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Welcome to BK, how may I help you?...

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  • Welcome to BK, how may I help you?...

    Or, Welcome to BK, what would to like to complain about and get for free today?

    I worked at Burger King for 2 years, when I was 15-16, and I accumulated so many STUUUUUPID customer complains/ problems that I can't remember all of them.

    That IS what you ordered.
    Me:Hi, how can I help you?
    SC: Gimme a Whopper Junior, no lettuce, tomato, or Mayo, no Ketchup, extra cheese, with tomato.
    Me: is that with or without tomato?
    Me: that'll be x.xx
    SC: this isn't what I ordered.
    ME: what's wrong?
    SC:there's no tomato or anyhting, this is just a cheeseburger with onion.
    ME: you said no tomato, and you didn't want lettuce or Mayo. nothing else comes on the Whopper jUnior.
    SC: this is BULL! I want your MANAGER!
    Me: sir, there is noting wrong with your sandwich.
    SC: this is BULLSH*T! I want a MANAGER! NOW! I deserve this to be remade AND free fries because you messed up!
    Me: sir, you got exactly what you ordered, and i can't give away fries.
    Manager: Sorry sir whats wrong?
    SC: this RUDE young lady made my sandwich wrong and she won't give me free fries! SHE messed up!
    Manager : *gives him fries and a card for a free large sandwich* sorry about that sir, anything else?
    SC: I want to talk to your supervisor! this RUDE young lady should NOT be working with customers!

    *(When was I rude??? There is just no pleasing people. a LOT of customers did similar things to this. And the sad thing is, the managers always gave them what they demanded.)

    Well, I'd be worried about YOU..

    Many BK's have a little booth that is just for collecting the money from customers. I have had many a customer coming through drive thru quiz me about the booth:

    Me: That'll be $x.xx
    SC: Wow, what did you do to be sent out here?
    Me: I'm out here because I prefer it. Please pull up to the next window.
    SC: Don't you get bored out here?
    Me: No.
    SC: Aren't you worried that someone will rob you? You know, being out here all by yourself and all?
    Me:No, there are lots of cameras... Please pull forward.

    now repeat those questions, about 50x's a day, and you really want to close the booth window on your head. Also, this:

    SC drives past window, I hang out window yelling "SIR!", they back up,
    SC: damn when do they ever use this thing?
    Me: pretty often sir.
    SC: how the HELL am I supposed to know you're out here?!
    Me: well, the order taker asked you to stop at the booth...
    SC: no they didn't!
    Me: There is also a giant STOP sign posted in plain view whenever we use this...
    SC: what sign!?
    Me: *points to giant sign* that'll be $x.xx.

    You can't always "have it your way"

    Me: Welcome to BK can I help you?
    SC: yeah, uhhh..., Can I have a Whopper Value meal, Super Size?
    Me: Sorry sir,we don't have super size, would you like that Large or King Sized?
    SC:fine, King.
    Me: And what would you like to drink?
    SC: Can I have a shake with that?
    Me: Sure, but it costs extra for a shake. What flavor would you like?
    SC: why is it extra?
    ME: because a shake is more expensive that a soda. What flavor would you like?
    Sc: thats dumb!
    Me: What would you like to drink, sir?
    SC: Mt. DEW.
    Me: sorry sir, we only have coke product.
    SC: yeah, so MT DEW.
    ME: MT DEW is a Pepsi product sir, we dont serve it. Would you like Sprite?
    SC: Hell no! Coke then.
    ME: Anything else?
    SC: yeah, you guys suck!
    Me: that'll be $x.xx, please pull around.

  • #2
    Quoth Aries87 View Post
    SC: yeah, you guys suck!
    I'm afraid that's extra, sir/Jackass/whatever.
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      Quoth Aries87 View Post
      (When was I rude??? There is just no pleasing people. a LOT of customers did similar things to this. And the sad thing is, the managers always gave them what they demanded.)
      The best thing... well, probably the only good thing... about the BK I worked at was the fact that my usual manager, B, was a bitter old country woman with very little patience for stupidity. I think she considered shooting down whining customers the highlight of her job.
      » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


      • #4
        Quoth KabeRinnaul View Post
        The best thing... well, probably the only good thing... about the BK I worked at was the fact that my usual manager, B, was a bitter old country woman with very little patience for stupidity. I think she considered shooting down whining customers the highlight of her job.
        Your manager rocks! Can I have her?
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          I have often considered getting a part time job at Burger King or McDonalds just to see how long I'd last. Not becuase the bullshit would drive me crazy, but because I'd be snarky and call other people out on THEIR bullshit.

          I was almost fired from a job on the spot for defending my position to a manager in front of the customer. Spineless manager chewed me out for it. I don't care, I was right, and I'm not going to put up with bullshit like that unless I'm in the military.


          • #6
            Quoth Aries87 View Post
            [ME: Anything else?
            SC: yeah, you guys suck!
            Me: that'll be $x.xx, please pull around.

            I hope you spit in his food.


            • #7
              Quoth dithers66 View Post
              I hope you spit in his food.
              I hope not.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth dithers66 View Post
                I hope you spit in his food.
                Tsk tsk. What a thing to say.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth dithers66 View Post
                  I hope you spit in his food.
                  Food tampering is not something to joke about, let alone suggest as a means of revenge. It is against the Site Rules, and we do not take it lightly.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    Wow. I noticed he first asked for a Whopper Jr (not even I can eat just a whopper jr., without fries or a side; it's too small to be eaten by itself) then the manager gives him a coupon for a large sandwich.

                    The only consolation is that when he gets old, like 60s or something, he won't have any friends since he will pull that bull all the time. Unless his future friends are weaker than him and have to latch on to him.

                    Also, the way he said "no lettuce, tomato, or Mayo, no Ketchup, extra cheese, with tomato." makes me think he has a personality disorder.

                    Really, I've seen a lot of those type of people come into the library. They want to dominate someone "weaker". Sad.
                    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                    I wish porn had subtitles.

