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Does owning a credit card rot your brain?

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  • #31
    Quoth vloglady View Post
    What does wearing a Wells Fargo shirt have to do with the price of beans?

    Wells Fargo is a pretty big bank in the U.S., particularly in the upper Midwest, California, and Pacific Northwest.

    What the Wells Fargo shirt means that this particular customer a.) got a free shirt from the bank for opening a checking account; b.) brought a Wells Fargo shirt from a thrift shop or garage sale after the actual Wells Fargo employee decided to clear their wardrobe of crap they never wear; c.) actually works for the bank, or at least the contractor who comes in to wax the floor in the lobby twice a week after hours and found it in the trash and figured "hey, free shirt."

    Of course, the idea that this idiot's shirt makes him an expert in banking is as ridiculous as the idea that I have a Class A CDL with Hazmats, Airbrake and Tanker endorsements just because I have a big wallet with a chain.

    As far as the price of beans is concerned, I could point out one or two interesting recent trends in soybean futures on the Chicago mercantile, but at this point, I'm sure y'all would like me to shut up for a while.
    "Love keeps her in the air when she ought fall down, let's you know she's hurting 'fore she keens...makes her a home."


    • #32
      something similar happened to my mother several years back at Best Buy. On her card, she has "Please see ID" and no signature. The cashier refused to take the card because it wasnt signed. My mother told her that she has to verify the ID to make sure it isnt stolen, which is why she put it on there. Cashier still refused. My mother asked for a manager, who said for the cashier to do it, but she STILL refused, saying she didnt want to get into trouble. I finally chimed in and paid with cash.

      I never saw that cashier again...I wonder why.


      • #33
        But see, I don't agree with that. That cashier was doing what she was supposed to do, and your mom got her in trouble for it. That's just not cool at all. The manager was wrong.

        I, like many people, have my card signed, and I have SEE ID also written on it. If I'd only written SEE ID, the card isn't valid and any retailer has the right to refuse the purchase.


        • #34
          The system is flawed. An unsigned card should be perfectly acceptable with ID. There's no reason it shouldn't be. And signatures can look different depending on mood. I recently had one woman hold the pen from the top and make a small scribble for her signature. Now, I've seen signatures that should be questionable but they matched the back of the card, some people do that. But we have a lot of people who don't connect the tire chains they bought to get to the ski resorts with the name of our store so I usually have 5 or 6 requests to prove the card wasn't used fraudulently in the winter time. So I'll be damned if someone isn't going to sign their card correctly.
          I had a woman who was going to let her daughter sign her card slip for her. She didn't get it no matter how much I tried to explain it to her.

          And as for minimums, I dare Visa/MC to tell me I have to put up with the teenagers who want to buy $.50 worth of candy using their credit card while they take out their percentage.

          "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


          • #35
            Yeah, my handwriting's bad, and my signatures never look even vaguely alike...

            So I insist on giving ID.
            Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


            • #36
              while not a CC, I had a similar thing happen to me once when I worked at Moore's.

              Then, the company policy was to check the ID on every check passed; and to refuse any out of state checks. No if ands or buts about it. We couldn't take any form of check from out of state.

              I remember this lady coming in once, wanting to pay her store CC bill at the store. No biggie, we had it all the time. She wants to pay with a check and hands it to the cashier.

              I'll never forget this, but I remember there was no ID on the check so the cashier asked for it. This lady refused, saying quote "They never ask for it when I mail the check in, so you can't ask for it either." The clerk called for me (management) and I look at the check, ask for ID, and get the same thing again.

              I forget the gist of the conversation, but it ended with her snatching the check back and storming out proclaiming she'd never return again. I did get a call from corporate, who asked a battery of questions and then just said not to worry about it. If that happened again they would back us up; and were sending a letter out to her to explain the situation and inform her that her CC was canceled.

              (I'm of the impression, this hadn't been the first time she'd pulled that stunt.)
              Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

