truck. He then tells me that after it is done all I need to do is put it back in the hole and turn it to the right.

    Now I have been working here for about 3 years. My co-worker has been here off and on for a lot longer. What makes these people think they have to tell us how to do our jobs?

    I actually told the guy Nooooooo... reeeeaaaalyyyyy!?

    My co-worker just went along and amused the lady. I told you in the other thread, he takes a lot and hardly ever gives it back. If she had did that to me, I would have told her I have been here for 3 years and we have taken the rewards card for almost a year so I should know how to do it.

  • #2
    I appreciate how frustrating it is to deal with customers, especially when we deal with customers who may be ignorant, slow to catch on, picky, generally annoying, or abrubt. But there's no reason to be rude about it. Unless there's something missing from your story?

    Yeah, it was silly how the guy thought he needed to explain the finer points of pumping gas, and certainly annoying, but there's no reason to act childish about it. If he were intentionally trying to tick you off, that's different.

    Another thing to consider, just because it's obvious to you doesn't mean it is to others. I cashier and am slighty annoyed when customers remind me to package raw mean with other raw meat, refrigerated with refrigerated, etc. But I have to remind myself just how many of my fellow cashiers don't give a rat's ass how things are bagged. Sometimes customers ask for things because experience shows them they need to.

    I'm not trying to flame you or anything, just saying that your response didn't really seem appropriate to the situation as posted.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Quoth bainsidhe View Post
      Yeah, it was silly how the guy thought he needed to explain the finer points of pumping gas, and certainly annoying, but there's no reason to act childish about it.
      Actually, the "Nooooooo... reeeeaaaalyyyyy!?" was because the guy was telling him how to but a gas cap back on. "Push in and turn right" is the standard procedure. You don't need to tell someone that works at a full-service gas station how to put a gas-cap on unless there's something special, or you think they're an idiot. That's like telling a cop how to work handcuffs.

      Treating someone like an idiot, just because other people may happen to be idiots, is still treating them like an idiot. It's still an insult, and people have every right to be upset at being insulted.
      Last edited by JustADude; 08-15-2008, 10:53 AM.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

