We will pwn you hardcore.
We're selling pool closing kits, and this lady came up and asked nicely (don't they always start that way?) what the difference between pool cover X and pool cover Y was. I tell her pool cover X is cheaper, but it is also not as strong, and chances are you'll be stuck replacing it next season because it ripped. Cover Y is much stronger, has a longer warranty, will last longer, and is worth the slightly higher ticket price. I also tell her both come with "custom" chemical kits, but only cover Y comes with a cover drainer ( basically, a ciphon to drain water from the cover's surface) that's also free. She's sold, gets what she needs, comes running back to have me ring her out, and UH-OH, sticker shock. She claims she's not paying that and goes to swap Cover Y with Cover X. I tell her that's fine, void out her purchase, and tell her that she can't have the drainer but she still gets the chems. She snaps "Whatever!" and leaves her stuff on my counter.
When she comes back, she's stuck in the back of a line because now we're in the middle of a rush. My co-worker and sales rep A opens up the second register and helps to lessen the line at my lane, but Cover Girl won't budge. She's now practically jumping on the back of another customer who's paying with our new credit card, which is a whole lengthy process because the terminals don't yet recognise the new cards. So she's huffing, groaning, and uttering phrases like "Move it" "Let's go" "I don't have all day" and so forth. Not once has it occurred to her that she could go around him to fetch her stuff and go to A's lane.
Dawn breaks on Marblehead and she goes to gather her things, but when she makes a move for the drainer I remind her that she now has Cover X and doesn't get the drainer for free; if she wants it she must pay for it. And the way she screamed made me think I just told her she had AIDS or something. "You said it was free!," she whines. "It was if you bought Cover Y" I remind her. More screaming of "Give me the drainer!" for another 10 minutes, her own daughter making faces at us at the same time. Meanwhile A's come over to try and help, and I'm surprised she didn't go deaf from all the screaming.
Cue the manager. He asks the problem and she repeats "Give me the drainer!" He tries to explain the same thing we've already told her and she screams "I KNOW THAT BUT GIVE IT TO ME ANYWAY!!!!eleventy!!!"
Manager caved. She leaves with her head held high, and I feel like a part of me has died. I look at my manager, and he is smiling. I go "WTF....?" and he just mutters "You'll see..."
Half an hour later Cover Girl comes back with the drainer, slams it onto my counter, waves the receipt in my face, and says "I want to return this."
I just crossed my arms and smiled. So that's what my manager meant, I thought. She's trying to see who's dumb enough to give her cash back for a free item. We have an amateur scammer here.
Manager spots her and comes to stand behind me. Cover Girl bellows "Why isn't she giving me my money?!" He simply says " Because you didn't pay for it. Can't give you something for nothing, can I?" She tries to say she did, because she bought the cover, and has started screaming threats and curses because I'm not giving her the $20 that's thing's worth.
Manager interrupts her and says "You've got two choices. Either leave now with that drain, or leave without it and no refund."
She left it behind, no refund was given, and while she stormed out hissing "You've just lost a customer" another man in line bought her drainer.
We're selling pool closing kits, and this lady came up and asked nicely (don't they always start that way?) what the difference between pool cover X and pool cover Y was. I tell her pool cover X is cheaper, but it is also not as strong, and chances are you'll be stuck replacing it next season because it ripped. Cover Y is much stronger, has a longer warranty, will last longer, and is worth the slightly higher ticket price. I also tell her both come with "custom" chemical kits, but only cover Y comes with a cover drainer ( basically, a ciphon to drain water from the cover's surface) that's also free. She's sold, gets what she needs, comes running back to have me ring her out, and UH-OH, sticker shock. She claims she's not paying that and goes to swap Cover Y with Cover X. I tell her that's fine, void out her purchase, and tell her that she can't have the drainer but she still gets the chems. She snaps "Whatever!" and leaves her stuff on my counter.
When she comes back, she's stuck in the back of a line because now we're in the middle of a rush. My co-worker and sales rep A opens up the second register and helps to lessen the line at my lane, but Cover Girl won't budge. She's now practically jumping on the back of another customer who's paying with our new credit card, which is a whole lengthy process because the terminals don't yet recognise the new cards. So she's huffing, groaning, and uttering phrases like "Move it" "Let's go" "I don't have all day" and so forth. Not once has it occurred to her that she could go around him to fetch her stuff and go to A's lane.
Dawn breaks on Marblehead and she goes to gather her things, but when she makes a move for the drainer I remind her that she now has Cover X and doesn't get the drainer for free; if she wants it she must pay for it. And the way she screamed made me think I just told her she had AIDS or something. "You said it was free!," she whines. "It was if you bought Cover Y" I remind her. More screaming of "Give me the drainer!" for another 10 minutes, her own daughter making faces at us at the same time. Meanwhile A's come over to try and help, and I'm surprised she didn't go deaf from all the screaming.
Cue the manager. He asks the problem and she repeats "Give me the drainer!" He tries to explain the same thing we've already told her and she screams "I KNOW THAT BUT GIVE IT TO ME ANYWAY!!!!eleventy!!!"
Manager caved. She leaves with her head held high, and I feel like a part of me has died. I look at my manager, and he is smiling. I go "WTF....?" and he just mutters "You'll see..."
Half an hour later Cover Girl comes back with the drainer, slams it onto my counter, waves the receipt in my face, and says "I want to return this."
I just crossed my arms and smiled. So that's what my manager meant, I thought. She's trying to see who's dumb enough to give her cash back for a free item. We have an amateur scammer here.
Manager spots her and comes to stand behind me. Cover Girl bellows "Why isn't she giving me my money?!" He simply says " Because you didn't pay for it. Can't give you something for nothing, can I?" She tries to say she did, because she bought the cover, and has started screaming threats and curses because I'm not giving her the $20 that's thing's worth.
Manager interrupts her and says "You've got two choices. Either leave now with that drain, or leave without it and no refund."
She left it behind, no refund was given, and while she stormed out hissing "You've just lost a customer" another man in line bought her drainer.
