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How many times do you have to come thru?

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  • How many times do you have to come thru?

    Ok this one happened today at lunch. I was going to strangle this lady along with half the crew.

    She comes thru the Drive thru (for those of u who don't know I work at TB)
    She orders $12.56 in food...(all special orders I might add). We have 2 windows at our store I was in the back collecting money. She pulls up and finds out she forgot her purse. No biggie it happens. So we have to throw the food out cuz it's all special and can't be used.

    10 mins later she comes back and orders again. Gets to the window again. She has her purse now but low and behold she now doesn't have her wallet.
    Ok....gettin irritated but whatever...throw the food away again and keep going.

    15 mins later....she's back. This time we stop everything and wait till she pays BEFORE we will even touch her food. She gets to the window and made some comment about we sure are makin her work for her food today!
    (!?!WTF?!?!)Oh how I wanted to slap her.

  • #2
    Quoth traylk View Post
    She gets to the window and made some comment about we sure are makin her work for her food today!
    (!?!WTF?!?!)Oh how I wanted to slap her.
    That's the same kind of SC logic (is that an oxymoron?) as:

    *SC at register digging through pockets/purse for money*

    "Oh, I do have some money! You're lucky!"



    • #3
      It's the same logic as demanding special ways of bagging stuff, querying every single price, writing a check and not having a pen, and then sighing and saying "It always takes so long when I come here."


      • #4
        Also same logic applies when requesting service.

        A common inquiry:

        SC: Do you have to ask all these questions?

        Well, yes. If you are broken down, I need to know where you are, if there are landmarks, what type of vehicle you are in, what color it is, what your membership information is, what kind of service you need...etc, etc, etc!

        If you answer the questions without complaining about each one, you will amazingly cut the call and response time down considerably.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          People like that don't deserve anything so as nice as the salmon. They need a nice, lingering trip through the chipper.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Those are the same people who wander off while I'm packing their shopping, stay away for hours then come back foaming at the mouth cuz I dared to have their transaction saved and sent to Customer's Services. "How dare you not wait for me!" Honest, I have had a customer who was away for nearly an hour say that to me on returning.
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.

