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Are you stupid?

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  • Are you stupid?

    These two stories that happened to day bring nothing else to mind.

    Plastic Bags

    I was out on registers helping cashier today, when a lady suddenly asked if we charge for bags. I gave her a confused look and said that no, we didn't. She replied "oh well, I saw that guy over there had cloth ones, I wonder if there is no monitary gain, why bring them" I stared at her, completly dumbfounded for a minute and just said "well, it is better for the planet...". Her husband scoffed and said "Yeah, well we should just stop breathing too, that will help save the planet too". To which I just said "well they doo hold more groceries, and don't break as easily, if at all"..

    I mean, really? REALLY?!? REALLY!?!

    Why not?

    This guy came in today looking for a very specific vacuum. Said vacuum we do carry, and even had a floor model, but we were apparently out of stock. We spent 30 minutes calling anyone we could to check everywhere to see if we had one, all the while the guy getting more annoyed (keep in mind I had told him already that chances were if there are none on the shelves at this time of night, we don't have any, yet he demanded we look), and keep saying things like "there is this model here, which is 20$ more, I dont' want it, but I'm willing to take it for the same price..". Finally I told him flat out that we didn't have any, and this was what followed:

    ME- Me *bows*
    CSM S- My supervisor
    SM P- Overnight Support Manager.
    D- Douche

    ME- I'm sorry sir, we don't have any in stock.
    D- Okay, I'll take this one for the 69.99 price.
    ME- I can't do that sir.
    D- So you won't sell me this vacuum?
    ME- Not for the 20$ off, I'll gladly sell it to you for the marked price.
    D- I want it for the 20$ offf.
    ME- I can't do that sir.
    D- Why not?
    ME- Because this vacuum isn't 69.99, it's 89.99
    D- But you don't have it.
    ME- I apologize, but we don't garuntee stock, we can't help it if we are bought out.
    D- But you have a floor model.
    ME- Yes, because we'll be getting more in, but we don't have any right now.
    D- But that floor model tells me you have it. If you don't have it, why do you have the display?
    ME- Becuase we could be getting more in as soon as tonight, it would be ridiculous to take down the display then put it back up.
    D- I want this one for the 20$ off.
    ME- I can't do that sir.
    D- Why not?

    Are you trying to Jedi mind trick me? I mean seriously? No means no, just because we don't have the model you want, and you wanted THAT ONE doesn't mean we'll give you a better one for the same price, I can't help someone bought them all. I don't care where you drove from, it's not our fault. Deal with it.

    So linse, rather, repeat with CSM S, and I mean literally, I had to step in and repeat myself because his questions were confusing her. Finally she called SM P, who stood behind us. Suddenly the guy threw in that the reason he had to buy that vacuum and that exact model was because his neighbor "blew his brains out" and he had all these dead flies around, he wanted a cheap one because he was just throwing it away.

    We offered the cheaper dirt devil models. No go, he wanted THAT EXACT MODEL, but would take the more expensive one for the same price.

    SM P did all but laugh at him, it was a short lived victory, because he came back and said Kohl's had it for 79.99, and it was overrode by another manager.

    If he brings it back to return I will not to the return for him. Due to the circumstances underwhich he said he would need the vacuum, I refuse to touch it.
    "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."

  • #2
    If Kohl's has it for 79.99, then go to Kohl's. Did he even bring an ad to verify this?
    Expect great things, but you'll get what you get.



    • #3
      That is something that I will never understand. If the same product is cheaper someplace else. Then why not just buy it there. Even if it meant getting it a day or so later.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Quoth powerboy View Post
        That is something that I will never understand. If the same product is cheaper someplace else. Then why not just buy it there. Even if it meant getting it a day or so later.
        In a lot of cases it's because it really isn't cheaper elsewhere...


        • #5
          No, no ad. We called up another AM and she said just do it. We said the same thing, but at that point we all just wanted him out of our store.
          "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


          • #6
            Quoth Enigma View Post
            "Yeah, well we should just stop breathing too, that will help save the planet too".
            After you sir.

            If he brings it back to return I will not to the return for him. Due to the circumstances underwhich he said he would need the vacuum, I refuse to touch it.
            Oh no no no no no can't leave us hanging on this...what, in the name of Zeus's chocolate starfish, reason could he have given that would cause you to be too creeped out and/or disgusted as to refuse a return?

            I know I might need the brain bleach, but damnit I have to know.

            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              Quoth Enigma View Post
              Suddenly the guy threw in that the reason he had to buy that vacuum and that exact model was because his neighbor "blew his brains out" and he had all these dead flies around, he wanted a cheap one because he was just throwing it away.
              This would be the reason why the OP isn't gonna touch that return with a 10-ft flamethrower.

              Well, actually, a flamethrower might be appropriate.
              What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


              • #8
                I call BS on his story.

                A suicide will attract the police. They'll investigate to make sure there wasn't any criminal act involved. As part of the investigation, they'll call in crime scene cleaners who deal with the mess. These guys clean up horrific messes for a living, such as badly decayed corpses, blood splatter, and other such nastiness.

                If he was buying a vacuum cleaner to clean up a suicide on his own, he was most likely committing a crime himself, tampering with evidence and interfering with an investigation. Even if it was a genuine suicide, by mucking about with the scene he'd make it look like homicide instead!

                If I was feeling particularly vindictive that night, I would have called the police to report a potential homicide. You had a customer in a store who wanted to buy a vacuum cleaner to clean up the gore from a dead body...
                Last edited by Hyndis; 08-19-2008, 12:55 PM.


                • #9
                  Quoth Hyndis View Post
                  If I was feeling particularly vindictive that night, I would have called the police to report a potential homicide. You had a customer in a store who wanted to buy a vacuum cleaner to clean up the gore from a dead body...
                  ... Marry me?


                  • #10
                    good point. i remember watching that "up all night" show once.. that dave guy.
                    on one of the shows he spent the night hanging out with a guy who had a job cleaning up after crime scenes... hanging out looking at the photos the guy had taken on the job. he threw up at least once i think


                    • #11
                      Quoth Enigma
                      So linse, rather, repeat with CSM S, and I mean literally, I had to step in and repeat myself because his questions were confusing her. Finally she called SM P, who stood behind us. Suddenly the guy threw in that the reason he had to buy that vacuum and that exact model was because his neighbor "blew his brains out" and he had all these dead flies around, he wanted a cheap one because he was just throwing it away.
                      How the hell does he expect a cheap vacuum cleaner to clean up blood, bone chips and brain splatters?

                      Yeah, I too call BS on his story. Bet he's pleasuring himself with the damn thing. Or trying to pull a scam. Something not good.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        Quoth PepperElf View Post
                        good point. i remember watching that "up all night" show once.. that dave guy.
                        on one of the shows he spent the night hanging out with a guy who had a job cleaning up after crime scenes... hanging out looking at the photos the guy had taken on the job. he threw up at least once i think
                        Some crime scene cleanup guys were also on Mythbusters. I think it was the episode with the dead pig inside a car sealed in a cargo container all summer long.


                        • #13
                          We called bullshit on his story too, but we couldn't call him on it. He didn't say he wanted to clean up brains, he said he was cleaning up the dead flies that were attracted to the scene.

                          We didn't believe him at all, but we just have to nod and smile.
                          "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."

