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The moon is full

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  • The moon is full

    These are my SC's from the last 2 days


    SB=stupid bitch
    R=crew person on counter
    C=crew person making food

    C: Hey JF R just rang up chicken strips plain can you ask what that means?
    JF: (walks over to R)Um what's chicken strips plain mean?
    R:Oh she asked for a number 11 plain i'll check
    SB:Yes i want a number 11 plain not the value meal
    R:Oh you just want the strips not the meal
    SBin an extremely snotty tone)yes that's what I said a number 11 plain
    R:Yeah ok

    What the fuck? a number 11 is the MEAL if you don't want the meal YOU DON'T WANT A NUMBER 11!!!!! You fail at buying food please go home and starve.

    It's about time

    H=hardworking fellow manager
    JF=me again yay!
    BW=bitchy woman

    JFbusily trying to put orders together for counter and drive thru)
    BWstanding in lobby looking pissy) EXCUSE ME CAN I GET MY FOOD AT SOME POINT
    Hhears idiot yelling from the back and comes up to help knowing i'm not having a good night) Ma'am what did you have?
    BWrudely) Just a hamburger hmph
    H: OK here you go
    BW: (still rudely) Well I'm glad you came along

    Fuck you lady there were 7 people in the drive thru before you.

    NWTB=nasty white trash bitch
    JF=still me!
    C=crew member on counter

    C: JF this lady needs to talk to you
    JF: yes ma'am?
    NWTB: (very rudely) That woman working in the play place said my kids can't play without socks and that they're $2 whole dollars a pair! We just went to a funeral and they have flip flops on we were in the car for 6 hours!(you let them go to a funeral in flip flops? my mother wouldn't have let me go in less than dress clothes)
    JFputs up with this exact same thing DAILY and is tired of it) That's right they can't play without socks it's the health code
    NWTB: well none of the other places make them wear socks
    JF: As I said it's the health code and I'm not going to ignore it
    NWTB: The other places do!
    JF: I have no control over them but here your kids will wear socks
    NWTB: FINE (then sends her husband to get socks out of the car.

    I know why don't you go eat at one of those other places that ignores the health code?

    My husband runs a fast food place!

    K=crew person handing out food in drive thru
    SB=sauce bitch
    JF=you probably know

    K:JF this lady wants 5 ranch 5 buffalo 5 sweet and sour and 5 BBQ
    JF: No way let me talk to her (walks over to window) ma'am I can't let you have that much sauce without charging you
    SB: What that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
    JF: Ok how many nuggets do you have?
    SB: 20!
    JF: yeah well if you want that much sauce I'll have to charge you extra
    SB: That's stupid my husband is a general manager at a fast food place and he always gives people sauces!
    JF: ok so do you want to pay for extra?
    SB: (now being snotty) NO just give me what you can (then after i turn around) THIS IS FUCKING STUPID ( I very nearly turned right back and told her NO SAUCE FOR YOU then thought better of it)
    JF: (puts 7 or 8 things of sauce in her bag) here you go
    SB:I'm going to write the worst complaint you've ever gotten!!(i doubt that)

    Go to hell and die or better yet go to fucking walmart and buy a bottle of each sauce. You don't need one cup of sauce per fucking nugget.

    On the bright side I only have to work 2 more days till I get a day off. Of course Sunday customers are usually the worst of the week so everyone pray for me.

  • #2
    Quoth jerkface11 View Post
    These are my SC's from the last 2 days


    SB=stupid bitch
    R=crew person on counter
    C=crew person making food

    C: Hey JF R just rang up chicken strips plain can you ask what that means?
    JF: (walks over to R)Um what's chicken strips plain mean?
    R:Oh she asked for a number 11 plain i'll check
    SB:Yes i want a number 11 plain not the value meal
    R:Oh you just want the strips not the meal
    SBin an extremely snotty tone)yes that's what I said a number 11 plain
    R:Yeah ok

    What the fuck? a number 11 is the MEAL if you don't want the meal YOU DON'T WANT A NUMBER 11!!!!! You fail at buying food please go home and starve.
    Ah yes, THOSE people. I HATE when that happens; I mean, I can appreciate that it may be the only way you can think of for referring to the food, but please, please, PLEASE tell us you only want the sandwich BEFORE the number. My managers are absolutely anal about voids, and it will waste everyone's time if I have to get rid of something. I second the final paragraph, btw

    Quoth jerkface11 View Post
    It's about time

    H=hardworking fellow manager
    JF=me again yay!
    BW=bitchy woman

    JFbusily trying to put orders together for counter and drive thru)
    BWstanding in lobby looking pissy) EXCUSE ME CAN I GET MY FOOD AT SOME POINT
    Hhears idiot yelling from the back and comes up to help knowing i'm not having a good night) Ma'am what did you have?
    BWrudely) Just a hamburger hmph
    H: OK here you go
    BW: (still rudely) Well I'm glad you came along

    Fuck you lady there were 7 people in the drive thru before you.
    Oh man, that situation...really, you can't win that one. I'm assuming you were short-staffed during that situation?

    Quoth jerkface11 View Post

    I know why don't you go eat at one of those other places that ignores the health code?
    Please tell me you actually told her that one

    My husband runs a fast food place!

    K=crew person handing out food in drive thru
    SB=sauce bitch
    JF=you probably know

    K:JF this lady wants 5 ranch 5 buffalo 5 sweet and sour and 5 BBQ
    JF: No way let me talk to her (walks over to window) ma'am I can't let you have that much sauce without charging you
    SB: What that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
    JF: Ok how many nuggets do you have?
    SB: 20!
    JF: yeah well if you want that much sauce I'll have to charge you extra
    SB: That's stupid my husband is a general manager at a fast food place and he always gives people sauces!
    JF: ok so do you want to pay for extra?
    SB: (now being snotty) NO just give me what you can (then after i turn around) THIS IS FUCKING STUPID ( I very nearly turned right back and told her NO SAUCE FOR YOU then thought better of it)
    JF: (puts 7 or 8 things of sauce in her bag) here you go
    SB:I'm going to write the worst complaint you've ever gotten!!(i doubt that)

    Go to hell and die or better yet go to fucking walmart and buy a bottle of each sauce. You don't need one cup of sauce per fucking nugget.[/QUOTE]

    Ok, that's just excessive. NOBODY in their right mind would give out twenty sauces like that. While I might be able to see doing that for family, doing that for EVERYONE...yeah, no.
    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


    • #3
      The one reason fro getting way to many sauces is "Student Soup". Collect a load of free sauces, thin out with water and boil.
      ludo ergo sum


      • #4
        Quoth karath View Post
        SB: What that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
        This supports my theory that these people can either make noise or hear, but not both at the same time.


        • #5
          Quoth rvdammit View Post
          The one reason fro getting way to many sauces is "Student Soup". Collect a load of free sauces, thin out with water and boil.
          Hey with sweet and sour + some cheap ass pre cooked processed chicken... I am having visions of awesomesauce.


          • #6
            Quoth rvdammit View Post
            The one reason fro getting way to many sauces is "Student Soup". Collect a load of free sauces, thin out with water and boil.
            That sounds disgusting and wicked awesome at the same time.
            "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


            • #7
              Quoth jerkface11 View Post
              These are my SC's from the last 2 days

              THAT'S WHAT I SAID

              SB=stupid bitch
              R=crew person on counter
              C=crew person making food

              C: Hey JF R just rang up chicken strips plain can you ask what that means?
              JF: (walks over to R)Um what's chicken strips plain mean?
              R:Oh she asked for a number 11 plain i'll check
              SB:Yes i want a number 11 plain not the value meal
              R:Oh you just want the strips not the meal
              SBin an extremely snotty tone)yes that's what I said a number 11 plain
              R:Yeah ok

              What the fuck? a number 11 is the MEAL if you don't want the meal YOU DON'T WANT A NUMBER 11!!!!! You fail at buying food please go home and starve.
              Excuse us for confirming your order because you were too stupid to order your food the RIGHT WAY!!
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
                That sounds disgusting and wicked awesome at the same time.
                You're right on the first part. Ketchup tea really isn't very good. Ramen is much better.


                • #9
                  Quoth jerkface11 View Post

                  NWTB: FINE (then sends her husband to get socks out of the car.
                  If they had socks in the car, why did she bring up the fact that they were 2 whole dollars a pair?! Maybe she was hoping you'd give them free socks . . . (I know at some places they sell them for such instances)

                  And I hear you about Sundays. No matter where I've worked, Sunday customers were the worst *hugs*
                  The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                  • #10
                    Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                    My husband runs a fast food place!
                    SB: That's stupid my husband is a general manager at a fast food place and he always gives people sauces!
                    Go to hell and die or better yet go to fucking walmart and buy a bottle of each sauce.
                    Or, even better, go to that other fast food place. The one where your husband is a manager. You know, the one that's on the corner of Delusion and Outright Lies.
                    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

