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Late Night @ssholes!

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  • Late Night @ssholes!

    While working the closing shift at "blubber-burger", had a couple come in about 15 minutes before closing....upon walking in go "haha gotcha before you closed! no people in here....gee the food must suck.....asked several ID10Tic questions regarding our simple menu.....finally ordered, bitching about the price of course. Got their food out in 6 minutes....sat there till 12:20 or so....god i hate the closing shift....thank god i'm done in 2 weeks (to focus on student-teaching more)

    It's great to be back!

  • #2
    I remember getting a guy like that back in the day. I was on my way out for the evening. The manager asked me to lock the in door as I left. Just as I was getting ready to, this guy walks in & says 'Gotcha!' I took great pleasure in saying 'you don't got me, I'm leaving!' as I walked out the out door. I don't know if he heard me or not.

    If he did, I never heard a word of it.
    "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
    ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


    • #3
      Fotunately at Kinko's, we never got that because we hardly ever closed. We just had graveyard shift weirdos coming in all the time.

      When we closed for Christmas, we did have this one broad show up banging on the door as we were leaving. We'd only had a sign up for a month or so saying we would close for Christmas Day.

      "I drove all the way up here from 5 Points."she screeched. "You have to let me in!"

      It's worth noting 5 points is about 10 blocks away, if that. My husband used to live down there and walk to work every day.


      • #4
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        "I drove all the way up here from 5 Points."she screeched. "You have to let me in!"
        Actually, no, they DON'T have to let you in. And that is what these SC's fail to realize.

        On a non-SC semi-related point, oftentimes when I am doing magic for people, someone will say, "You have to teach me that!" To which I look them in the eye and say, "No. No, I don't."

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Yeah, she pretty much learned right then as we laughed, told her to have a nice holiday, and exited out the back door in front of her as she continued to bang away that she was sadly mistaken about the "have to" part.


          • #6
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            "I drove all the way up here from 5 Points."she screeched. "You have to let me in!"
            That's a classic . . . what a great way to start the Holiday (apparently not for her though)!!!
            This area is left blank for a reason.


            • #7
              The other day I was checking and had been told to close my register and move to another checkstand (to releive the express checker). I turned my light off, & finished up my last customer. I had left the checkstand, just as this lady pulls up and starts unloading. I just left her there. No light on, no checker there, No. One. Home. Idiots......

              Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.

