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You got what you ordered, so why are you pissed?

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  • You got what you ordered, so why are you pissed?

    The party thread
    reminded me of several pizza orders we had last week.

    background. my pizza place is a national chain. they have an internet ordering website meaning you can order, pay (via CC), and have delivered an order without any human interaction until the delivery driver shows up at your door. most of the ordering process is straight forward no rocket science involved just follow the instructions (yeah right). you send it in and the website sends you an e-mail detailing your order, the $$$ total and and ETA for delivery.

    all of the following were internet orders

    first order is a personal pan meat lovers and a large pan meat lovers. order gets made and delivered. 2 seconds later angry customer calls the store screaming that the order was wrong. they wanted a MEDUIM pan meatlovers not a personal pan. NOW they want FREEEEEEEEEE food. I take the call. get the manager to print out the ticket and low and behold they got what they ordered. NO free stuff. you had better pay attention to what you are doing/ordering

    second order was a medium hand tossed half Supream and half cheese. this is close to closing time. order gets made and delivered. the driver walks in the door and the phone rings. customer is SCREAMING my pizza is wrong I wanted ALLLLLLLLLL Supream. again receipt is printed and LO AND BEHOLD the customer did indeed ORDER half cheese and half Supream. they got what they ordered. more wailling and screaming sorry you messed up again no FREEE STUFF again pay ATTENTION to what you are doing.

    last order is as carry out order. the customer puts a note on the pizza itself that states in upper case letters and with out any doubt: "CHEESE ONLY"

    now there is an option for people to order a pizza without sause (no problem not common but some do not like/allergic to/whatever to tomato sause). now this option may not be at the top/upfront on the online orderplacing screen (not really used the website that much), but to my thinking if you choose just CHEESE as a topping that is what you are going to get not cheese pepperoni, sausage, onions anchovies, etc. added to your pie no need to get REAL EXPLICIT (OK mistakes happen on rare occasions but still). pretty explicit and straightforward. order gets made with one cheese pizza no sause ONLY cheese. customer get order and then complains of ........

    NO SAUSE get pie remade with SAUSE

    the last one I can kind of get but again do not expect things on your pizza you did not order. pies do occasionally get mixed up but this is going a little too far

    I believe the first 2 were just trying to get food for free by making bogous orders. I know, I know SC do not READ instructions or can not be concerned with little things called details
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    The last one to me would still read as a cheese pizza WITH sauce, and would only register with me as being WITHOUT sauce if there had been special mention that there should not be any, since the vast majority of pizzas are always done with the sauce.

    On another sauce related topic, for those of you who live in Canada and enjoy Pizza Pizza, if you haven't already ordered a pizza with creamy garlic sauce instead of the typical tomato sauce I highly encourage you to.
    I ordered mine like that once by mistake (thinking the website meant the dipping sauce) and it turned out being the tastiest mistake ever.


    • #3
      I used to use those online ordering sites all the time.

      I only ever had one problem with em... and that's the people who work at these places don't seem to understand the concept of "well done".

      There is an option for "well done bake" on their site, and in the special order box I type "VERY WELL DONE"... what do I get?

      A pizza, with the normal soft-baked crust... what the hell!?

      Sure, five minutes in a toaster over fixes the problem... but still, I deffinately ordered it well done

      They did it EVERYTIME...
      <Insert clever signature here>


      • #4
        When my dad goes to CiCi's he has an unusual request-

        Mushroom, onion, and jalapeño pan pizza, no cheese. And burn it!
        Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


        • #5
          Quoth otakuneko View Post
          When my dad goes to CiCi's he has an unusual request-

          Mushroom, onion, and jalapeño pan pizza, no cheese. And burn it!
          Yes Exactly! The place where I go around this area is a local place that is older than I am, and has always been run by the same guy. He knows that when I order it "well done", to basically take it to about 2 steps shy of charcoal.
          <Insert clever signature here>


          • #6
            My family LOVES the online ordering thing! Of course if the people hired by the places didn't screw up the orders constantly we'd use the phone. At least with the computer, what you see is what you should get with only human error in making or ordering can happen.

            One day my dad ordered pizza and put in he wanted "black olives" he double checked and that's what he saw.... we got hot peppers instead. Since he had just had a mini-stroke, he just assumed he was wrong. He called up the place just to make sure, they said "that's what we had -- we'll remake them for you for nothing if you want" (he was really nice when he called, said it was probably his fault) - he said "no it's ok, just wanted to see if I messed up thanks!" ---- I think it shocked the person on the phone.
            Of course in my town, probably 2/3 of the town either don't know how to use computers, or get flustered -- so they might be used to writing off internet orders. But not with my family!


            • #7
              i'm glad i'm not the only one who likes my pizza well done

              nothing more disgusting than the dough still wet in the center

              sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. - Kusanagi


              • #8
                I love on-line ordering for pizza. It beats having to quiet the kids for a few minutes so the employee can hear you, or vice versa. Also, I think this is great because when you deal with people like the first two mentioned in this thread, the restaurant itself can print up a hard copy of the order, instead of a verbal order being placed. Too many times, SC's like this will say one thing, then swear they said another to get free stuff. They wrote their own epitaph when they ordered on-line anyhow.

                Mark my words, those two people will not be ordering on-line again so their scam will work next time.


                • #9
                  People wonder why I double check my order online. Yesh.


                  • #10
                    Reminds me of why we've gone for some online ordering. We're developing a section of our website to allow existing customers to place their orders just as they would, but online. It gives them pretty pictures and lists orders that they've made that way, so they can see what they ordered before.

                    One of the real reasons is so that people can no longer, if they use the system, phone up and say they ordered something else.



                    • #11
                      The medium and the supreme customers sound to me like they were trying to scam you as that trick while an old one is a common one. Then again the saying goes do not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.

                      As for the sauce-less pizza I agree that I would read the cheese only as a plain cheese pizza with sauce. If you want no sauce then order specifically as no sauce.

