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I Only Wanted Them On Half...

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  • I Only Wanted Them On Half...

    Which is exactly what you got, lady.

    I took your order. You had a coupon for our House Combo Pizza, you wanted to order that and add anchovies to half the pizza. I remember cringing when you said you wanted to add anchovies to half. But I thought thank god it's only on half so I didn't have to handle those slimy, salty critters any more than I had to.

    I read back your order to you and gave you the total.

    From start to finish I made your pizza. The first thing I did was score the pizza down the middle with a knife to separate the two halves. Then I put anchovies on HALF and then continued on with the rest of the toppings. I marked the halves so I'd know where to cut it when it came out of the oven.

    And then four hours after the fact you call and complain anchovies are on the WHOLE thing.

    Yeaaaah,,,,,don't think so.

    Bad customer service you say? Never doing business with us again you say?
    Good luck to us you say?

    I hate to break it to you, but despite your perceived position of power when you throw out those SC tried, true and redundant lines, I have, over the years, developed an immunity and apathy to them; especially when there is no basis or foundation for you to use such tactics in the first place other than to perhaps, SCAM from us.

    Too bad you couldn't have gotten a hold of me when I was younger, more naive and more likely to second guess myself.

    "Hmm, maybe I DID put anchovies on the whole pizza"

    Nope. Your request was not so complicated that a twenty year pizza veteran could not have handled. I've handled far more complicated in the past with no trouble.

    And if there is a legitimate complaint I am only more than happy to try and make it right!

    WHEW! Sorry that was long and ranty!
    I don't like your attitude!
    Yeah? Well you're not EATING my attitude!

  • #2
    Has anyone ever dug out the anchovies and spread them over the whole pizza and shown it, demanding a refund?


    • #3
      Is it possible that because anchovies are - oh, I don't know - STINKY SMALL SALTY SMELLY FISH - that the smell could have permeated the rest of the pizza leaving the half without taste as though it did have them simply because they smell so repulsive?

      Occasionally, and VERY occasionally - I'll have some on my pizza - but that's if I really need something disgustingly salty.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
        Is it possible that because anchovies are - oh, I don't know - STINKY SMALL SALTY SMELLY FISH - that the smell could have permeated the rest of the pizza leaving the half without taste as though it did have them simply because they smell so repulsive?
        I like anchovies. I like the salty fishy taste of them. I like the way the smell goes through all of the pizza.

        I like olives too.


        • #5
          I actually DO like anchovies, and anyone who's familiar with that particular food on pizza knows that there is no such thing as just putting them on half. As someone said, they are strong and aromatic, and the smell, and a hint of the taste, will permeate the entire pie.

          Much like bell peppers, which I do not like.


          • #6
            Haven't had anchovies in years, but there used to be a time when my husband was quite fond of them. I liked them okay, but not enough to have them all over my pizza. We'd order a pizza with half anchovies. They would ALWAYS warn me that this would cause the whole thing to taste like anchovies and recommend that they just give us some anchovies on the side (wrapped separately) that we could sprinkle on ourselves. I always had to assure them that I'd been eating anchovie fumes for years and I was okay with it.
            Women can do anything men can.
            But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


            • #7
              Damn you all, after reading this I would kill for a pizza.
              Sans anchovies, though.


              • #8
                Oh come on, Fry. The anchovy went extinct in 2074. (Impossible! There's never been such a fish... the Sardine is actually the oil it's packed in... the fish, I believe, is scrod...?)
                "That heavenly stench! *garble munch slurp garble* MORE!"
                "There aren't any more. And there never will be."
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  i like anchovies! they're great when i need a salt-fix

                  even better when i order a pizza i don't want to share with anyone else...
                  Mooch: Hey pizza! Can I have a slice?
                  Me: Sure. Do you like anchoivies?
                  Mooch: ... um never mind...
                  Me: (snickering inside)


                  • #10
                    I used to know someone who LOVED these little fish and happily would make them cruch watching the rest of us go pale from the sound.


                    • #11
                      Take digitial pictures of each order with their receipt ...
                      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

