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Lazy customers (happened years ago)

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  • Lazy customers (happened years ago)

    This happened oh, about 15 years ago (well, 12-15 anyway) -- and for some reason I just thought of it. They weren't "sucky" in a "bad" way, just in a "lazy, wanting employees to do everything for them" way.

    It's the laziest customer I had ever seen in my life -- even lazier than the one that thought picking up a pack of batteries was beneath her.

    I was working at the warehouse club minding my own business (avoiding managers wanting to give me stupid work, while still helping all the customers) and I got a page to the air compressors (water presser washers, power backup -- something like one of those things -- it wasn't too heavy, but an awkward box to pick up).

    So I went back and found a customer there standing by it, and asked questions. Everything was smooth, and then they asked me to load it up in their cart. Not a big deal either as, well, that's what i get called back there for about 80% of the time.

    But unlike most times.... there wasn't a cart anywhere in the isle. I, being naive, asked where their cart was (thinking "my partner has it and will be back", or "X is getting one" as is again frequently the case) was told "Isn't that your job?" Now granted I've also been told there weren't any at the time and such, but that was different.

    So other than thinking this person was a lazy jerk who was wasting my time, I politely went back to the front of the store, got a cart (flatbed), brought it back, loaded it up and asked if there was anything else as their friend arrived -- one of them (not sure which now) looked like he could bench press me and another employee at the same time without straining. The type of guy who could've carried the item to the front easier than I.

    "Aren't you supposed to bring it to the front for me?"

    Since I was in a good mood that night for some reason, I politely said something along the lines of "sure, when will you be done shopping so I can tell the cashier?" --- the reply: "I'm done now, I only came in for this."

    So I followed the customer up front for a while... as they continued to shop for other things and put it on the flatbed with me pulling it (pushing it, can't remember) and continuously telling me to "hold on" as they were shopping for things (apparently "I'm done" means "I have more shopping to do". I tried to be calm until the ten minutes or so passed with me pulling their loaded down cart to the register.

    Then I was done! I was trying not to rejoice as I started back to my area, "aren't you going to take it to my car for me?"

    After the cashier gave them a surprised look (considering even she [smaller than me] could move the cart), I said "that's the cart guys that do that, let me get you one!" I got one.

    Five minutes later or so the cart guy hunted me down because he couldn't get it by himself and needed help (not entirely unusual, but very infrequent).... So I wasn't free from them. When I got outside I saw that the cart was still fully loaded -- and they were sitting in their vehicle! They refused to load up anything in the car (we're talking some things were like nuts, batteries, film, and a book type of weight stuff - the things they put on the cart) -- but kept on telling us how to pack it properly, because apparently they shouldn't have to touch the stuff again.

    The cart guy and I kept on trying to figure out what poor sucker they were going to have unload the car once they got home.

  • #2
    Such lazy, entitlement minded jerks. Unless they were seriously handicapped, that's not your job.
    Low lie the Fields of Athenry/ Where once we watched the small free birds fly/ Our love was on the wing/ we had dreams and songs to sing/ It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry


    • #3
      wow that's lazy. they hired you as a personal shopper ... except they didn't pay you for it.


      • #4
        That sucks. I'd have probably pulled something outta my ass like how we're not supposed to actually put them *in* the customer's car, as someone did that once and the customer had a car crash and blamed the store for the item getting smashed in it "because your guy put it in the car and should have secured it better" so now management won't let you do anything but wheel the trolley out, so there you go, have a good night.


        • #5
          EW: Aren't you supposed to bring it to the front for me?
          Me: I'm afraid not, sir. This is a warehouse club. You save money by doing things yourself.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Lemme guess, they didn't tip either huh?
            When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


            • #7
              Quoth thehippie777 View Post
              Lemme guess, they didn't tip either huh?

              I actually had people offer before (to me and the cart guys) -- but not that one no. One warehouse club location had managers that "looked the other way" and said "take it, we don't pay you enough -- just don't say anything" (once a manager was given money to give to a cart person as a tip - he gave it to them). The other place... well other than there being almost no tips given, management would fire anyone they even thought had been given one.


              • #8
                Wow, that is lazy. We get people in the library who refuse to put a book back on the shelf (granted, I don't think people actually would put it in the right place most of the time) or look up a book in the catalog because, "Isn't that your (librarian) job?"
                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                I wish porn had subtitles.


                • #9
                  Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                  We get people in the library who refuse to put a book back on the shelf....
                  Your library lets them put books back? Every one I've been in had signs up saying "do NOT put back books!" because they were always filed wrong according to the employees - basically it was more work in the end.


                  • #10
                    Quoth JLRodgers View Post
                    Your library lets them put books back? Every one I've been in had signs up saying "do NOT put back books!" because they were always filed wrong according to the employees - basically it was more work in the end.
                    We had signs, saying not to put back books (a polite sign, though), but they don't want anymore signs in the library.

                    But there's nothing to keep patrons to put back stuff. I will tell a patron "oh, you don't have to put that back, just leave it on the table and someone will put it up." But some people will put the book up themselves anyway. I just have to try to find where they placed it, and put it in the right place if it's misplaced.

                    I wish they would put the magazine back though. The magazine stands are labeled so it's not hard to place them in the right place. But no. The magazine area looks like war-torn Beruit, and I do find magazines in the wrong place. And oh mercy, the newspapers The sections are all over the place, with sections mixed in with newspapers from other cities.
                    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                    I wish porn had subtitles.


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      wow that's lazy. they hired you as a personal shopper ... except they didn't pay you for it.
                      Hrm.. yeah, they should've tipped you!
                      Interesting Fodder:


                      • #12
                        Customers ARE in fact lazy. One time I had an order that consisted of 3 bags. This order belonged to a group of 5 people. Now as company policy ANY person with1 bag or more we ask them if they need help (wheter it is needed or not) Normally I have no problem with this; it gets me out of the store and I get fresh air.) But this is different. Its raining and they reply "Yes we want help out." I think they are joking but they are as serious as a heart attack. I take them out to thier car trying not to grumble. Come on now. 5 healthy people cannot even take 3 small bags out the door?
                        NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer

