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Maccas Rant

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  • Maccas Rant

    Hello all, i have 3 SC's for my first thread to this site. For this you just need to know that i'm a maccas employee

    First SC
    I decided to draw a diagram to help with this one. Now i had finished my shift and found out that we were shutting the store for a bit because the power had to be cut so i hung around for a while and managed to catch this. Now the electrician's van was parked in drive thru to block off cars from coming in. Every car car that came through that alley just kept going noticing they couldn't get into drive thru except 1, yes there's always one he just had to get in and get some food.

    Now I figured he may have had just enough room to get through that gap or he had to go over the curb to get into drive thru. That was just a major WTF moment for all of us when we saw it

    Second SC
    This happened yesterday during an 8.5 hr shift so plenty of time to get an sc come through. So this guy's comes to front counter and order's his meals, everything's fine except that they guy out back, let's call him A stuffs up the burgers. The burger's were 3 hamburgers just meat and sauce and A accidently put cheese on them, which i admit i've done before but have managed to catch the mistake before i've wrapped them.

    So the guy comes back in, attitude already present in his voice

    SC: "This has got cheese in it, i haven't opened the others but i'm guessing they do as well"
    I'm thinkin crap, A had to stuff up the burger's didn't he
    Me: Ok, i'll just get him to make up some new one's for you
    He then takes out of the bag an empty 6 pack nuggets box and a lge fries box and puts them on the table
    SC: I've finished these
    Now there's a bin 2 metres to the left and he can't even put them in himself, i'm not his slave. So i pick em up walk over to front counter's bin and put em in then grab the hamburgers and walk out to the back area and tell A that he stuffed up the previous order and could i get 3 hamburgers just meat and sauce. I put the hamburgers in the bin and walk out front
    Me: He's just making them up now, shouldn't be too long
    Now A's got the buns ready and is putting the sauce on them
    SC: He's putting mustard on it
    And i'm thinkin so
    SC: I just wanted meat and sauce
    And mustard's not a sauce?
    Me: Ok, i'll just go tell him
    So i walk back out to A and apologise to him saying that the guy out front just wants meat and ketchup on the hamburgers, i then let out a few choice words about the guy in a low voice so he wouldn't hear. Have to vent my anger somehow.
    So the burger's are eventually made i grab em and place them in a bag and hand to the guy
    Felt i better apologise to him or he'll probably bitch to me or about me to the manager
    Me: "Sorry about that"

    Now there was nothing wrong with him bringing them back to get the correct burgers just the fact that his attitude about the whole thing was shit, leaving his rubbish on the counter so i'd have to put it away and the fact that it was our fault he couldn't figure out that mustard is a sauce as well.

    Third SC
    This one was alrite, just a clueless customer.

    I'm in drive thru, order taking when this lady pulls up

    SC: I'd like a crunchie explosion please
    There's a sign on the window with a picture of a crunchie flavoured shake and sundae with crunchie topping with the words "Crunchie Explosion" on the top of the poster. Usually when people ask for a crunchie explosion i ask which one did they want, they look at the sign and then say either shake or sundae. But not this lady.
    Me: Yep, which one were you after?
    SC: A crunchie explosion
    Me: Which one?
    SC: The crunchie explosion
    Me: Was it the shake or sundae?
    Brief pause
    SC: The sundae

    Now i could've asked in the first place was it shake or sundae but "which one were you after" always pops out and every customer except her has always then either said shake or sundae.

    Hope you enjoy the read.

  • #2
    mmmm....this thread has made me hungry! Is it lunchtime yet?
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      AR! And don't forget Rule #1: don't eat or drink while reading the posts. Your monitor and keyboard will thank you.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Since they brought back the $1 double cheeseburgers, I've been going back more often

        Ah, but I don't need one now, hubby made a lovely wonton soup last night, with plenty o' leftovers....sigh.....I am so damn lucky.....

